What do you guys think about this

what do you guys think about this

overrated hipster emo shit

this shit sounds like imagine dragons lmao

I really enjoy it.

imagine you were a dragon user lol

fake and gay

Literally my aoty. A masterpiece

cool glad some people agree

What do i think about it?

I'ma tell you what i think about it, friendo.
What i'm thinking is: How can a band whose songwriters biggest influences are The Smiths, Neutral Milk Hotel and Modest Mouse still write teenager tier music 15 years later?

Eh mu is just contrarian these days. Ive just learned to ignore the shitposters

Amazing, arguably AOTY so far.

Fantastic. Top 5 of the year so far easily.


The first 2/3rds were good, the last few songs were boring

>implying those aren't also teenager tier bands

their worst album.

and I absolutely love most of their prior work.

>Batter up
Not two of the best songs

kinda boring but is ok


Here's the thing. This album is too contextualized at this point for people to have unbiased opinions about it. Brand New is very popular on the Tumblr-tier pseudo-hipster side of the internet, and so newfag contrarians will hate on this because they're fat sister has it on vinyl. The truth is, that this is a solid album. Turbo fans are biased as well, and they overhype it as AOTY. Nothing in this thread has any value because everyone who's listened to it has already decided if they've liked it or not. Albums like these are almost not worth discussion. It's like bringing up anything by NMH or Radiohead (unless it's to shit on King of Limbs).

Personally, I liked it.

>newfag contrarians will hate on this because they're fat sister has it on vinyl.
Majority of Sup Forums likes Brand New though.

>Majority of Sup Forums likes Brand New though.
ah yes, I remember that time we all sat down and voted on what bands we liked here at Sup Forums

good times

its like a 5/10 album that follows a 8/10 album.

Only album this year so far that I can say I enjoy every single song off of.

Liked it a lot actually, had a couple duds but also some of their best songs to date. I'd rate it like 8/10, maybe 8.5.

Watching everyone jizz their pants over this on Sputnikmusic was pretty fun.

Lit Me Up, Can't Get It Out, and No Control best songs

not sure if b8 or just retarded

that chick is fucked

I hate that they used such a famous photo

Waited 8 years for it and... it was everything I hoped it would be. So goddamn good.

My AOTY behind Saturation II.

whats your favourite songs then, user

>p-people don't like what I like so they must be memeing

just throw off yourself off a cliff you fucking cunt

Also, album is teenage emo garbage

1. 137
2. In The Water
3. Same Logic

What's with the unnecessary sarcasm?

You can clearly tell if Sup Forums likes an album if you lurk a bit you fucking summerfag

Lots of people here seem to really enjoy it. I don't really see what the fuss is all about but i've never been all that big into Brand New to begin with.

literally only one good song in this album

>when i grow up i wanna be a heretic

delete no control, add same logic

t h i s

lol is this bait

I only like first half, like every other Brand New album

AOTY for me. Been on repeat for a few weeks

The song with a clear antigay agenda pissed me off. isn't the leads step son trans or some shit?

>Clear antigay agenda
Are you talking about the song Desert? That song is ironic and satirical

>Leads step son trans

I've been baited but still I feel the need to take the bait

As a late-career album from a turn of the century scene band it has no right to be as good as it is. Worth retiring on, to be sure.

Brand new's always been on the front end of this music though, they were dabbling in their atmospheric hardcore when every other emo band was still playing pop punk or twinkly midwestern shit

Can you imagine Algernon Cadwallader or Taking back sunday ever making the same progression

You're right, they have the Radiohead-type obsession with never making the same record twice, it's done them a lot of good.

Bland New can't do anything but put me to sleep

It was alright but In The Water and Desert just kill the whole album