What went wrong?

What went wrong?

nothing that's basically the only Radiohead album worth returning to.

Shut up retard

Shut up retard


Shut up retart

Radiohead pretending to be progressive just because they used a fucking drum machine

Shut up retard

New meme
New meme

Shut up retard

Jesus christ I hate you all.

Shut up retard

I'm a jelly fish lolz it keeps me alive

He's right though

He's right though

He's right though

Shut up retard

It was very boring. My arty pretentious friend likes this album.

Hail To The Thief and In Rainbows were the peak of Radiohead.

Shut up retard

It seemed like the band was doing everything in their power to be really out there and experimental, but the only song that's sonically and structurally unique and interesting is the opening track, Bloom.

Also it's just lacking the emotional core that makes the best Radiohead albums so great. I think every track on In Rainbows has more heart than a single one on TKOL.


Boring album. Instantly forgettable.

But user, In Rainbows has All I Need and House of Cards. Both of those are pretty emotionless and forgettable compared to something like Give Up The Ghost or Separator off TKOL.

They tried to make something that was genuinely interesting and original and unique instead of just alt-rock versions of whatever Warp Records nonsense Thom and Jonny listened to that week.

Naturally Radiohead fans hated it


whats wrong with it

>Decided to make an album that incorporates influences from a much broader range of sources than ever before, including UK Garage, early post-rock and contemporary producers like OPN and Four Tet
>Combined those influences with their usual style in interesting and subtle ways rather than overwhelming the song with it like in the past
>Cut out unnecessary bloat to keep it under 40 minutes with all killer and no weaker tracks like House of Farts or Identishit
>Explored different ideas and territory on every song, so even though there's only 8 tracks none of them are wasted
>Layers of studio production mean that several versions of each song exist as they experiment with different ways of recreating and interpreting them live
>Adds up to a short but densely packed album meant for replayability and filled with some of the most original and interesting tracks in their catalog
>Sup Forums and RYM hate it by default for not being In Rainbows 2.0
What went wrong?

groupthink is a bitch

I fucking love this album
Shut up retard

Unironically my favorite Radiohead record

>All I Need and House of Cards. Both of those are pretty emotionless and forgettable

Feral is stupid underrated. It, Bloom and Give Up The Ghost are the most interesting songs on the album.

if it was released by almost any other band it would be regarded as a masterpiece imo

I think the live TKOL is super overrated but as cool as Feral is on the album the live version is one of the best songs they have imo
Shit's the jazziest thing they've ever done

They are pretty unmemorable, though. I still like them, I just think they're pretty expendable compared to some of the better tracks on both the album and on Disk 2. It's funny, because I really like Faust Arp and everyone says that's the bland one.

This x1000000000000
TKoL is by far their best record, it's their most interesting and actually experimental and felt extremely genuine and from the heart. Obviously it got hate because radiohead fans can't handle actually experimental and interesting music, they just like thinking they can

This is basically why it's my favorite Radiohead album. It doesn't sound anything like Radiohead. It's so different

HTTT is easily their worst XXIc album


HTTT is my favorite Radiohead album, to be honest. People say it's bloated, but I unironically love every song on the album. What's so bad about it?

This guy gets it

>What went wrong?

The album ended

It's actually one of their best albums