What's the best Akira Kurosawa kino?
Saw this in the theater last night and want more.
What's the best Akira Kurosawa kino?
Saw this in the theater last night and want more.
Just watch everything he made.
That's like asking what the best Kubrick is.
Tbh Kubrick has only made a few kinos whereas Kurosawa has like 37 kinos under his belt.
This is true, but if you don't watch everything a director has made, you can't make a full conclusion about him.
That assumes that the director's body of work is always consistent and coherent which isn't always the case.
What you say is true in Kubrick's case maybe, but for many others you can easily skip and some of their works.
Also all directors have obscure and unknown works such as short films, you're saying you can't judge the guy before having seen this kind of stuff?
I may have made some overly-broad or sweeping statements.
But reasonably significant minor works and shortfilms are still worth a look, as with Ridley Scott's Boy and Bicycle. This sort of thing isn't the obscure and unknown work you're talking about however.
Will he ever make a sequel and call it Eight Samurai?
rashomon > seven samuri > ikiru
Well, worth a look and essential to judge the filmmaker are pretty far apart.
I enjoyed High and Low. What should I watch next if I want something similar?
watch Dreams, then everything else chronologically
>rashomon > seven samuri
Never seen it. How is it?
I like Madadayo, Red Beard, and Ran. Kurosawa is an extremely safe director, you can pick any of his films and enjoy them really, some are just better than others.
Visually, Seven Samurai is on an entirely different level.
The Bad Sleep Well is probably the closest in his filmography. That and Stray Dog.
Ikiru is the one that everyone loves. No samurai, it's not a period piece. People often compare it to Wild Strawberries.
Throne of Blood
Kurosawa is my favorite director of all time.
Entry-level Kurosawa is Seven Samurai and Yojimbo. After you watch those, you watch all the rest if you liked those two.
whats that a screen shot from? do any of his films involve photography?
Literally in the filename dude.
Massive cultural movie in Japan. A western equivalent would be, I guess, Psycho?
I can't think of anything comparable. I'm not saying the film is "out of this world" or "beyond amazing," I'm saying I'm tired and unable to think of anything.
Ikiru, Ran and Yojimbo are some of my faves
High and Low without a doubt is my favorite. It feels insanely modern.
I liked Yojimbo the best.
Watch Kobayashi instead. Go watch Hara Kiri now
>What I've seen
Seven Samurai
The Hidden Fortress
>My favorites
Seven Samurai
>If I had to pick one
Ran or Rashomon
Of everything I've seen he's incredible, anything else that is a must see that I haven't seen already from my list?
does kurosawa have a film that incorporates photography?
rashomon was ridiculous,
throne of blood>ikiru>seven samurai>yojimbo>ran>sanjuro>rashomon
>rashomon was ridiculous
I'm from r9k, so it was the right kind of ridiculous for me
>he doesn't shave his face off
>tfw using free month of Hulu to watch Criterion before it leaves
>want to watch high and low
>only available torrent is 11 GB version
>other one is russian and has no seeds
What shithole of a site are you looking at? There's an 800mb anoX copy with 21 seeders in the regular location. I just checked.
thanks, found it using google. usually doesn't show up for some reason
>rashomon was ridiculou
I bet you've only watched it once.
are you in st louis around wash u