Hey Sup Forums what you drinking tonight? I am drinking Johnny Workers Red Labial

Hey Sup Forums what you drinking tonight? I am drinking Johnny Workers Red Labial

This is good stuff too

For the price of one bottle of that swill ypu could have gotten a handle of any bottom shelf bourbon.

>Red label.
What are you? Dirt poor? If you're going to be cheap, at least have enough self respect to drink Black Label.

What’s the difference between the labels? I’ve never had Johnny Walker even though I drink a decent amount.

No thanks. I don't want Black Labial. I will stick to red

Not OP here.

I think JW red is delicious and wholly support OPs decision to drink it.

>Red Labial

I am OP. Look at the pic again user. It's red labial from Johhnny Worker

Log thread now fags.

Not drinking, getting high as fug



Really? Read it again



when you see those bottle locks on the tip, you're bound to find knock offs, even of bud wiser. That's how coors got in the beer game in the 2000's.


Ur a real pleb mate drinking Johnny wankers eat my shit fag


No ur a fag

no but it's a hell of a story.



Black is so much better- for being a blend anyway.



Ice cold vodka straight with water...trying to lose some weight but I still like drinking

kraken black rum



nothing and ever since I quit stuff has slowly been coming together

gotta admit though, nothing beats a few gravs and some beers

i drink one of these almost every day (or the pink one) and yes i am female

Sup Forums i have become an alcohol. I dont have any reason for becoming an alcohol. I just love being drunk. wat do? Should I become an hero Sup Forums deserves?

all the alcohol

Tits or gtfo

I've drank a half gallon of Burnette's vodka, too poor to afford anything better. Gonna kill myself tomorrow Sup Forums