Did people in the 1930s-1950s complain about Universal Monsters the same way people today complain about the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Did people in the 1930s-1950s complain about Universal Monsters the same way people today complain about the Marvel...
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There weren't nearly as many as capeshit. Westerns and gangsters were far more prevalent at the time.
No, because there was less noise back then with no internet, many with no radio, and even less with no tv
This, movies took way longer to come out back then
CGI in movies is only to make the production go faster since a faster production makes investors more happy
>movies took longer to come out
You fucking what? What are you talking about.
>movies took way longer to come out back then
>This, movies took way longer to come out back then
Nice samefag.
In terms of sound movies, they were the first of their time really, especially everything from Dracula to the first Wolfman with Lon Chaney Jr. Eventually by the 1950s they had become pretty overdone like capeshit has become at this point. People got tired of them by the late 50s which was why Universal was more than happy to let Hammer remake a lot of their properties.
You're a fucking idiot when it comes to studio history during this time period, they were pushing out these films and their sequels like crazy considering how cheap they were to produce compared to the profit margin.
And also like Capeshit, there are only a couple of really great ones, The Invisible Man and Bride of Frankenstein. The Wolf Man is pretty good.