Angry Atheists claim to respect evidence...

Angry Atheists claim to respect evidence, but when presented with evidence for the existence of God they simply reject it by calling it "non-evidence".

Why are Atheists so hypocritical about their own belief systems?

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Why has this been posted for like 4 years


>i believe in him so it's true

Because you have no evidence. Your story book is not evidence.

why are atheists always so angry?

god is good man, don't mind those atheistis

I love Sup Forums.

pls I love to see that evidence to deepen my beliefs

Atheists believe in themselves, no need for a stupid fucking god.

the fine tuning of the universe.

leave forever. we don't need you.

Neverending Story princess is now a hot milf.

believe it or not this is real

i love you Natalie Portman

>why are atheists so angry

Why are YOU so angry


uh, you must be retarded

>the fine tuning of the universe
Kek, guise those balls of gas releasing light because Gravity is fighting nuclear fusion, dats god

the fine tuning of life to exist. a planet perfectly placed to allow life. and the laws of nature that allow the universe to exist. all proof of a designer.

please provide a solid evidence for the existence of god

and i don’t want hear about a ridiculously old novel called the ‘bible’, nor any further statements with no evidence (such as ‘the beautiful nature’)

You post the same shit all the time, give it a fuckin rest.

statistical random chance

Pro tip: you, everyone you know and earth are insignificant to the universe

you want proof of a god but you also want god to be a certain thing or you don't like it.

the biggest problem atheists have is that they expect god to be nice and/or care about us. they're using bullshit from religions to expect that.

i saw the future once. i know we live in a recording. that means, of course, that there is intelligence outside of the recording. god might be dead, but in its world, there are--most likely--still living creatures. most likely though, god IS alive, monitoring the construct/recording but even if it DOES care about us, it doesn't care because the recording can't change. we are only here to experience it.

that's the problem with atheists. the one true proud atheist i know--this asshole actually talked shit to a christian sharing christian shit in public and told him he's an atheist--has had a FUCKED up, BIZARRE life. he has flipped multiple cars, developed diabetes, went from circle k clerk to 100k salary top of his department with no education, flipped another car and spent a month in traction, etc. he's had what seems to be the most fucked up, nonsensical ride with no obvious god that loves him but... in my view, he's had a very special, carefully plotted ride. oh well.

at least i know the truth.

the meaning of life is the experience, we have no free will, and the future is predestined. there is a god but not like any religion knows.

You are about as coherent as Donald Trump's twitter account. Holy fuck.

But which God is real? Zeus?

...wait you know the future?

please don’t spoil the next season got

Certain people are just absolutely ridiculous haha

i find it very curious how everyone is born in to the one true and right religion and all others are wrong, americans are all about christianity and muslims belive what ever the fuck it is they belive in and claim to be the right religion. do you really think that if god exsist the proof is in a book that is over 1700 years old? and what about all the religions with multiple gods instead of one ``all powerfull`` diety