What are you addicted to?

What are you addicted to?

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WAS heroin.
Now methadone

the drink

adderall and booze

Worked amazingly.

My life is a complete 180

Heroin. Someone please kill me:(


Studies... Mostly physics... : )


tobacco and lorazepam

Get on methadone bro. I was on a gram to gram and half a day and I take 110mg of methadone every morning at the clinic (just got back a hour ago) and my life is fine.

Snus and masturbation.

Mix the codenine with red phosphorus for extra kick... But it will eat your flesh or to be specific it causes your all your cells to rupture at the site... Search Krokodil usage images... Best when you really want to die slowly but have fun... Have a good day


I was in the best relationship of my life, but since I was about 15 I've had this knack for getting girls online to show me their taters, so it was more of a game for me than anything sexual.

Girlfriend caught me, relationship ended. Still can't get myself to stop. Good boobs, bad boobs, doesn't matter. I find a girl with her defenses down and I just gotta go for it.

it's perfectly possible to synthesize desomorphine in a way that won't dissolve your circulatory system, it just requires more care than dumb slav junkies can muster to properly filter out impurities

Have fun getting off of that. If I could do it over I'd cold turkey dope & would have never EVER got on methadone....pink liquid handcuffs friend.


Oxycodone. Was taking perc 30's left and right since last may, quitting for my New Years resolution. On day 2, wish me luck anons, hardest thing is the opiate depression

Tried subutex?

Ultram (Tramadol) almost 5 or 6 years

Cigs. Yesterday was the first time I had to go without away from home. Went out shooting guns and boozing with a bunch of people then went way out to someone's camp. It was a good time until I smoked some grass and got really anxious and pissed off about not having smokes. It was sad to see how badly it affected me.

Just trying tramodol for the first time, had a bottle laying around
I am about 30 minutes in and nothing yet


Prophet Hainorposk

I tried tramadol too, didn't work for me so stuck on codeine

Never tried codine, only done oxy, and vicoden and crap, is codine different at all?

I mostly just dab because im in a legal state and its super cheap.

Codeine gives me a powerful euphoria feeling every time without fail. I get my prescriptions for free as I'm from the UK

Nice m8, Ive allways wondered with codine, what condition do you have or say you have that you can get it regularly? I know people who have gotten it, but its usually just like one script and thats it.

>not fbi, promise

Andy's logs.

My hip joints are fucked. But even if I feel fine I tend to just lie to get a restock.

I used to be on cocodamol which is codeine and paracetamol together, but I think the doctor knows I abuse them so he gave me pure codeine cause paracetamol will fuck you up.

fucking what nigger? what does it matter?
tons of people lie about scripts and the govt doesn't care lol.
That sucks about the hips, but at least you get drugs out of it.
I dont have anything like that, so Like I said Ill mostly just smoke weed, stuff costs way too much in the states, and I dont feel like dealing with lying to my doc.
But thanks for the good info m9

I think I'd probably kill myself if I couldn't get my drugs. Codeine/Zopiclone/amatriptaline Escaping reality is the only thing stopping me lol

lol, Nick B.... that you bud?

snus (lös), masturbation, crypto

not addicted but ketamine is the best man

Try and mix it up with some xtc/shrooms to get to some next level shit.


I have gotten to the point that a good portion of my energy is twoards making/getting more drugs.

I spend A lot of my time maintaining my weed plants, and not much else besides shitpost/ listen to music.

I realized drugs are about the only thing that bring me happyness, So I try to get as much as possible. its fairly worth it though, I legitmatly dont think I could smoke all the weed i have right now, or do half the other shit im sitting on.

But I know its fucked to need that just to be happy, oh well.

Hell.. If weed was legal here I think that would be on my list too.

I just don't fancy a stretch in jail for possession.

Life is shit my dude, real talk

I hope you guys can legalize it soon, its weird how quickly it has become normal in my state, and hopefully Europe can start doing the same.
been legal recreationaly like four years, and now its just the mainstream, its kinda cool actually

I gotta agree, there are a lot of pretty good moments, but inbetween its just mostly confusion, guessing, and pain, at least imo kek

You ever tried and psychedelics?what do you think of em?


The closest to that would be the sleeping pills I'm on. Zopiclone and amatriptaline.

Tripping on them is awesome. Major hallucinations. Visual and audible, got to be careful though as I almost got into a lot of trouble for wasting police time after visualising a burglary across the street at 3am and calling the cops.

I'm in the same boat. This ride NEVER ends, at least not well...

>Zopiclone and amatriptaline.

I had no idea you could trip on sleeping pills, nice though, sounds like its maybe similar to dxm if you done/heard of it?
> visualising a burglary across the street at 3am and calling the cops.
haha damn man, gotta be careful indeed when you are tripping, kek.

I dont know if you have access But I would very much recommend acid or mushrooms, or dmt. They are very... different. and more intense IMO than anything.

if you take the right precautions as well, your chance of having a bad trip are next to none.

Acid or mushrooms is something I've always wanted to try. Tripping on those would be fucking awesome.

I'm not an illegal drug kinda guy though so I have no connections with any dealers. Fml

on methadone but still doing heron. can't stop


man, there ain't no such thing as per 30's. you talking about roxicodone

General? I am snusing Nick & Johnny Americana

that sucks,

If you can get a PO box just use the darknet,
use deebdotweb (google it) for a guide if you are interested.

Im sure you have heard of it, Its actually really safe some one who isnt me has ordered many times with 100% sucsess. but that was before alphabay died.

I feel you though man, I hate dealting with illegal shit, But part of me just says fuck the system.

those tramodol hit me so hard, im super stoned now haha I was doubting them.

makes you a little paranoid though.

dealing with illegal shit makes your paraniod not the tramodol*

How much tramadol did you take, and is this your first time taking it?

