Be me 20 in relationship for 2 years with qt i met backin HS

>be me 20 in relationship for 2 years with qt i met backin HS
>we know go to college 1.5 hrs away
>gf is wealthy, loves me, but has severe anxiety
>also is not very good at cooking, cleaning, etc
>still love her, but after 2 years the pussy is getting all too familiar
>I get new job and meet two coworkers
>julia 16, white, thiccc, legal in my state
>julie 25, white druggy chick, cockthirsty
>MFW they both are confirmed DTF
>MFW they both wanna be fuck buddies
>MFW long distance relationship
>MFW I could pull this off

wat do Sup Forums wat do?

The guilt you'll feel is overwhelming.

Trust me, it's not worth it

Nothing can't be fixed with jerking off and taking a nap

Not married?
No kids?

What the fuck are you doing on here? Go bury your balls in some pussy.

bump with ass

break it off with your gf and fuck the other two. why be a douche when it doesnt give you anything. if you're trying to acquire her wealth then don't fuck anybody else.

Easy. Do you actually love her?

>fuck the hoes, sounds like you can get away with it

>don’t fuck them, as tempting as it may be you know your conscious would eat you up leading the relationship to fail anyway

You've found your white buffalo
You have a woman that genuinely cares about you.
Why throw that away for some trash whore?


Yea it was a highschool fling turned long term relationship, any tips on making sure this works out.

The fuck... 1.5 hours away isn't long distance at all. That's some man child bullshit if you think that's long distance

Why do faggots ask for a solution, then just ignore the better advice to ruin their lives?


What is the guilt like, I've gotten nudes from girls probably about 8 months ago and I didn't feel real guilt tbh. I think I'm a lil sociopathic, but aren't we all?

>asking faggots on a chinese image board how to manage three chicks, when these virgins can't even manage to get one
for fucks sake op what are you doing?

No you douche.
Think about it for more than two seconds.

That girl cares about you and you're so caught up in your own asshole that you can't see the clearly better option.
Talk with your girlfriend, it only seems bad because you're too blind to see that.

because both you and me know our dicks yell louder than our conscience ever could

yea i mean i am not a good person. I know that. I've been cheated on twice I know what it feels like. I've never cheated before, and I used to give others the same advice you're giving me. But you either die the hero, or live long enough to become the guy who wants to fuck other bitches.

>Trip dubs of truth

You know what op, go for it.
Obviously you, the sage master ignoring advise know better than us

You're either b8ing now or you really are that fucking dumb.
Live your life op, but don't say we didn't warn you.

to clarify I think I love her, but i'm 20 and I don't truly know what love is. Spending time with her is different than spending time with any other person in my life. Its more frustrating, but the most worth it. Still, this is the last time I will ever be able to fuck a 16 year old without going to the slammer and getting tyrone's banana hammer. It's weighing heavy on my psyche.

no b8 m8, I'm laying out the facts, and you dirty bastards have never failed me yet. If your answer is don't, please convince me not to. I'm just a regular fucked up guy in over his head.

>A 16 year old thot is worth more than a woman that you've connected with

what's that saying. Two years for 3 strokes in Nirvana. What would Cobain do?

you sound like a nigger

We have been you absolute retard.
You're the one refusing to listen.

dont do it retard

Ok now I know you're fucking with me.
That's such a teenage question to ask.

> long term relationship
> highschool fling
> making sure this works out.
> "long distance relationship"

It won't, OP.

High school stuff normally fails quickly when college happens, even when the two go to the same college.

Long distance relationships never work either.

Those two just compound each other.

Close, just turned 20, prolly still have the mind of an 18 year old. College is crazy, and I feel like I'm missing out on this literal boatload of bitches that are all down. Like I said I'm fucked in the head. I don't easily feel remorse. How will this end up if I do it?
>pic related this is how flat I feel

This is my fear. Time keeps moving, I don't want to throw away my wonder years for something that will inevitably end. But I do see a future with this girl, the question is how long will that last with me feeling and acting like such a faggot.

Guy I worked with had gf of 3 years, I was with mine at the time for 9 Years. Dude would flirt with any woman at the store(We worked night stocking in a grocery) women would laugh it off or blush. Finally one girl who delivered papers e dry morning to the store, decided to flirt back. He didn't know what to do. So kept flirting. Then he tells the rest of us the girl wants to fuck, but he'd feel guilty. The girl text him nudes and says she wants him to fuck her. So he ask 3 of us what to do. My solution was, ask yourself if you wanna fuck this girl. Go jerk off. Ask yourself the same question, the answer will be far different after. I miss a week of work due to death in family. Come back and the dudes depressed. He banged the paper delivery girl and couldn't shake the guilt. He tried justifying it before he did it by saying the relationship was kinda shit, she loved him and he loved her but not as much etc. Suddenly after dipping his dick in another girls pussy he's slammed with the reality that he just cheated on a woman who loved him and would've done anything for him, he can't smile and mean it, can't have fun or relax with her without feeling it's a lie, scared she'll eventually find out and leave him. Guilt ate him up big fucking time. However it got shittier. She never found out, he stopped banging paper girl. Fast forward a month, another girl wants to bang him. This time no moral dilemma. He figures fuck it she won't know. Guy banged two more girls after, ends up with scratches on his back and hickies. Tries telling gf it's from shit at work. He thinks she bought it. She didn't. Digs through his phone, finds nudes and texts, breaks up with him, her family was pretty loaded too. He's a sad broken fucked, transfers to another market, girl there flirts with him, he bangs her. Gets her knocked up and told me "well, guess I gotta marry her now and be a dad". If you care about the person you're with? Don't fuck up a good thing for some ass.

thank you, i think i've found my answer. Sup Forums never fails to spit the truth

The other user is right.
I was with a girl from age 16 to 20.99

She left me days before she turned 21 to "go be 21".

A relationship that started in high school will almost never work out in the long run. One of the people in the relationship will realize there are things that they want to do or wish they had done that they can't do while they are in a relationship with the other person.

My suggestion is to break shit off with the long distance chick even though it will suck. You'll be better off without her in the long run.

Wishing you the best OP