Fantano general




who /2009fantano/ here

Fantanooooo yaaaaaaaay :D

I love Fangango. He is the best music review guy out there. Nothing beats Fantinu. Him and his pal Cal chester are great together. Fandanko really beats the rest! Go Funtumbo!


I think fantano would slit his wrists if he saw this.

Fonjumbo would like it

Lombingo would cry.

Hambanjo would never cry he's a tough guy

Sometimes he annoys me but overall I like watching his videos from time to time. He meme channel is pure garbage though.

Fantanuuuu x3

i love fantano!

how does the melon cope with not being considered a real music critic by Wikipedia?


his second meme channel just got deleted kek

he's dead

His second channel just got terminated

Hacked maybe?

was getting demonetized part of the plan?

Yeah what the fuck? Thatistheplan just got shut down, anyone know what happened?

he deleted his own channel to avoid the jewish hitpiece on his career
blamed it on demonetization to make people think it's about something else

>thatistheplan got shut down
Yes finally

this pisses me off to no end.

This is straight up harassment and bullying from "the fader" fuck those assholes.

why does he dress like a complete mong?

holy shit, is fantano gonna get the pewdiepie treatment?


good fucking night

I hope the Fader takes down all his channels. I'm glad they killed his most cancerous one first.

More old-world "journalists" trying to kill off new media before it can even get off the ground to save their career
fuck all journalists
let them hang


people can't take fucking jokes anymore hu?

white males can't make jokes anymore, especially not offensive ones. Fantano is clearly a nazi and needs to be jailed immediately

Fucking sjws and their inability to processes anything outside of victemhood.

When you become a big enough public figure people will comb through everything you say and do to try to destroy you.

afoonfoon fandingo


but fantano is a cuck

real melon fans remember when the first vid on thatistheplan was him making a response video about capitalism

*casually acts like an insane person to start a video*

Fucking lmao, this little faggot wanted to ruin banannies career so hard.

True melon niggas remember when fantano wanted to keep thatistheplan kind of secret and it had him covering a bunch of man man songs

rare fantano hair and body reveals as well.

No, jokes are racis now, haven't you heard?

No, jokes are racis now, haven't you heard?

lets hope

He generally has great taste when reviewing any genre he's a fan of, but outside of that he tends to give unwarranted shit reviews.

I sure wonder who's behind this. Hmmmm...

Did you mean hack general? I think you did

Finally a serious journalist caught on with the racist and alt-rightists videos this whiny whitey couldn't stop making.

>actually thinking fantano would kill a money making channel that was edgy and inviting criticism in the first place because of some faggot journalist
he got demonetized and it made him understandably buttmad so he killed it
not everything is a fucking conspiracy

I would say that the fader email was just what finally sent him over the edge into privatizing the videos

I can't lie, Hayley is the only one for me.

Silly Anthony, doesn't he know that humor goes against our agenda.

>*blocks your career*

i mean, he is basically a bigfoot hunter

I want the fucking melon to make a complete review on the PoR album

These "journalists" are pathetic, they have nothing else to write and will just find someone to attack and destroy their career to get good ratings, disgusting desu.

She's my wife, pal. >:|

>being this delusional

honestly i hate fantano's extreme self assuredness with every "opinion" he puts out, with just the right touch of smugness to give himself a safety net in case he's taken seriously. I've always noticed he contradicts himself and doesnt really give a shit. Glad someones dragging him

No, she's mine! >8^[E]

Worst thread of 2017.