So i smoked meth for my first time on friday

so i smoked meth for my first time on friday
first time ever doing meth...
i tried to drink tonight with friends
all i did was feel like i wanna kill myself
ive been shitting water for 4 days
ive been puking for 4 days
the fuck man? was this just shitty meth
or is this just how this drug is?
i never want to touch it ever again
yes it was fun, but not worth the comedown

anyone with the same experience?
i literally felt like i had the flu for 4 days
and ruined my drinking for the holiday.

anyone who is a fluent user or has experience tell me whats up
i want to know so i can never endulge myself in this again
i ended up downtown in a local shootup zone
smoking it with all these drug addicts that are borderline ODing
i have my own place i just got FUCKED right up and decided to
experience a night of what its like to live like these people and
endure what the do for a whole 24 hours

is there really no one out here? damn man ...

You did meth you fucking idiot, that's why you're having a bad reaction. That's like huffing a can of lysol and going "is it weird that my lungs hurt?"

No one is replying because this looks like bait it's so stupid

You are a meth addict now. The fucked up feeling won’t go away till you do it again.

> I thought „meth not only once“ was just a saying and am now wondering why it’s shit even though I only did it once

>i literally felt like i had the flu for 4 days

maybe you had the flu for 4 days?

Don't listen to these fags

>anyone who is a fluent user or has experience tell me whats up
>i want to know so i can never endulge myself in this again
>i ended up downtown in a local shootup zone
>smoking it with all these drug addicts that are borderline ODing
>i have my own place i just got FUCKED right up and decided to
>experience a night of what its like to live like these people and
>endure what the do for a whole 24 hours


Yeah it was probably shitty meth, the hangover usually lasts up to 4 days that is normal. That happened to me when i bought some off some homeless people. Get better meth next time.

a better question is: why the fuck would you do meth? meth and heroin are for the lowest of the low. faggot.

Youll feel better tomorrow trust. Make sure you are careful with it. There are casual meth users believe it or not some with really good jobs. it was just bad meth

Ive done meth around 13 times and never got addicted because the comedowns made me feel really stuck if that makes sense. look on erowid for tips on getting high quality stuff. people here might be ignorant to its effects


Lungs cant hurt, you dont have pain receptors in lungs you idiot

You might have just had the flu for 4 days or maybe meth is not for you

honestly op, this guys advice is closest to what I would say is the truth. you probably got sold some real trash that was cut with other drugs. Meth almost always, for everyone, makes you feel extremely euphoric. all your senses feel heightened, your brain gets filled with happy chemicals... if you didn't experience that at all, then you weren't doing meth. The puking and feeling like shit, yeah, that believable for a comedown, but that sort of intensity is rare or even unheard of. normally you just get super depressed and feel burned out on the comedown. not actually sick. you got ripped off. never buy drugs from that person ever again.

Medfag here. Good to hear you are making great life choices. If all you get from meth is diarrhoea consider yourself lucky. Your teeth will rot, you are going to turn psychotic, you are gonna look uglier than you already are and you are going to die miserable.
I haven't read most of it and I refuse to help out junkies
I just wish you motherfuckers would buy a gun, load it, cock and pull the trigger inside your mouths instead of ever setting foot in a hospital for bullshit you have brought upon yourselves.

If I could call security on every junkie and let them die I would. And fuck the hippocratic oath. You are not humans in my eyes.

Wow youre edgy

Meth being bad is a lie and a meme you shitty nerds


damn, my nigga

Chill out Sasuke

Shits are normal but eat before you do it because if you eat while you're on it, you'll feel like ass. Drink water or gatorade too.

He probably just did too much for a first timer and ate because he needed something to do with his mouth, my teeth tingle when I used to do it so I'd chew gum.

i've done it tons of times and never had any effects like that

you must have got some bad dope, OP

>so i smoked meth for my first time on friday
If you want to die, why don't you just speed up the process and kill yourself? It's better for your family, friends and for tax payers.

yeah meth fucks your shit up.

never had flu symptoms as a result and if anything drinking is the only way ive found to properly deal with the come down.

but yea - you should probably not smoke meth.

just a thought.

Fucking degenerate.

i did meth when i was 13 didnt know what it was at first, ended up snorting it with my homies never was high for more than a week but yeah

its a shitty comedown

maybe you did too much but the best feeling ever is when your shit faced drunk and you snort or smoke meth and it wakes you back up

havent done that in like 5 years

Shit meth
unless you feel your eyes exploading shit aint good

Don't drink and fry. You won't have a come down.
>never smoked meth
>drink 20 beers
>smoke meth
>drink 40 more beers cos you can't feel them
>force yourself to sleep
>wake up wondering why you feel like you drank 60+ beers last night

Gets em every time

If anyone should actually kill themselves, it should be you, you sadistic pile of literal shit. KYS.

I didn't study most of my life and gave up on everything remotely normal to be saving the lives of people who are an absolute waste of space. I'm not sadistic, just don't see why help social dead weight.

After reading his post, do you think he'd give a shit about the opinion of a junkie?

You are so right i think it hurts buddy. Oh yea sure drug dealers are bad, the fucking doctor has some of the hardest drugs around.

>Xanex, pharmacy
>Opiates, Pharmacy
>Valium, pharmacy
>Anti-depressants Pharmacy
>Meth is even made from pills sold in fucking pharmacy and most stores.
>Ever take 12 cold medicine pills? Yea Dont.

