Mr. Robot

Ok so I can't find a thread for this amazing show so I'm starting one. What did you guys think of the show and why?

Other urls found in this thread:

I and most of my friends did not find it "amazing". we thing its boring and spinning its wheels. its run out of ideas in the first season. it also has a tendency of being tryhard 2deep4u all with the little beaten girl and their mini video game

Think* It's*
Ah well I liked it, guess it's up to a person's taste.

Liked it, although Esmail spins the plot up too much. But he does a great job anyway, I actually can't distinguish what's real and what's not in this show. Actors are good, characters are memorable, it's a decent show, although themes are were exploited already. I also like camera work, one of the most original and memorable I've ever seen

first few episodes were good, then it went downhill.

1337 hax m8! Darknet!!1

The show was alright up until the penultimate episode of season 1. The 'it was you all along' cliche has been done so many times before it was such an anti-climactic ending for the season.

I started watching Season 2 but stopped after the first 20 minutes of the first episode. Shit show pandering to people who are the tfw too smart for life meme.

>The 'it was you all along' cliche has been done so many times before it was such an anti-climactic ending for the season.
I would say it worked the first time but watching it in season 2 was painful.
>pandering to people who are the tfw too smart for life meme.
yep, mostly casuals who think this is deep and big bang is funny. I have seen bible group speech reposted too many times

>bible group speech
>the show actually have some interesting hidden plot with Whiterose but normies repost 'le fuck God' generic bullshit

>tfw friend recommended me this because it was "amazing", keeps quoting the too deep for you
>tfw i watch it and it's shite
>tfw i recommend him true detective which i personally enjoyed
>tfw he doesn't like my show
am i a pleb or am i superior?

But what if Elliot is White Rose

You both are plebs
but that's okay

2 > 1

Everybody liked season 1, but it was simply a normie power fantasy and le hackerman.

Plebs didn't like season 2 because they lack the self-awareness and education to realize it was a deconstruction of season 1's power fantasy.


>but it was simply a normie power fantasy and le hackerman.
it was much more than that, if you paid attention you realized how much it was it was subverting millenial's societal beliefs.

This. I liked the political aftermath far more than the actual hack. Season 3 is going to be a combination of both and it'll be great


not an argument

This exactly. I think it's funny that there's still people who believe the show is about 'muh edgy hackers taking down the big bad capitalistic wolf' when S2 was all about showing what a fucking retarded idea that was. Even the main character wants no part in it anymore.

Will Elliot be in a coma for some of Season 3?

for all of season 3, it's time for Tyrell to shine.

It better not be all Season, we need our Rami

Fuck I hope not.
I need to see his pretty eyes wide open.

You'll see him when Tyrell is tending to him in his hospital bed

I want him under my christmas tree this year.
Or on top of my dick, goddamn

Thank you based Tyrell

The only tv show that I'm currently watching.

It's over. Season 2 was shit. See you next year.

you didn't get it

yeah no, get in line faggot

>it was shit

Plenty of Maleks to go around

>theoryfags go overboard
>get blown the fuck out
>they made an entire different show in their minds
>now because the show isn't exactly what they wanted they go out of their way to shit on it

theoryfags are the worst posters on Sup Forums

>tfw chubby face like rami's bro

how do i get rid of this shit

but the theoryfags were right

Lose weight fatass

not fat

Yeah but the prison thing was obvious
I think he was referring to the time travel shit

Sure, if it's not tight and moving your bones it's not muscle. It's fat.
That has to do with genes, and sometimes you just won't get rid of it, but losing weight will get rid of it mostly.

Lose the weight like Rami did

That's just adorable.
10/10 would cuddle

How can anyone say this show is good?

I want to know how this show goes over so many people's heads even though it's not very subtle

christ I'd love to cuddle him

The show was made for dumb people who think they're failures because they're just too intellectual to "conform". It's dreadfully emberassing.

Yeah, it clearly went over your head

>'muh cringe'
Yes. That's his character, he can be pretty cringy at times, but he was written that way. It's called characterization.
Doesn't mean that's what the show is about. If anything, it's mocking those behaviours.

Pic related

Unfortunately that's not true. The show doesn't have much merit to it in terms of writing. Its just an edgelord spouting edgy pseud stuff, there is no deeper insight or a cliche "unreliable narrator" shit going on. Its just bad

You've clearly only watched like 3 episodes then dropped it so I dunno why you're even in this thread.


come on, don't act like you don't talk to your phone dildo
>implying this is not literally you

>it's mocking those behaviours.
show me.

go back to westworld thread, there is no need to shitpost on all fronts

Read the subtext.

pass. instead I will hate the show for bringing out all the idiot fans that take it seriously and go all "fuck the system, erase my loans"

The entirety of S2.

Who gives a fuck what those retards think? They are irrelevant, you shouldn't spend a second thinking about them

oh how I wish that was true but I would have to disconnected myself from all social interactions, whoever I go there always seems to be at least one spaz like that. my nephew just got out of jail and he is one of them

Where do you live? Not American here so I don't have to run into any of that shit.