I miss 2007, 2008 and 2009. Those were the fucking days

I miss 2007, 2008 and 2009. Those were the fucking days.

I miss moot.

I miss rules 1 and 2.

I hate how Sup Forums culture not only leaked into the mainstream, but came to define an entire generation.

I hate how old I am and I want to die.

I wonder if kids these days feel the same amount of anger, loneliness, and hatred that drove us to make this place.

I miss being a newfag... now I'm ancientfag..

I miss being edgy and having edgy friends.


Other urls found in this thread:


another oldfag here

I miss encyclopedia dramatica articles before it got sold

Sup Forums was good and was the central hub for tom foolery on Sup Forums

fresher memes are posted on facebook and instagram and youtube now, even non normie shit that would give grandma a heart attack is shared on "mainstream" social media now.

I miss OC green text, all of it is stuff saved from years ago, people dont write stories like they used too

I miss OC YLYL threads, none of the YLYL threads are funny, its all normie shit that middle aged parents would laugh at on facebook

I miss days when moot would play PUDDI or I love little girls on repeat annoying the fuck out of everyone

I miss when summer was actually summer, now its summer all year round with the normies.

I miss when a trap thread was a treat, not every fucking thread on Sup Forums

I fucking hate celeb threads, theyre no longer taboo or secret, everyone and their grandma has celeb nudes now, its not cool anymore

I miss OG memes like dickbutt and hole guy, now dickbutt is a reddit household name :(

I miss raids when people would fuck with normie sites

I miss trolling people till they cried or rage quit, now they all join in on the trolling and laugh at themselves

I miss Moot too, even if he is a faggot

I miss when there was just a general abundance of OC every day, 50% of threads were unseen stuff nobody had seen before, and it was all cool and good, now its the same recycled shit from years ago.

Exact repost from yesterday much?

What is a moot?

then help us put a murderer in jail
discord gg/UNpgjwa

A newfag.


A boy who wanted to be a little girl


It's not just Sup Forums users,
new generations are hippy pussies in general.

I miss 2007 because I was an edgy teenager with no responsibility. All I did was be on Myspace all day and play RuneScape and pk in the wily

I am a newfag, only got here because I was depressed

don't worry user Andy is here to bring back the good ol days

Is this bait?
Every generation says the same thing: "this new generation is gay/pussy/faggots/hippies/losers"

You two are picking up the feeling of growing older. Old 4leaf was a complete fucking mess, and truth be told IT'S STILL A COMPLETE FUCKING MESS. sure it changed, but so did you/us/I. It just continues. We're so lucky it hasn't crashed and burned yet.
I remember when there was less than 80 million posts on Sup Forumsridget and the time codes on the images were in the 1.1 billions. Some things have changed but this place is still worth coming back to.


muh old Sup Forums days is a cancerous meme in itself
fuck i hope this is b8

Prove your an oldfag

I miss 2001 - 2006 when Sup Forums was still a secret elite club.

I miss when Sup Forums was hidden website hiding in the deepest layers of intertubes

I miss when people had to have actual hacker skills to be allowed to post in 4chin.

Isn't that way back when none of this existed?

Most of this post is speculation and crap.


Yeah dude lol Sup Forums back in 01 those were the days right

It did exist back then and Yes, they were the days

Yeah dude back when it was just a seed in the ground I was troll the whole time haha xx

Fucking teenagers

I have hidden all porn or pornrelated threads on Sup Forums just to see how many there are.
72 threads...

I came on here for rekt, reaction images and until last year feels. Even the feels threads are shitty reposts of the visceral sadness people used to share. Now they're just some attention whores woe is me quotes over a starry sky. People dont even respond to oc, just blow eachother over nostalgia of the great greentexts from 6 years ago. I haven't even been here before 2014 and it became a shithole real fast

It was all fun and games until the cancer became a reality, living wasn't the same but we didn't think it'd be much living to it after that.... We were wrong. It grew quickly, metastasized throughout. . But never killed it's host. Only injured it to be as weak and pathetic as the cancer itself..... Hmm. Oh well. Shits been done. I miss fucking the chick I was with back then. Great times.