100mg and yes it is.

Haha, enjoy the next hour or so. Having been taking codeine for so long I need to take (10-15) 30mg pills to feel the same affects as when I first started. Tolerance sucks

I got a repeat for 30/500 cocodomols (back troubles) which is nice but the paracetamol obviously limits the fun. When it tweaks itself bad i get tramadol and valium which is a combination i rather like, but only happens a couple times a year.

I want more opiates.. Benzos (constantly riding the edge of proper addiction with those) I've got a fuck-ton of from when 'research chemicals' were legal in the uk, but I want opiates. more more opiates. I do not like life, and need out, opiates are ideal.

I grew opium poppies last summer, that was pretty ok.


you lucky fucker.. i remember my first tramadols. "woah my back still hurts but fucked if i care, this is lovely".

nice digits.
hell yeah thanks m8, Im actually more fucked than I thought I would be, But I am dabbing too, so im sure that is helping.

that sucks dude, I dont usually do pills Ill do them when I get I few, but i never refill them,

Is it even possible to take a tolerance break if you get into this stuff? a big part of me doubts I could do it.

I am railed, they fucked me more than oxy by a ton.

Sim Racing. Don't fucking judge me!

I got loads of tramadols but they do nothing for me. What's that about?

all you opiatefriends should give cold-water extraction a try if you are using any opioids in combination with acetaminophen/paracetamol/APAP, depending on your intake it could save your liver


Me and you both. Wanna fap together?

ive read it doesn't work for some people.

for the past 2 months it's been chocolate.
It's fucking hard to ignore it if it's in the house.

If I take a break for about 5 days I can get away with taking only 7 to feel the same buzz. But not having an escape for 5 whole days isn't fun.

If it peaks your interest, you could try cold water extraction to separate the paracetamol from the good stuff. Plenty of neat tutorials on the Web. It's what I had to do when I was on cocodamol repeats

apparently some people just don't get much from them... I guess you're one of them, sorry.

I'd buy 'em off you if there was the remotest chance you're near, but this is the internet, meh.

Booze and cigarettes, user.

Probably would throw weed on there and get rid of the booze, can't afford to smell like it under my current living situation, though.

Don't worry bro, I'm the exact same. Tramadol doesn't do anything for me either, not even pain relief.

I guess some people are just lucky lol.

I metabolise codeine really well though for some reason. (I don't know shit about the little details of chemistry with opiates. I just take them)

>cold water extraction
Yep I've tried that with the weaker OTC ones, but didn't want to go down that road with the 30/500's as 100 per month (my prescription) is about right for a few a day and i don't want to start developing a tolerance like yours!

clonazepam and nicotine

>But not having an escape for 5 whole days isn't fun
I feel I have smoked weed every day for at least three years now, lmao.

I feel self medication can be much better than antidepressants though.

You do tend to lose a good portion of the codeine too. Depending on how well you do it. For me it wasn't worth it and I just chugged the paracetamol down with it cause fuck life

Specifically the nips of Root Beer Smirnoff. $1.06 a pop and since they're 50% abv only takes a couple to feel good.

yep that's my worry.

>fuck life
backwards high five, user.

Funny you mention antidepressants..

Fuck them! I'm on them at the moment (Venlafaxine), but it's less of an addiction and more of a dependancy as I've been taking them for a long time. I really wish I didn't start, cause the side affects are a bitch.

Alcohol. God I fucking love booze. I'm 43 days without it and I'm aiming for 6 months. At that time I'll see if I can drink again without getting shitfaced and fucking up my job, marriage, friendships and life.

jeez all you guys on the basics of codeine and trams!
Even the heroin heads on methadone.
I got off the methadone. Just had to get on 4FIBF and now MAF via IV. Shit sucks. This ride never ends

I can't stand being drunk. I don't really understand why, but I hate not being in control of myself it's the worst feeling in the world.

Good luck with the sober though, power to ya

everyone starts somewhere mate



(but me too)


Well, aren't you cool.

Remember my friend just got out of jail relating to hardcore drugs. My other friend was smoking weed, and the jail bird starting laughing at him: "you're still smoking weed! hahahaha" Most cringe thing ever.

My mistress's little tits.

Ice is my real love but currently doing alot of oxycodone. Dependant on weed. And of course cigarettes and alcohol.

I took prozac for a while, and it just made me feel.... wrong...
everything was fake.

and I started hearing about how pretty much every mass shooter has been on that shit and I was like fuck that stuff.

I (dumbly) quit cold turky, somehow I had no side effects.

If they dont work, switch, or better yet quit the dirty little fuckers. IMO

Thanks user. Drinking in moderation makes me feel in control, relaxed and well honestly ... like a normal person. Drunk I agree with you, being straight up drunk sucks and you almost always wake up with regrets. In my case, after a few drinks I start thinking that more drinking=more normal. And it never seems to work that way.

well post them eh?

Xanax, it just makes the day so dam easy... no matter the situation.

I'm similar with drink. In social situations, in moderation, it makes me fit in.

Yeah, I'll get right on that...

I believe you user.

Well more to the point, I believe IN you user.

Feeling bad and disappointing people.

What symptoms do you have to show in order to be prescribed xanax?

Or are you buying from a dealer.

Not being a fucking burn out loser.

I'm sure you've relapsed multiple times.

Coca Cola


Gardening is a healthy outlet and if weed is your poison, well, you could do a lot worse.

It's all about perspective, my dude. Maybe start putting yourself out there and find a nice grill or lad to garden with you.

My mother had bad pain, owing to cancer, when she passed away I helped myself to zapain. Very good, helps me with back pain and knee pain.

Yeah a drink or two is a great social lubricant, if you can stop there.