ITT: Post you're IQ

ITT: Post you're IQ

> 142 here

IQ: at least 140
Evidence: I watch rick and morty

We used to call people with an IQ below 85 retarded, but the PC police intervened because that meant 50% of blacks are retarded.

anyway i'm 141 on WAIS

>you're iq

I feel mediocre.
One of my favorite passages from a book by Isaac Asiimov:
"All my life I’ve been registering IQ scores like that [160], so that I have the complacent feeling that I’m highly intelligent…

Actually, though, don’t such scores simply mean that I am very good at answering the type of academic questions that are considered worthy of answers by people who make up the intelligence tests – people with intellectual bents similar to mine?"

coul you guys link a solid iq test? easy task for a 140 iq genius



any solid IQ test has to been administered in person by a professional

Got you.
iqtest . dk

I know a guy who just practiced IQ tests and got over 180.

You know what he meant by "solid IQ test"
Some are provided by organizations as a way of actually being sure if you're up for a REAL iq test.

Because that's exactly what they measure, your ability to solve IQ tests.
Ideally, you'd want to acquire skills by LEARNING SHIT and then apply said logical skills to solving the IQ test.

misspells your and claims 142 IQ.
you can't make this shit up.

i took 'solid' to mean 'accurate', and none of the online tests are accurate


yeah those of us with non-retarded IQs recognized and ignored the bait, so either claim you're baiting too or go away

>taking IQ tests seriously ...

IQ means nothing, the Questions asked are retardedly easy, i scored 114 Points about 75% in the test and stopped.
Everyone can learn for thoses test, or at least has done one in some form at some time, so its easy to recall those questions or the way they need to be solved.

True that.
I took "solid" as "not done by a 5 year old"

>Post you're IQ
96 percentile (128)

That's the whole point. It means nothing by itself. You can score super high by doing IQ tests constantly, but they're not meant for that.

129, tested buy a neuroscientist in hospital.

137, tested by my psychiatrist during my aspie diagnosis.

You a Mensan? I had a 136 on SB-IV as a kid in the 80's. It's a blessing and a curse. I learn and succeed easy but I have a hard time connecting with people, they assume I am being condescending when I just assume people know shit. Also I have a mean lazy streak and have trouble with authority. INTP, FTW if I could be bothered

IQ correlates with every measure of success we have. GPA, SAT, income, job performance, likelihood of being arrested, less premature death, and more

Anyone who visits Sup Forums even occasionally would be lucky to see triple digits on their score. Don't fucking lie. What are you trying to prove to a bunch of strangers. Oh yeah, you're in a thread about IQ scores, that should tell me everything I need to know.

197, tested by Washington Street Bar and Neuroscience Center.

data based on surveys, taken from the 80's

>implying niggers have gotten any smarter in 30 years


never bothered to join. but yeah high IQ and social problems go hand in hand.. by definition, the average IQ is 100.. and someone with an IQ of 100 is pretty damn stupid; now consider that fully half the population is below that. when stupidity pisses you off, it makes natural social deficiencies 10x worse

in itself yes, but look at

Pretty much hits the nail on the head. Everyone who has been in school, has had very very likely be in contact with those kinda questions, so the scores are distortet from the very beginning.

>Labelling yourself by inaccurate MBTI test
Also INTP here

Couldn't have said it better myself. I have addiction problems too. Can't complain though, I like my life. Just wish I wasn't lazy


Meh. The shoe fits. I'm a bookish, antisocial logical scientist type. There is more nuance for most people but it's pretty spot on for me.

there's the more recent Roth et al. (2001) which found the same score difference. you think they didn't get smarter between 1980 and 2001, but did between 2001 and 2017?

You are supposed to take the correct test for your age once. Studying kinda defeats the purpose. People can train memory for competitions, this doesn't mean they don't forget where the car keys are from time to time.

And im not even close to my section leaders

i have never taken an iq test since i have never had to see someone about my mental health. if you know your iq it's probably because youre autistic.

why would anyone be in a situation where they need to see a professional about their iq? i think I know why...

have you ever taken a serious IQ test? while obviously it correlates strongly with school performance, schools ask knowledge-based questions, and IQ tests do not. you can get better with tons of practice, but the number of people who do that isn't nearly enough to render the whole thing invalid

Tested by MENSA
Yes, I'm in.

