Rate my burn

rate my burn

Thats a pretty good burn


How’d you do it..

Would burn again.

it's a good one. how'd it happen? fuck man those hurt so bad

What did you do?
Also checked.

Sick burn!

does it hurt good or bad

lemme guess exhaust

can you cum over it and upload pix with timestamp please?

my dad had a similar one he had a huge glibbery bister for a week lol

I was drunk cooking naked and fell with cast iron pan.

Its not so bad

Heres after one week of healing.


It doesnt look that bad anymore. That happened last month.
This picture was taken a week or two ago.

I can try to cum on it if you still want.

Fucking christ dude, get to a hospital for antibiotics at least. Infection will kill you dead. Also that is a third degree burn. Its "not that bad" because you have no nerve endings left.

Fuck, you beat me to it.

Yeesh man thats pretty bad make sure you dknt lwt it get imfected. Try to clean it regularly with either rubbing alchohol or hydrogen peroxide. Get well soon user.

dis nikka drunk

I survived even thought i never went to hospital. Hospital is too expensive.

looks like a dick is growing out of a spray bottle.

how the hell did this happen while cooking? did you pass out with the pan searing into your arm?

Do it for history faggot

10/10 very burn

Thats my leg not arm.


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