Really makes you think huh

Really makes you think huh

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This is one of those rare moments where this pic has actually made me think previously.

*jerk off motion*

When I first saw that picture I thought.

Sense, do you make it?

implying you can leave your king in "check"

fucking disgusting

Holy shit, MonkeyOP, you actually made me think.

>fall of the soviet union didn't happen
>countries that have followed socialism haven't imploded
>this level of delusion

Stay mad, commie, You lost. Keep crying.

He is moving his queen while his king is cornered by the knight. This triggers me.

I hate this image so much.

It is literally broken.
Observe the board on the top of the man's head.
See how the King is pinned by a rook and a knight.

Now observe that it is the other man's turn.
But wait.
That means that blue must have moved first.
Now here is the issue.
Take any of the forwards 3 spaces from which the king could have moved, and the king would naturally have instead taken the knight.
Were the king to the right, he would have escaped this obvious trap.
Had the king been in the same place... well that'd be a stalement.
That can only mean the king came from the left.
This means that it was the knight most recent to move on red's side, to check the blue king.
However, observe that wherever the knight could have come from, the rook could not have been protected from the king one turn prior.

is why I hate this image so much.

Actually this is fairly accurate.

Officially we won the cold war, but subversive (((communists))) working from inside the country had by that point already tainted institutions like academia.

So the Americans were only losing in their heads, but actually winning in reality?

Someone needs to read about the Frankfurt School.

We all hate them reds, but credit where it's due, dem reds started all the proto sjw bullshit, hippies, greens, feminism, black rights... infiltration of academia and media...

it was just left in autopilot...

I don't know. I'd like a confirmation from someone else. I thought that that was more than clear. Usually "really makes you think huh" on Sup Forums is ironic or is just followed by completely retarded shit.

I don't know what is incomprehensible about that.

This is what we call autism

But America might be the most anti communist country in the world. With the exception of ex-soviet states maybe.

I'm sorry I'm better at chess than you


Take a walk on any university campus

You think this would be happening if the USSR was still around?

It wouldn't having a monolithic enemy with a messianic ideology spies everywhere and a nuclear war that could break out at any moment really gets the national unity going. People trust in the institutions and in Christianity to protect them.

The USSR collapsed and the West went super soft and decided to do whatever the fuck it wanted, so faggots, atheism, and degeneracy quickly became socially acceptable.

Before the USSR collapsed, they planed the liberal, SJW, feminist virus into your country. Only a matter of time before the infection spreads and kills the patient.

Jesus christ you are autistic

It's true. They played the long game by infiltrating the media and academia. Control those and you control society.

Yet Bernie, a self proclaimed socialist would have gotten the dem nomination if not for it being prearranged

>implying their faggot isn't being dumped as we speak

Plenty of people have awoken. More will come. The signal will get out, no matter the efforts of suppression.

Weapons-grade autism.

If I was as good at chess as you I'd have toted it here as well, so I can't in good conscience knock you for knowing your shit.

There's no bishop or pawn (on the 8th or 7th rank) on the board.