But they dont, thats the point. Schools literally flood you with this shit, because teachers think they are beeing specially creative stealing from theses tests.

taking them repeatedly removes the objectivity of the test, rendering your score useless.

How could I think they'd gotten "smarter between 1980 and 2001" when I wasn't aware of the 2001 study?

You have to take IQ test in my country before HS. You can also willing to skip classes, which require psychometric tests. Abstract thinking isn't your best side, so maybe don't bother taking one.

My IQ used to measure about 144 when I was younger, but a recent test was only 135. One of the problems of getting older, unfortunately.

anyone who takes an IQ test..... not really that smart LOL

what country? that sounds backwards and retarded.

>implying that iq means anything

Those tests are bullshit lol, doesn't mean your a genius

most common situation is for special education consideration, both for the slow programs and accelerated programs. as adults, theres quite a few situations... the military does it, police hiring does it sometimes, lots of people take them while participating in studies (where i did my adult one, had done WISC for gifted in 5th grade and scored 3 points lower), to join a high-iq group, and plenty more.

yea I know the police do it. they often have a range you must fall within, too low or too high and youre disqualified.

My IQ is 167. I'm more intelligent than 99.99% of you plebs.

well you implied that you thought they could have gotten smarter since the 80s, which is equally stupid

not that guy, but why is that stupid if intelligence is a product of both nature and nurture? hasnt the experience of black people in america gotten significantly better since the 80s?

not in a way you'd expect to influence IQ moreso than other races (all races do drift upwards-- flynn effect, but at the same rate). you'd need cultural changes to seriously impact the nurture factors of IQ, not just being propped up by white people. they'd have to do it themselves; stability, prenatal and early childhood nutrition, cultural aversion to intelligence.. gains in education don't help because IQ doesn't measure learning.

I will happily tell you that my IQ is 156, when I was a kid my family were all members of MENSA and my IQ was much higher.
I am quite happy to tell you that IQ doesn't really measure intelligence at all, merely the ability to solve puzzles, puzzles which can be mastered with practice, your IQ and everyone else's doesn't matter and doesn't make you any different from those "plebs", the fact that I know this and that you do not makes me think that your IQ perhaps is not as high as you claim or that you are merely a pleb that I can look down on, but that isn't true either.

Troll? You're definitely not above average

>Driving home from work
>Giving some colleagues a lift as they live close by
>Decide to put some music on to pass the time
>Feeling lazy so play the playlist “Spotify - your top 100 songs of 2017”
>Shuffle as lazy
>Third song that plays is “The Computer Song” from DHMIS
>Instinctively start voicing the words.
>MFW co-workers ask wtf this song is
>MFW this song was actually #47 on my top 100 played songs of 2017

what evidence do you have that any significant percentage of test takers seriously practice to increase their scores?
what evidence do you have that this practice is more common or more effective for people who would innately score higher?

you'd have to provide evidence for both those points to challenge IQs meaning in general, and it would have to overcome the strong correlations to all the things predicted by IQ

what you're talking about is only valid in the rare case of a direct comparison of an individual who practiced enough to alter his score to one who did not. any evidence that's common?

it's better than accidentaly playing the audio from the porn video you watched on your phone when you woke up in the morning.

And you are implying that the Flynn effect is race-selective.

this. if you want to nock iq tests as a poor indicator of intelligence, go with the fact they dont really test for creativity or social skills.

i'm implying the opposite. to close the IQ gap, blacks would have to outpace the flynn effect gain of whites, and they haven't.

Had a 147 iq when i was diagnosed 12 years ago, never grasped the impact it has on my life. I feel more reserved, not more intelligent though, than most people.

>The FBI have me on a list

having superior intelligence isnt really a gift but okay

I dunno man, 142 might know to use the right your.

