Experimental Hip Hop

Listening to Big Fish Theory was one part appreciation for the beats but disappointment with a lot of the lyrics, which were at times pretty shitty. I love quite a few experimental and instrumental hip hop albums, but finding real good ones is pretty difficult. Are there any albums out there that focus on setting a tone or establishing an atmosphere?

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Deltron 3030

I thought the lyrics were fine. In the words of Vince himself "a horror movie isn't supposed to have good lighting". I don't think the lyrics were supposed to be much more complex than what we get. On topic though, I'd recommend Absence by Dälek

Are any of Del's other work any good?

Busdriver has a few.

Cold House - Hood if you want something ambient-y

Kill the Vultures - Carnelian

When he worked with Hieroglyphics

Check out Both Sides of the Brain and I Wish My Brother George Was Here.

I'm not super into hip-hop, but fuck dude this album is amazing. Super over the top thug lyrics and a great sample pallet.

One of the best hip-hop albums ever imo

I tried to listen to this the other day and the skits were next-level bad.


stop posting

don't be put off by the shitty artwork


Lupes kinda shitty sometimes, but this track rips pretty hard.


Do you like clouddead?


this is underrated, also very lyrical

fuck forgot the pic

Seconding Busdriver, dudes been on some unique shit for a long time. His most digestible album is probably Fear of a Black Tangent so i recommend that

ill also recommend Labor Days. Aes' flow is up there with DOOM imo.

Thanks for the reccs, I'll be sure to check them out. Anything loud and powerful?

The beat on this

Temporary forever by Busdriver is good too

You should check out Kill the Vultures - s/t too


less experimental, more lyrical but still hits hard


Might be up your alley



album released in 1996



Their s/t is great imo, but I know a couple of people so put off by the first song, that they won't try their other albums now.

Busdriver's been doing a sound-art/spoken-word project called Free Black Press Radio; it's all on soundcloud and extremely good. Really dense stuff, but not humorless.


Did not know that, thanks for sharing.

gonna check this out, covers with bugs bunny are really common for some reason

running out of albums




>MFW I found out KA is actually a 45 year old NY fire department captain IRL


Is eyedea's death one of the biggest musical losses of the century? He was the best freestyle rapper in the world around 2000 and created some of the deepest philosophical rap songs ever created in my opinion in each of his albums. He had so much talent and died so young, before he could even really become famous besides a few hits here and there. Since his death anniversary is only 14 days away, it's been on my mind a lot. Thoughts?

didn't know that

He was p good, and he would've been better, later (he has that young-man edginess)

Still, better him that Aesop

>a horror movie isn't supposed to have good lighting
isn't that when he's talking about shitty looking restaurants in long beach having the best food

wow that is indeed unbelievably shitty artwork lol

I meant to post that as a thread but thanks for the reply. Yeah personally I like Slug from Atmosphere more, but listening to eyedea music amazes me - his mind was insanely complex.

Damn I had no idea. Makes me love him and his music even more knowing this.

He is one of the realest out right now. Perhaps at the very top when you think about it.

I like how he managed to get a good 'Grunge-rap' sound in By The Throat. I haven't been able to get into Atmosphere.

you could listen to dean blunt's babyfather project
it kinda fucks around with noise,grime,trap, dub, drone, spoken word, new york hip hop and some experimental beats.

lyrically its minimalistic so might not be your thing


The thing about Atmosphere is Slug has been in probably 500+ songs, and each song has a unique style. No two atmosphere albums are the same. I'd recommend The Lucy Ford LP's and GodLovesUgly if you want some of the old "hip" stuff. Overcast is good if you like old school rap, and his newer albums are more relaxed but all hold important themes and they got pretty popular. Another thing, his album Headshots: Se7en is a really good "abstract" hip hop album I'd recommend if you're into that.