Hey guys, my dog just died. I just want a thread that’ll cheer me up

Hey guys, my dog just died. I just want a thread that’ll cheer me up

Here is my bit to help, sorry for your loss.

take comfort in the fact that your dog is now a hearty meal for some poor chinese kid

Thanks user, I appreciate it



I haven’t seen that gif in years





Go fuck yourself, basement-dwelling edgelord wizard.

Sorry for your doggo loss, OP.



Mine died last week, user. He'd been slowing down during his last year but managed to hang just long enough for me to get back in town to see him. It's difficult losing someone/something that you've interacted with for so long and so frequently. Even a week later and it still hurts, but it does get better. Find some people to talk to about it in person (friends, family, etc.). Reflect on it, but don't dwell on it. Time spent doing other things (ideally involving movement) help a lot. One of the most therapeutic things for me was to arrange photos and put together mementos. Helped a lot with the "acceptance" part of grieving since I was (and still am) having a difficult time comprehending that this is a permanent thing. It sucks now and it probably won't completely go away, but it'll be ok.

Pic related. My friend I recently lost, too.





No one told you to give it alcohol made of onion before you tried raping his tight and quenching ass hole.

eat a doggo faggot

oh boy, summer came early

miss those timestamps starting with 12

Shut up faggot. Tell us the truth. What did you do to him?

Your dog is now a memory. Never in your life will you experience those moments again. Hes forever gone. Now kys user

Thanks for the talk user, hope you feel better soon too. It’s just surprising because she looked just fine early today, but just died...
It just shows how life can just go. She was 14 years old now so I knew it was coming, but I didn’t know it was so soon

RIP Doggo
time to let a cat find you...

We have our highs and lows OP, just gotta wait for the rebound.

Sorry to hear that user.