In America and Europe people are debating about Antifa

In America and Europe people are debating about Antifa.

So... I'm an anti-fascist. 23 years old and politically active for about 10 years. I've been in various Antifa groups and member of a left wing party. I'd consider myself als a radical leftist.

Ask me anything about anti-fascism and politics in general.

are you from europe?

First world cont. you should go to South America and trade places with an Entrepreneur. I’d rather have them in my country.


Do you believe in freedom of speech? Do advocate violence against people you disagree with?

What do you do for a job?


What is your race?

Yes, from germany to be more precise

Fight on, Comrades!!

Do you squat in a house with likeminded people?

Are you a tax resister?

Fascists don't deserve any form of political power.

Do you collect government assistance?

Since you were 13? No wonder you are no fun at party's.

Antifa is fascism. SAGE

how many cops have you tried to kill?

why don´t you make world better place by killing yourself?

Are you uncircumcised?

I believe in freedom of speech. But for me it ends where you hurt the freedom of someone not to be discrimiated. So being openly racist has nothing to do with freedom of speech.

Talking about violence: No, I'm against using violence in political fights. Always with words.

Antifa, even amogst left leaning people is a joke and they have a reputation to be wimps.

ITT neckbeard conservacucks who have never been outside much less run into antifa

Did you grow up poor?

If you believe you guys are on the correct side of history why do all of you pussies wear masks while you do acts of cowardice?

I study and I work as a barkeeper. I'd like to be a journalist later.

White european I guess...

How would you define a fascist?

What's it like being such a faggot?

Warum hast du noch nicht realisiert, dass stumpfe linke Phrasen und Parolen gekopplet mit ungelenktem Wutvandalismus den vernünftigen und richtigen Grundgedanken der Demonstartion gegen Rechts u.ä. die breite Masse nur kopfschüttelnd Links, Rechts, Antifa und Wutbürger in den selben Topf werfen lässt. Ihr zerstört durch eigene Dummheit euer Fundament und nötigen Rückhalt aus der Gesellschaft in jeder verdammten überdrehten Aktion.
Tl.dr: ihr Idioten seid euer größter Feind. Gezeichnet: resignierter Linker.

What current politicians do you like, ignoring positions or left or right, just based on weather you think they are honest and genuinely antiathoritarian?

and anti-fascists do?

No, I have no problem with paying taxes. I believe in solidarity. So things for the society have to be payed by all partsa of the society. I just don't have to pay now because I'm a student.

If your gonna take the trouble to be politically invovled, why not side with your own race, I personally hate authoritarianism so I can understand resistance to nazism and fascism but antifa always seems to be pro immigrant and refugee which doesn’t make sense, why not just side with your own race while also fighting authoritarianism. If you think that keeping out those outside of your race is by definition authoritarianism, consider how governments in multiracial nations have become far more intrusive as they have become more diverse.

god this thread is weak

OP, go ask on Sup Forums if you want real drama

Study what? How much do you make?

I get the usual assistance for students, which most students in germany get. For the rest I need, I work.

None, I'm not a fan of violence.


go to pol and let them ask you shit.


Asnwer this OP. Also could someone explain how the republicans (who are advocate for a smaller federal government) are fascist and authoritarian

Have you considered suicide? That's the best way to bash the fash!

So you have white guilt? Did you get to your position in life because of white supremacy? What is the racial make up of your groups?

because some poor person would have to clean up the mess when I kill myself.

Spasti. Wahrscheinlich noch aus Hamburg und als Penner and der Flora gammeln.
Aber die anderen sind natürlich Schuld, ja ja

Here in germany we have a pretty good reputation among leftists.

Zecken ins Gas.


you are going to get some violence tho. fellow european.

>Also could someone explain how the republicans (who are advocate for a smaller federal government) are fascist and authoritarian
There's no difference between financial and political power. If you have one you effectively have the other, no matter how "small" muh gubermint is.

I don't wear masks. From time to time just a scarf. The thing is that neonazis take pictures of anti-fascists to find out where we live etc. It's just safety...

Are you ok with paying tax for the drones and the bombs that kill innocents overseas. How can the fascists state end if you keep finding it. Even students pay some sort of tax.

Ich bin auch Deutscher und Nein jeder mit verstand hält euch für spastis.

National-libertarian serbfag reporting in. Listen up kraut shithead, we fucked you in the ass when you went apeshit and caused a world war twice and you can count on it again if you try pushing your commie bullshit on the rest of us.


How does it feel to fight for the wrong causes? Would you enjoy to live in a country where muslims give you commands and uneducated blacks strip you off all valuable items?

Do you know any women who have been assulted my Muslims?

Hard to say. Bernie Sanders would be my favourite in the US although he is far from perfect. In europe maybe Pablo Iglesias from the Podemos party.

You change the laws and policy, duh, by getting political victory.

What kind of communist are you? Or are you an anarchist?

