Why is Obama so hated around here? He left a great legacy, saved the economy...

Why is Obama so hated around here? He left a great legacy, saved the economy, bailed the world from total financial collapse and helped spread awareness of innocent black people being shot dead by police. Whats the problem here?

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>innocent black people getting shot by police


I really hope you don't believe that and are just shilling.

What thread are you sliding, Chaim?

what do you mean? Black people shouldn't be dying by the hands of police

so when a nignog punches the shit out of a cop & knocks half his teeth out, the niggidy jiggidy shouldn't have consequences?

When a nignog beats up a 100 y/o white woman 'cause she white', no consequences?

Fucking please shut up.


"Young black men were nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by police officers in 2015, according to the findings of a Guardian study that recorded a final tally of 1,134 deaths at the hands of law enforcement officers this year.
The Guardian view on killings by US police: why we must keep counting
The Counted has made up for the Obama administration’s failings, but the lack of oversight remains. So we will restart our count of people killed by police until the government does its job
Read more

Despite making up only 2% of the total US population, African American males between the ages of 15 and 34 comprised more than 15% of all deaths logged this year by an ongoing investigation into the use of deadly force by police. Their rate of police-involved deaths was five times higher than for white men of the same age."

Also: don't get on that 'not all nignogs' shit.

This is a repeating pattern of behavior. niggers despise whites and regularly target them for violent mayhem.

>great legacy
He indirectly created ISIS by pulling out US troops too soon. Libya is a disaster, we have no credibility.
>great legacy

I didn't even read that and I'm not going to.

Nigs = violent apes who need strict control & fear to be civilized in the slightest..

>hurr durr all people should be shot by the police equally!

Blacks simply commit more crimes and are more likely to act violently if aggravated dood, and that typically results in getting fucked up.

Because he lied about his anti-white communist father, Frank Marshall Davis.

Overall in 2015, black people were killed at twice the rate of white, Hispanic and native Americans. About 25% of the African Americans killed were unarmed, compared with 17% of white people. This disparity has narrowed since the database was first published on 1 June, at which point black people killed were found to be twice as likely to not have a weapon.

Nice thread Ahmed. Wanna bring it to the White House?

So whats the solution libby loo loo?

Give the black assholes what they want, a planet w/o whites to maintain some semblance of civility?

Racists, edgy kids who grew up with him, and disillusioned college students hate him. Realistically, Obama has done a good job as president and will be lauded fifty years from now.

I think the solution is that we shouldn't be so aggressive, especially towards black people. We need to start saving lives from being wasted on police gun violence.

Tell blacks to stop committing so many crimes then

Because Obamacare was a complete disaster that tried to defy the laws of economics. You can't have more of a product and have it better and make it cheaper. It is impossible.

stop committing so many crimes

Tell blacks not to go ape 1 second in when a cop is in the scene then.

Thats why they die.

The one on the left is actually p. cute looking

people are blinded by dank memes mostly

oh u

Circumventing Congress with his executive action isn't exactly laudable.





>Adjusted to take into account the racial breakdown of the U.S. population, he said black men are 3.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white men. But also adjusted to take into account the racial breakdown in violent crime, the data actually show that police are less likely to kill black suspects than white ones.

>“If one adjusts for the racial disparity in the homicide rate or the rate at which police are feloniously killed, whites are actually more likely to be killed by police than blacks,” said Mr. Moskos, a former Baltimore cop and author of the book “Cop in the Hood.”

>“Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks die at the hands of police,” he said. “Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”


Obama will be known as the nigger to fuck up so bad we voted in a rich ompa loompa.

The TPP. Not prosecuting his Harvard boys running the banks, etc. He's a whore.



Obama's flawed Keynesian economics have left us in one of the biggest bubbles in history and basically we are all about to get fucked

She used to be kinda meh but she's gotten way hotter. I still prefer the one on the right, her caucasoid genes are more expressive. Just a little bit of whiteness vastly improves the final product.

for a progressive, he sure does a lot to backpedal us to the 1930s

I used to think he was cool, then I researched it more.

Fucked over the military, helped fund ISIS with weapons and food rations.