>implying that your better than us only because you’re IQ is higher

LOL yooooooo shut up

129 here. Slav masterrace.

he's just being ironic man, gawd you brainlets never understand what us smart people are trying to say -.-


Growing up I was tested multiple times (mother was obsessed with having at least one 'gifted' kid and wasted a lot of time and money putting me in front of professionals and doctors in order to prove it), consistently got in the 150s, averaged to 156. 98th percentile when MCAS was sent through pre-instatement, good grades across the board until I stopped trying to finish my work, gamed the system to get by on middling grades by figuring out the minimum amount of things I had to do in order to get a C average through highschool.

Never went to college, lost interest in pretty much anything, found it was a lot easier to make friends if you fake being dumber than you are and don't talk about it when you leak out moments of being "yourself" whatever that fucking concept means these days. My life's what most would consider in the gutter but I'm basically just minimizing how much and how hard I need to work in order to provide what I want for myself, stripping away luxuries that aren't worth anything to me and maxing out how much time I have for vidya, socialization and my hobbies/interests while sitting on most of my income and letting it grow a little on its own for when I'm too old, too sick, or too fucked to work anymore.

Don't rely on IQ. It's a representation of how well you take standardized tests, nothing else.


MENSA encourage members to repeatedly take tests and practice, I was tested about three times a year and was sent practice materials 5-6 times a year.
Wow, you guys have never been members have you, all through the first 4-5 years that I was a member the testers would encourage me to take the practice materials seriously so as to boost my scores!

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence would know that a test that merely and singularly tests puzzles is only going to measure the ability solve puzzles, I don't have to explain this to intelligent people, do I?

As for providing evidence for these two points, are you serious?
You know, there used to be intelligent, professional users of this forum that would be able to figure this out, I think I'm going to fire my Tor browser up and go visit with them, you guys are like Benzene to me... you give me cancer.

They only test puzzles and some literacy, they only score you on that, these tests mean nothing.

I know you are but what am I?

smarter != smarter in contrast to whites

ima take on right now and update you

This is basically me.
Difference is that my mother wasnt obsessed, but I just got too high grades on my own. I couldn't bear the high expectations i was creating for everyone, so same as you, worked the least to get 5s ( in my country we dont get letters, just a grade from 0 to 10) im in college, and still study hours before the exam cuz good short term memory ( who needs more), passing vast mayority of tests. I just want a chill life

If you are a troll - well done.
If not, why do you feel the need to lie anonymously to strangers on the internet? You can't even differentiate between your and you're....

i think it's around 95 or something

well, they do tend to predict future success. that's not to say someone with an iq of 150 wont fall into an alcoholic depression because all they can do is solve logical tests while having no friends or family they created on their own, or other skills, or that someone with an iq of 80 wont start their own 100 million dollar business or contribute something significant to society.

tfw not using para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde instead.

Are there any free IQ tests? Poor fag here.

73's y'all

find a psychology study at a local university. they may even pay you like $50 or give you free food for participating.

I have an IQ of six million.


I scored 156 and was in MENSA for years, I'm now a professor of Astronomy and planetary science at Wolfson college in Cambridge.
I make £112k per year and drive a car gifted to me by the college.
My house is worth £1.2m and it is all bought and paid for, my wife is a professor too and makes about the same, her family are from old money and her cousin has a title.
I would have none of this if it wasn't for my pursuit of excellence in myself all through school, college and university.
I met my wife there, studied under my mentor who gave me my present job and I have been published 3 times and have written two books.

I owe everything to the belief that having a high IQ was an indicator of intelligence (it probably isn't that much I realise in retrospect), the confidence this instilled in me got me where I am.

Buck up chap, you can still make something of yourself. you and I probably know that almost all of the time we are the smartest people in the room, no matter what our IQ says.

120 according to most websites, but i havent done any official test so i dont know.

You can't even reply to an user properly you fucking mongoloid.

every website is going to give you a score over 100 so you feel smart and take another test.

your wife is fucking jamaal, cuck

It's got a six in it, but it's not six million.

id imagine so, im probably in the average range.

Trump is a perfect example of the low IQ, "successful" businessman.

Pic related.

241 IQs reporting in

Ah! This is obviously your fetish billy-bob.

You tell yourself anything you like, it doesn't make it true and it doesn't mean that you get to feel better about your pathetic little life.
I pity men like you, you ball up your resentment and hate and blame others and pull them down to your level instead of expending that energy to lift yourself up.

Truly a pathetic little man.