Uses his huge platform to validate mocking / discrediting people working against forms of oppression that he is...

>uses his huge platform to validate mocking / discrediting people working against forms of oppression that he is unaffected by

If you haven't completely estranged yourself from all Anthony Fantano content, you really need to grow up

Other urls found in this thread:

dropped him years ago and ready to get the fuck off this website for good too

What oppression?

>muh oppression

>this level of delusion

He's right y'know

>Mocked PJW, a right wing youtuber
>Gave Kendrick Lamar high reviews along with a bunch of other rappers
>praised G.L.O.S.S. a band full of transgender people and sided with them during their lame feud with Whirr
>voted for Bernie and made a video mocking the Trump administration
>is vegan
>is married to a black woman
>advocates for single payer healthcare



>alt-right infested corners of the site

Holy fuck, kill yourself. There are literally dozens of boards like have fuck-all to do with right-wing politics.

Sup Forums, for the most part, is just the blind-leading-the-blind and more or less a continuation of 2007/2008 Sup Forums with more racism and swastikas.

As to everything else, there's /lit/ and Sup Forums whose respective residents are left-leaning.

Then here's /his/, which I commend for having a solid balance between left-leaning and right-leaning users.

All the other boards are more or less politically neutral or indifferent.

We don't talk about /lgbt/.

but he didnt give my favorite black rapper a 9/10. something's up

what fucking hijinx has fagtano gotten hmiself into this week gang?

fantano was mocking PJW's *critique on popular music*, not PJW altogether

fantano has said many times that he watches PJW and enjoys his work; i don't blame him, PJW has some decent vids (even if they rarely express anything particularly new to people who already align with the right such as myself) but he made a complete ass of himself when he decided to talk about music, and fantano made sure he realized that.


True, honestly. Anthony Fantano is just another scum you would find browsing Sup Forums too much, and then influencing a bunch of lost, hurt kids who do the same happen to listen to the same garbage he does lol. I knew people, yes people, who would tell me about their "friendship" with Anthony, just through watching his videos and doing activities while doing so, but he was, and is like a genuine music bud for a lot angry and probably lonely, edgelord chan/reddit posting boys.

"socially liberal, fiscally conservative" / "I hate poor people"
-Anthony Fantano

>Just my two cents.

Why do people do this? It's fucking annoying.

>Also if it's worth anything I am a staunch liberal
oh that explains why this guy has fucked up thinking. at least he's not praising Anthony and screaming Sup Forums memes

He sold out

People under 30 really are falling for this ancom shit, aren't they?


hasn't he made fun of corey feldman a ton for that crappy album he put out?

well, okay.

>(even if they rarely express anything particularly new to people who already align with the right such as myself)
I remember when you said you didn't align yourself with any party

>If you haven't completely estranged yourself from all Anthony Fantano content, you really need to grow up
You're right. I'll pull my advertising immediately.

>each board is one person

Most self-described "communists" are nothing more than weekend warriors. There are the holy few that make an academic career out of critique, but most are just content to get into arguments with people who don't matter, demonstrate in the street with likeminded dipshits and spend the rest of their time virtue signaling.

In practice, they're all just edgy liberals. They'd be happy with a super generous welfare state that they could subsist on. The rest are just bored rich kids.


ITYM skrilex

>/lit/ is left-leaning
speak for yourself faggot. read any foucault thread. there's right-wing thought all over Sup Forums