Why is Seinfeld so good, but all other sitcoms are shit?

Why is Seinfeld so good, but all other sitcoms are shit?

>Inb4 Seinfeld wasn't good
>leave your shitty taste out of here

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Seinfeld is the Shakespeare of television. All encompassing and a nasty portrait of the American mind. No other works save Shakespeare can penetrate the human soul and psyche so acutely like Seinfeld.

This post is unironic, too. I just fucking love this show. When people disagree, I will immediately assume they are literal idiots.

I never liked it when it was on, and couldnt stand listening to my parents laughing at it. I just couldnt find what was funny about it. But in 2006 my friend was watching it on new years and i fell in love with it and bought a dvd copy of the whole show. I can watch it over and over it is great. And i have no fucking clue why i love it so much!!

lol Americans

Bcuz Larry David... And also curb your enthusiasm is great

>canned laughter

The fuck is seinfeld? Guessing its a murrican thing...

Bitch the shit ended like 20 years ago, get over it.

Curb is back, that aught to keep you going for a while. Same shit different jews.

>Ray Romano's cousin walks in
"Hey guys!"
>fake crowd goes wild
"Hurpdy durpdy doo!
>computerised laughing ensues
"Oh Seinfeld, you ......... Ass!!!!"
>false laughter reaches crescendo, Murrican audience at home are now aware that this was a joke and laugh along in case they feel left out

Why would the time something happened be related to its quality?

Are you saying that me also enjoying classical music is me "not getting over it?"

I think you might be that kind of person who isn't very smart. The dumb kind. Better get that checked out.

try all in the family and the jeffersons


Sitcom lover here; both new and old. Seinfeld dedicated a episode to your question, which really was a testament to "how the fuck did we make this a thing?"...a show about nothing. The anti-show; which basically was the standard for all modern non-traditional sitcoms. The writing is amazing. How something insignificant in the beginning is a thread throughout the story, and how characters are developed. Plus the core--Jerry, Elaine, Kramer, George. Reminds me of the bond between the It's Always Sunny cast.

Kramer walks on screen
>Wazoow Jerry how's it going?
Kramer looks at the camera
Audience is now laughing like they just saw a million Jews get burnt

You're complaining that all other sitcoms are shit. So since then, you're not able to enjoy a sitcom.

Funny that you call me dumb with your classical music example when there's contemporary pieces of classical music created to this day.

And your friend too...... I see you little guy.

Kramer was the anti Jerry. Always coming from some action. Jerry usually evens out, at least. George always loses, Eliane goes back and forth. Kramer always loses and wins but ultimately doesn't care. Great writing, again. The guy who would invest money; lose it and not care either way it the long run. Kind of like DeVito's character on Philly. I want in! But he never really pays for his screw ups....

because you were too inexperienced to have taste when you saw it and as you saw others you realized the genre is simply a vapid recontextualization of standard comedy tropes, but since you formed your opinion of Seinfeld before you knew what you were looking at you still maintain some of that initial false sense of uniqueness and humor

Your continuous comparison to Always Sunny shows how bad American "comedy" is, these are two shows that try really really really hard to have dry humour and fail because they still have to cater to slapstick American audiences rather than an intelligent viewer who can make up their own mind about when to laugh

What do you want, and why so angry? I'm down with Mr. Ed, Three's Company, and Maude. And Who's the Boss and Alf....there's room for everything, man. why be mad? Sitcoms are the set thing that have happened to TV...

Groove out, my man

>Kramer walks into room
>Doesn't say anything
>Looks at the camera
>Combs his hair back while moving his head back and forth
>Audience is losing it
Quality writing haha

lol somehow missing the point that AMERICAN sitcoms are all shit driven by canned laughter and closeups of weird expressions to make up for the lack of actual humour

Dude calm down...pull up some shit I might wanna see, then...hoist a drink and post. I love the Young Ones for a billion reasons...

Never could occur in America, but I love it

3 words : Larry FUCKING David