All white people are racist

Yes, all white people are racist.
When you say 'all white people' they rush to claim that is unfair because they are 'individuals;' but this sense of individualism in and of itself is a privilege. Individualism is a facet of privilege.
Folks get MAD when you say #AllWhitePeople, because we've been trained to look at white people as 'individuals' even though they are conditioned to look at us as a group. white people are raised to believe they are unique, special snowflakes- individuals capable of achieving whatever they set their minds to- while Black / Asian people are raised to believe we are part of a monolithic group; one that at any minute can be seen as a threat so we must act accordingly so as to make everyone around us "comfortable".
We do not have the privilege of individualism. So spare me your whining about "not all white people".

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, all white people.
All white people are products of a racist, white supremacist system, and therefore are indoctrinated with racist, white supremacist teachings. Can racism be unlearned? I think, yes. *But most white people DON'T unlearn it, because they can't even admit they have a problem. *
You can't opt out of the system. You can't opt out of your privilege. You can't opt out of its benefits if you're born with white skin.
And it's funny how we understand this when we're talking about other forms of pathology. We understand that people growing up in abusive households have higher chances of being impacted by abuse. We understand that soldiers coming back from violent war zones have higher chances of being affected by post traumatic stress disorder. We understand that people in certain environments will be psychologically impacted in certain ways.
But start talking about learned racism and, all of a sudden, everything we know about the human brain goes out the window because every white person is a unique special snowflake (with the magical mutant x abilities to not be influenced by their surroundings and the constant barrage of racist, white supremacist propaganda).


Dear white people: You are not omega level mutants able to control things with your mind. You are not Jean Gray. You have been born into this racist, sexist, capitalist, white supremacist society and from birth you have been imbued with its beliefs.
(And white people love bringing up their parents and their families and how every white parent had a perfect non-racist upbringing. Yeah, okay. Even if I believed that, which I don't, you still watch TV and movies, you still read books, you still go to school, you still have to participate in society outside of the home and white supremacist ideology is EVERYWHERE.)
The most you can do is understand your privilege, use it to spread awareness, and WORK to unlearn your destructive, parasitic behavior. That's how you white ally. And if you are not working to unlearn racism don't speak to me.
Don't comment by crying white tears about 'I agree but not all white people...,' etc.
The fact that you even feel bold enough to say that to me is an example of your privilege. If you're feeling so bold go address your fellow racist whites, not me. Why are you comfortable telling me #notallwhites but you're not comfortable telling your fellow white people? Because deep down, even if it's just on a subconscious level, you have a superiority complex. You think you are better than me and you have a right to come in my space and try to 'correct' me. This is a racist micro aggression and it's a form of white supremacy.
The ONLY thing you should be saying to be is that you recognize that you were born into a racist, white supremacist system that imbued you with racist ideals from birth. That you recognize your racism, privilege, and inherent bias and are actively working to unlearn it. If you are not saying that then you are not saying anything, and you don't have permission to speak to me.

Sidenote: To all the whites who are stumbling across this post thinking isn't this racist? Answer is nope, because :
Educate yourself before commenting


No thanks. I'm not really interested in dismantling a system that has been advancing the world for generations.

There will never be a flourishing, first world multicultural utopia where everyone is genuinely equal.

Don't like whites being considered baseline? Don't live in a white country.

Not reading it, but I agree, there is no reverse racism. There's just racism.

Im definitely racist. Im glad youre fucked. Better you than.

If anyone is curious, just posting the top post on /r/asianmasculinity


Every fucking person is a racist, they learn to be racist from the day they were born, not from what they're told by their parents, but by what they see, the patterns of activity that people who look the same tend to follow.

All this tl;dr

You have to go back

Racism is a buzzword. I don't care what non-whites think.


you have to go back

Actually, all people are racist. This has been proven scientifically.

The real fact of the matter here is that white people are the least racist group of the bunch, as they are actually willing to work with the other races and give them a shot. The other races are still in-group tending barbaric and disrespectful bastards.

I think it's time white people stop acting so nice and start acting the way other races are acting towards them. No more handouts.

>TFW you arent sure if leafposter is trying to make your country look bad, trying hard to shitpost, or just unironcally this retarded

>tfw jidf are using canadian proxies

I never considered myself racist until I saw posts like this. Now, I'm proud of my racism.

>tfw jidf are using canadian proxies
>everything i dont like is jidf
i mean i can take a pic of my neighborhood just to prove how retarded you are ;)

refer to

>I will now make a thread on Sup Forums where I purposedly hold an extremely stupid position ironically and argue it >:)))
>I will bait all these people I actually agree with >:))

>I'm such a bad boy :>

Kill yourself you fucking leaf

That's fine.

All black people are niggers.

Color me fucking racist then. (Pun intended)

Natives are cunts.
Blacks are cunts.
Women are cunts.
Australians are cunts (they are alright cunts though)
Stupid hicks are cunts.
Chinese are slant eyed cunts.
Indians are shit smelling cunts.

And you too, are a fucking cunt.

I'm a cunt too though, equality for all including myself.


Listen here you Slant eyed, turban wearing, mid-day praying, shit-skinned, honkey.
You want to educate yourself, go to the Library on your free time and go to the History section and start from the earliest moments and move foward. Go to the philosophy section and start from the earliest and move forward. Go to the religeous texts and read those all, then start going through all the scientific texts (you can go to a university library for those for a broader selection)
What you don't do, is go to anything with a .com on the internet and expect an well formed education