Tell me honestly, why did you vote for Trump?

Tell me honestly, why did you vote for Trump?

Other urls found in this thread:

Log thread now fags

Because he wasn't Hillary.And because he was the outcast, not Bernie (sorry poor fags, your boy Bernie had no shot after all). And because he doesn't give a shit about how everyone "feels" and who is "offended" by something.

the other candidate was a reptilian

This motherfucker gets it.




Isn't this question getting old, to say the least?



AndThisAlso I find it funny that there aren't
> why did you vote for Hillary threads
This thread seems to imply that there was a better candidate than trump.
>> there wasn't

1. Fuck
2. Off


a. is this because you identify with him?
b. how can a celebrity be an outcast?

Celebrity: a famous person.
synonyms: famous person, VIP, very important person, personality, newsmaker, name, big name, famous name, household name, star, superstar, movie star; More
the state of being well known.
"his prestige and celebrity grew"
synonyms: fame, prominence, renown, eminence, preeminence, stardom, popularity, distinction, note, notability, prestige, stature, repute, reputation

Outcast in the sense that he had no political experience prior and has never held office as a senator/mayor/governor/etc. Pretty sure that's what that user meant


ok. so now we vote for people who aren't qualified because they earn't qualified?






It's called google, fag. Use it, you might learn something





Please fuck off.

so vote for your fucking janitor asshole. you voted for an ignoramus who doesnt have the first clue about how to do his job, might as well vote for him too.

It doesn't really matter why they voted at this point.

Yeah, by those qualifications, Trump was more qualified than Obama.

most of the people who voted for this dipshit...are voting again.

I'm ashamed to admit that it took me entirely too long to realize that these are all shops

Remember me?



Not really much choice. Not right minded person would vote for Hillary



In once sentence.
Money doesn't see color.
It's all money and economics and shit. Bring more money into the US. More people are earning and spending. More jobs. Less poverty. Less crime. With a surplus of work, "systematic racism" can only sustain itself for so long.




would you rather have log threads?

abso fucking lutely. Log threads are so much better than these CTR spam threads or blacked threads.


I'll get right on that.


Sorry, user, but you really ought to learn about how the US government works. It's "We, the People" for a reason...

Plus, being a career politician should be a discouragement to election to that particular office; we DON'T need yet more nepotism and cronyism in our politics; those who are largely OUTSIDE the cliques of Reps/Dems are the obvious best choice for President.

The real ignorance is believing that a career politician would EVER dare to change anything for the better, at least for the general populace.


hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why I came here to ask you to take your fucking bullshit back to Sup Forums