What these twats said, some stepped on dope.

I don't use it often but doing it on the weekends here and there is chill. I like buying just a tenner of dope and buy a few grams of coke. Snort caterpillars of the coke with just a sprinkle of dope for a longer high. Maybe smoke a bowl with a friend before hitting the bars. Chill stuff if you control yourself.

You talk stupid.

In which way?

I'm from central cali. Might be why?

Those marks

are you german?

Dextradine is literally legal meth

explains why every single person ive know that did meth was dysfunctional, usually criminals, sometimes mentally ill. Not to mention half of all bums you see do it.

yeah because drunk addict homeless fuckers are not a problem to society. they suck because they are degenerate losers, not because doing meth.

Sounds like you just answered yourself

crust punk detected

You're suffering more than they are.

my point is that you dont see officials and doctors doing it
if anything they do coke. meth is cheap gross shit might as well snort some comet and squirt rubbing alcohol up ur ass

lmfao, you studied to patch people up. The people that need patching up tend to be idiots. Rethink you're own life choices.

It's like cops that hate dealing with idiots, who did you think you were going to deal with?

Public servant, not public equal.

Smoked for 5 years. Needing a poop straight after you start smoking is normal, shitting water is not. Could be the stuff, could be your body, could be a combination.
Come downs are harsh, drinking helps. Should have pushed through it and gotten drunk.

Meths pretty shit, expensive as hell, you don't really buzz from it after a while you just feel normal and you end up surrounded by shit people.

Its your life but maybe make that the last time bro.

Why live in CA if its not near LA, SD, or SF? central CA is hella lame.

I've never used any drugs outside of weed and prescribed Adderall, which I never abused.

We all like to complain about our job here and there.

Haha close, I gave up my vest and all that not too long ago. Still go to shows and hang with the punks though. Bootlickers from Canada on the 1st homeboiii.

LA is less than 2hrs away, SF is 4, the coast is less than 2, desert about an hour. Cheap, nice housing. Not overpopulated like those shitholes sf or la. I actually hate the big cities.

Expensive as hell? Where you at? It's dirt fucking cheap where i'm at. So is coke. Drugs are flowin good man.

So would you say the same about people who got injured while doing Sport? Who used a car and had an accident? Who eat to much junkfood?
All of them brought this Shit to themself and it is your job to help everyone, no matter, if you like it or not.

Why did you choose this job, If you hate to help idiots?

Australia, $300-$400 a gram. Where/how much where you are?


Isn't everything expensive as fuck there?

I'd an hero.

California. Fucking christ bro. Typical grams of some bomb coke varies from 60-100$ a g. I can get some pretty fire for 40 too if quantity comes to play. Dope, never bought more than ten bucks worth so not sure. I know a dude that sells balls of dope for $4O. Never tried his though. He's too white trash so im sure his is just as bad haha. Any valley town near LA is full of good cheap drugs though.

haha wow they let people like this practice medicine

>you don't see doctors doing it

because they own houses will silver drug platters you mong

comparing anti-depressants to meth...

The comedown alone should deter you from touching it ever again. But you probably will. Enjoy your tap anus and feeling filthy.

Look up SNRI before you run your mouth you spastic fuck.

Lol you're on par with a dirty cop.

Oh look the degenerate thread.

I feel you, man.

Actual medfag here. Don't blame them. Blame the fucking system.


straight up. you will now have brain damage that takes at least 3 months to fix. and at most 2 years

Medfag here
That's just what happens the first time you do meth just give it another go and your equilibrium will inhance the outwaves of the mehtadonius.
>trust me
>I be a doctorrrrr

hey faggot methadone aint a joke

Why bring it up then

>was this just shitty meth
>or is this just how this drug is?
YOu wanna know how to use meth proper like?
You did too much and didnt come down slowly.
Its normal meth.

cause your a faggot

go on correct me you little cry baby collar wearing fuck

drugs are bad mmmkay

>Your teeth will rot,
You faggots gave me adderrall but thats not bad?
LOLing at this loser.
Meth wont kill you or rot your teeth.
Buy some good good crush it and do little tiny baby doses every hour and half.
Smoke some opiates or weed to help the come down.

>instead of ever setting foot in a hospital for bullshit you have brought upon yourselves.
So then why do you force people who OD to be on lock down?
Why do you doc faggots kill millions in malpractice and hand out percs and oxys like candies?
Fuck you you started all of this.

Literally is the samne synapses firing off in your brain.


Haha quality post

>meth is cheap gross shit
Gram of meth is over 100 for stomped on shit OP had.
Gram of good good is 300.
Cocaine even the pure fish scale is 160 a gram
What a kid you are.

Meth lasts for fucking weeks cocaine lasts for 45 minutes.
Nice wanna be druggie thread.
Meth lasts for weeks you get high for an hour at most.

>Be me of course.
>get some fire ass tina for smoking in my meth pipe.
>be up for 2 and a half weeks.
>spider flys are crawling over me and I can see shadow heads pop in and out.
>hear me name constantly as whispers.
>End up blowing out my heart at 19.
>and thats why I miss and never do hard drugs.
This pic is what GOOD GOOD looks like
Find some bikie that goes to sturgis biker rally and get high for a few weeks off a tenth of a gram a day.

>not getting your drugs online

4 days! Fuck that.