Least transparent president ever.

TPP fucked the next generation.

Sold us out to the NWO.

Did several false flag events with actors you can literally still find their identity's, like in Sandy Hook.

I used to think he did a bunch of stuff for the environment, until I research it more and for every good thing he limited here, he allowed ten times as much pollution for money in foreign countries by making deals with them that will fuck the environment and take US jobs away.

He is just a PRE-NWO president like Bush, but Obama was smarter controlling the narrative and the media.

That is the other thing, having him as president made me realize the US media is 100% controlled propaganda.

As for getting the country divided and ready to be taken over by the NWO, he did great. I'd say 40% of people and maybe even more have no idea about what is happening. Maybe another 20% may suspect but just don't care or they are waiting for it to begin. Then 30% just have no idea what planet they are on, but they can tell you about shit on netflicks and what Kayne West put his dick inside this week.

> nigger president
> helped niggers

explains its self.


> If I had a son, he would look like Harambe

>black people are shot more often
>blacks also tend to be apart of gangs more often
>blacks also tend to be drug dealers more often
>blacks tend to act violently and uneducated around officers
>blacks commit more low level crimes in general

gee I fucking wonder why they get shot soo much fucking more

Niggers commit all the crime. So, they get shot. Understand? Don't commit crimes=don't get shot. Easy

You're just racist and black people are your boogyman for everything you hate about yourself

Go take your libfaggotry back to Rebbit, it won't help you here

>wahh wahh i am triggered because someone disagrees with me

like clockwork

It's moreso you disregard the facts and throw around "racist" like it means something here
Now shoo shoo

Can we get an x-ray on this? For research.

That's already an X-Ray m80

Sad she was sold off to the highest bidding Jew to suck Jew cock every night

you also disregard the facts.

see: >I didn't even read that and I'm not going to.

Obama is going to have Trump assassinated. Calling it now.

kept spending money instead of cutting needless programs and increasing taxes

Dispute it with statistics, not feelings.

but Americans need those programs

fuck the fuck off shills

>not lies & absolute bullshit

Get the hell out.

>saved the economy
No he didn't.
>bailed the world from total financial collapse
No, he really didn't.
>helped spread awareness of innocent black people being shot dead by police
Yeah, he played a hand in dividing the country along racial borders. How progressive.

I know you're baiting, but ya snagged me. People who think he was anything more than a lukewarm establishment figurehead is an idiot. He was worse than mediocre, he stayed the course for disaster.

>no u
Compare these two tables and then ask yourself why it seems like blacks are getting disproportionately shot by the police

Because of your pic, OP.

We have a pussy fucking sissy president that goes on national television, as the leader of the free world, and fucking cries like a bitch over some bullshit.

Instead of acting like a man with the whole country as his responsibility and getting on stage and putting the fear of god into our enemies and the selfless righteousness into the hearts of our citizens, this pussy nigga cries on TV.

Citation needed besides "no"

Also, you do know how ID's work, right? I'm not that guy.

At least he has feelings unlike your redneck buddy Trump

>helped spread awareness of innocent black people being shot dead by police
is on the same level as
>bailed the world from total financial collapse

Why ask for an x-ray when I can give you the real thing?

>Yeah, he played a hand in dividing the country along racial borders. How progressive.
i don't get this meme. it's not his fault cops keep killing people

Well when you put it that way...

can we organize for obama to get a 3rd term? can it happen? i like obama he is pretty good. i like that he is in touch with the youth of today too

nice ad hominem

try arguing against someone's point next time

Blacks commit the most violent crime of any racial group in the US, therefore, blacks are confronted by the police more often, and subsequently dealt with on a case-by-case basis, which often results in a shootout due to their tendency to become agitated easily, and thus, violent.

Your thread is shit, your bait is shit, and if your opinions in this thread are indicative of your character, your soul is filled with shit as well.

I'm still waiting for evidence that blacks are shot by police disproportionately to the amount of violent crime they commit.