>we fucked you in the ass when you went apeshit and caused a world war twice and you can count on it again if you try pushing your commie bullshit on the rest of us.
"We went apeshit on Jews while quietly collaborating with the Germans, and we got our shit pushed in as collaborators when Tito's Army established the Socialist Republic. Still, we get to LARP as anti-Nazis now everyone is too young to remember"

anything in the extreme, left, right, above,... its all a sort of mental sickness, or demons however u want to call it. If you stay open to anything and listen and think carefully u will one time grow up to be a full human beeing. and you will stop feeling like you have to fight and rage all the time.

Couldn't a kraut be polish too

Spanish and philosophy. Weird mixture I know, but I can work as a journalist with this later.


Is that like "national socialist"? Some sort of doublethink phrase to convince yourselves you're not a fascist?

He's antifa not a libertarian.
Fuck your dumb.

I have never killed anyone. I don't consider myself a murderer.
but if i HAD to kill someone... it would be someone exactly like you.

How does that make you feel?

The thing is that I don't make differences in races. And most racism in europe comes from white people against people of colour. So this is the racism I have to fight. If I lived in another part of thw world, I'd fight other racists.

Doesn't it seem a bit ironic claiming association to an organization that uses the means of that which it claims to be against?

..especially if you're German, it should tick some red flags already, to claim to fight fascism with fascist means.. that's how you get national socialism extremism.

If anything, counteracting any extremist politics should be the goal, including left-extreme politics, and the only way to do that is to be centrist, which... well... you're clearly failing at if you're in a fascist "anti"-fascist group.

Terribly misguided wouldn't you say? Or are you just open to only the ideas of the echos from the others of the group?

I myself don't align myself with any political affiliation, so I find it amusing to see the extremes blind to their own ideologies.

Holy shit that's some edge. Loosen up the fedora before you punch a baby.

I'm sure he's quaking in his boots. Faggot, you nothing. You can't even throw a punch much less defend yourself.

You're either a shitty troll (who's politically active at 13), a moron, or both. What's it like being a dumb cuck who pretends to be 'anti-fascist' but is in fact advocating fascist ideals? Oppressing the speech of others via violence is pretty much a hallmark of fascism yet that's exactly what you advocate? Radical leftists are communists and communism has murdered far more people than any other ideal in modern history. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit and wanna-be tacticool uniforms funded by Soros, a Jew who hates his own people so much he helped murder them along with ACTUAL fucking Nazis.

Every one of your modern conveniences from computers, to cars, to architecture as a whole, to medicine and antibiotics, etc. were all a product of the brilliant white mind.

The African negroid had not even invented the wheel or a calendar before white explorers came and attempted to make use of the land inhabited by savages.

Every time you bash whites using your PC or phone never forget about whose mind it took to design every single microscopic circuit inside its microprocessor and know where to place every resistor and capacitor let alone create them.

Earn your place in society.

The Republicans are not fascists for me. A lot of right wingers yes, but no fascists. Authoritarianism is already when they want to tell women what they can or can't do with their bodies.

Get the fuck outta here


that will change one you actually have a job and start paying tax

You people make weird assumptions...
.... in turn, i assume you're 12.

Not assaulted but molested, yes.

Reading all your replies, you actually seem like a decent person. I still hate antifa though

Text resistance is not an ideology It is a strategy... idiot

1) Erzähl mal von euren (mehr alltäglichen) Aktionen, so in letzter Zeit. Man hört von euch nur immer im Umfeld von G20 etc. alle paar Jahre.
2) Wie ist euer Verhältnis zu Drogen?

You will never be a journalist

>Sup Forums can't even debate shitty anarkiddies
God this place is pathetic.

Hat and sword confirmed


>This is what conservacucks believe.

Don't buy into these clowns being anti-fascists, you don't need to virtue signal to them


Well, I never have fought with nazis or cops, but if I had to... I'm trained in self-defence. Just in case. You never know when some fascist finds your house.

You mean how you fuckers scour facebook for anyone with a remotely immigrant hostile view(I.E anyone who believes immigration should be regulated) then try to set their house on fire or break into their house and beat them up?

When you boomerpost, you ride with Charlie Kirk

What about gun powder?
The algebraic number system?

Dreckige linke Zecke. Ich hab dein Kumpel im Schlafsack am Bahnhof gestern den Kopf gespaltet und seine Piercings angerissen. Ihr seid dumme Opfer.

What makes someone a fascist?


Using violence to silence views you disagree is fascism. Wouldn’t you agree? I don’t agree with Neo-Nazis, the Alt-Right or anything like that. But unfortunately, it isn’t free speech if these undisireables aren’t allowed to have their opinion. I want you to listen to Majid Nawaz, maybe then you’d change your mind and see that some on the left are regressive instead as progressives like they see themselves as.

>Things That Don't Happen for $800, Alex fuckwits are too stupid to see it is about culture and not race. Flood a 1st world society with 3rd world cultured people and things aren't gonna end well for the 1st world populace.

You fucking think some dude raised to believe something his entire life is gonna reset and start thinking like a 1st world person. You all are fucking idiots who welcome invaders into your homes and think they are friends.

The 3rd world is brown..why is that? Why are there no 1st world brown countries?

What does it make you feel to see that Europe is invaded by sandniggers ?

Supposedly being “right wing” and “authoritarian”