How would you sum up Sup Forums to an alien newfag?

How would you sum up Sup Forums to an alien newfag?

Sup Forums is a cesspool in it's entirety. This is Sup Forums - the very bottom of said cesspool. Leave while you can. Despite it being cancer, it sucks you in.

faggots, faggots everywhere get out while you still can

almost like an addiction

Pedophile grooming site

that'd old Sup Forums and it's gone

Fuck off,
We're full

Gods blind spot..

Ad revenue


Cuckoldry is unacceptable and degenerate. Traps are gay. You will see many things that attempt to refute these two principles. Do not be swayed.

It was funny 10 years ago.

its not it's*

only 10 years? I wish I was that new

nobody cares about grammar here

You're very much right. Often fuck up on that one, even tho it's as simple as your/you're.

go back to pol

Fags, traps and quads


imagine reddit but only the people that get downvoted

I downvote this

I realize that 50% of the threads involve a picture of a penis but I swear it isn't a gay porn website. Cool stuff happens here sometimes. Yea I know we are being raided by left wing nut-jobs and some fecal-freak but seriously if you... Yea I realize that a lot of the post surreptitiously say "If you don't reply to this post..." but seriously. Cool stuff happens here sometimes.

forgot about all the pro nazi antisemitic shit