Wage Gap Myth

So today I learned that my sister and her boyfriend both believe the wage gap exists. I tried explaining to her the reason men make more on average then women is because men enter higher paying jobs then women, and she replied with "statics show that men make more then women in the same fields" In which i replied that some jobs may pay men more then women for the same work, but that's a small and secluded thing that isn't the norm. I mean, I make more then my female co-workers for the same job but I've also been there longer and in face, better then them.

I need some hard statistics to prove her wrong or at least make her stop bothering me about it.

Other urls found in this thread:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:fbhYgYWXeGMJ:https://www.shrm.org/Advocacy/Issues/CivilRights/Documents/Gender%20Wage%20Gap%20Final%20Report.pdf &cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

It's a pointless discussion since no amount of hard, factual evidence will change their minds.

It is against the law to pay man more money than a woman solely because he is a man. Lawyers would be all over this otherwise

Statistics also show that 4 out of 5 consumer dollars are spent by women.

That's what pisses me off.

We out earn them 4 to 3 but they outspend us 4 to 1.

How do they do that?

Bitches are stealin' our money somehow.

small and secluded thing


I don't have the stats on me (I'm sure you can dig for them), but when you stratify for every factor (including industry, hours worked, overtime worked, education, experience, and so on), women make a small amount more than men.

The wage gap myth exists because it is comparing all women (who choose more comfortable, casual jobs) to all men (who on average are more career-oriented), and even in the studies where they sort by industry, they still don't take into account hours worked or experience or any of these other factors.

One source: Department of Labor

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:fbhYgYWXeGMJ:https://www.shrm.org/Advocacy/Issues/CivilRights/Documents/Gender%20Wage%20Gap%20Final%20Report.pdf &cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

A greater percentage of women than men tend to work part-time. Part-time work tends to
pay less than full-time work.
A greater percentage of women than men tend to leave the labor force for child birth, child
care and elder care. Some of the wage gap is explained by the percentage of women who
were not in the labor force during previous years, the age of women, and the number of
children in the home.
Page 4
Women, especially working mothers, tend to value “family friendly” workplace policies
more than men. Some of the wage gap is explained by industry and occupation, particularly,
the percentage of women who work in the industry and occupation.

Check out Stefan molyneuxs video on it he lays all the facts out

if women make less than men for doing the same job, then why don't companies exclusively hire females?

Pews Research found

>Men are more likely to work overtime
>Men are more willing to work in more stressful jobs (on average they pay more)
>Men are more likely to be productive in the work environment
>Men are less likely to take leave or sick leave
>Men are more efficient with their time at work

This is why they are "paid" more. They earn that money by doing the little extras.

The statistic the cited was not conducted by a credible economic source but rather a pro-feminist source (bias research) to which also does not account that the work place environment has more men than women. Reason being is because they took "total cash earned" rather than "hours worked."

Now you can also use this information to say that women until menopause are a more cost risk than men because women are more likely to

>take sick leave
>pregnancy leave
>use time less efficiently


I would post the source data but I am not at my computer but on my phone.

Because nothing would ever get done between all the bitching and maoning, caddy remarks, gossip, periods, 2 hour lunches, internet shopping, and maternity leave.

>mfw worked retail
>mfw I did 3x as much work as any of the bitches doing freight
>mfw never called in sick
>mfw never missed a day
>mfw always ahead of schedule whenever I worked
>mfw women called in sick like once a month at least
>mfw always behind on schedule and I have to do extra freight
>mfw we had some diindu who missed 3 days of work his first month just recently
>mfw we have some dark haired white bitch that had boyfriend issues for a whole year
>mfw we had some strong independant blond bitch that was a single mother
>mfw we had 2 white bitches that were bernie-supporters and always made retarded gossip, and had horrible character.
>mfw put in my 2 week notice.

Women don't deserve same amount of money.

because the average woman is less than 78% as competent as a man so it wouldn't actually be worth it

This as well.

Women in the workplace is the worst thing that can happen to a business.

We give all people equal chances at our company, but the women invariably end up blowing their second and third and fourth and nth chances until the management gets so frustrated with them that they end up in the "sit on your butt, try to look busy, collect paycheck" bin, where they are as far as possible from any important work where they can damage the image of the company or the progress of our projects.

I love arguing with normies about the gender pay gap because by trying to argue, they've already lost. Any half-brained retard can disprove the gender pay gap myth with less than 5 minutes of googling:


P.S. And women management are the worst. They are merciless cunts who would fire an entire department if they could, whether the department was making a loss or a profit.

>I need some hard statistics to prove her wrong

It doesn't matter to her if she is wrong, she wants more money without doing something for it.

I had to look after my sisters full time after my parents divorced and my mum decided to travel the world and get fake titties on his money (He was a cunt tho). Not only did I lose out on my entire 20's in work wages I have no chance to get a relationship due to being so far behind socially and financially, fuck my shit up!

That would be a good one. "If they only make 43%, how do they spend 80% of it?"

Tell her that the wage gap is just propaganda to get voters.

Both Obama and Trudeau claim that the wage gap is real, but they haven't done a single thing to solve it, even though they've been in power for long enough.

It's easy, why do you need statistics?
Just ask her why are people even hiring males if if you pay a woman 3/4 of it?
Also her statistics are shit.
>Males are paid more than females in the same FIELD.
If a woman and a man both become a lawyer and the male wins every case while the woman loses every case then no fucking wonder he earns more.

> thinly veiled Pro-SJW thread

Fuck off cunt.

What is the top journal for economics?

There is literally nothing in the last 16 years relevant published in the top political science journal