>nice ad hominem
>continues to use ad hominem



0.5% gdp growth. 0.25%-0.5% fed interest. he made more than 500 campaign promises in his initial campaign in 2008 and he hasnt been able to do almost any of them and the democrats had a filibuster proof majority. the stimulus package went through with zero republican support in 2009


You honestly believe that OP? Why what you just said qualifies him for the best president of all time...Do you honestly think Obama is the second coming of Jesus? The goat president or are you exaggerating any or all of his achievements. THANKS FOR BEING THE STUPIDEST MOTHERFUCKER TO EVER EVER LIVE,

Ah shut up you massive faggot, you know you've lost an argument when all you have is "no u"
Unless of course you can respond to this

Here's some stats for you. I'm not providing sources because this is an informal discussion. Look it up yourself.

~30% of attacks on police are committed by blacks.
~50% are committed by whites
~30% of people killed by police are black
~50% are white
See a trend here, nigger?

Burden of proof, retard. Prove he did any of those things. All he did was help stave off disaster until it can no longer be blamed on him or his friends.


There aren't enough meme arrows in the world...

Disproportionately to the amount of violent crime they commit. That article gives only absolute figures of cop-on-dindu shootings, offering no relation to violent crime figures.

>amnesty for illegals

What the fuck more do you want?

Theres one on the trump general right now iirc.

Not getting anything done is *not* business as usual. The extent to which the Republican Congress has thwarted 2nd term Obama is almost totally unprecedented, but that would look like hands across America compared to what you'd have if there is a president loathed by most politicians in both parties.

It would be difficult enough for a third-party candidate (which, effectively, Trump is) to govern as president, but it could be done by an exceptional, pragmatic individual who genuinely cared about getting things done. Trump is none of these things, in spades..

His administration would also be haphazard, because Trump has displayed an appallingly low aptitude for most of the issues that he speaks about, and has wildly flailed, policy-wise, between divergent perspectives - somethings within the same speech/interview/debate, plus, there is almost nobody with any actual experience who wants to work with Trump.

The attitude that Trump as president would ultimately be more or less like anybody else that a particular liber/conservative/etc. is opposed to is so profoundly ignorant that it's scary. But so are most Trump supporters. And Trump himself.

>I make a point without logical fallacies
>Then add a note at the bottom about what I think of you

You didn't make nor refute any points, all you did was call someone a name because they didn't agree with you. I gave you reasons as to why blacks are shot more often, and then added something unrelated to the point out of spite.

I'd give up, we already debunked his point, but he'll just keep referring back to that article as if his life depended on it

If Hillary would be just like Obama, then I'll do backflips. He's been a really good president, IMO, especially in his 2nd term. A bunch of racists resent the fact that the president is an intelligent black man who cut from much greater cloth than they, and they hate him for it. Tough sh!t. He *is* better than they are.

Demographics of people killed by police (2015);

50.8% white
26.6% nigger
17.0% spic

Demographics of violent crime offenders, per FBI arrest data (2014);

37.7% nigger
35.3% white
24.0% spic




You got a source for that?

1. He's liberal
2. He's black

That's why most of these idiots hate him.

A racebaiting, America-hating asshole.

Even better stats than my post.
Mine likely included Hispanics as white. They only recently started differentiating them.



Let's all pretend blacks aren't violent. Fairy land time. Obama is disingenuous n I despise his sjw bullshit , I see the newly minted term race baiting in 2012 was his revenge for getting blocked by dickhead Republicans Everytime he attempted to do something. Voted for him back in 08 cuz o thought Muslims would hate the u.s. Less if we had a black ethnic prez, nope goat stuffers just hate to feel alive

yeah we're the idiots, not the liberal white cucks that support a """"liberal"""" nig president even though he passed the NDAA which is a worse human rights violation than the Patriot Act

Face it, the only reason you like and defend him is because hes black, and you're so far up your own liberal ass that it makes his obvious faults invisible.

>18 posts by this ID


Remember when everyone was enamored with the one on the right and the one on the left was a short little gremlin?

read it and weep racist

>A bunch of racists resent the fact that the president is an intelligent black man who cut from much greater cloth than they
I guess we're done here. Sage.


25$ an hour the good shills make, and .2$ for the shitty shilling.

SO this shill is probably in a cubical, and not even expressing their real opinion on politics.