How does he do it?

how does he do it?

Other urls found in this thread:

He has a particular set of skills.

He's an alcoholic

He's still alive?

this, he's said he's been to the hospital multiple times after these videos

seasoned alcoholics can survive shit like this

Seems like he would get alcohol poisoning. Does he just throw it up immediately after?

He is an alcoholic.

Hole in the bottom that falls through a hose into a bucket - the sound is edited out in post production. Nah. No idea, he's a scam artist but hilarious. His vloging and the random, degrading shit he does in public is great.

I've seen a 60-year-old alcoholic woman who must've weighed about 100 pounds do this IRL, and be fine-ish afterwards. Your body just gets used to this after a while.

No, actually it's the exact oposite, once their liver is fucked their alcohol tolerance goes to shit

That's not how tolerance works

he's not in his 70s, his tolerance relative to his experienced drinking is what keeps him alive through these vids

degenerate alcoholic who is slowly committing suicide

This guys is a fucking machine, a real human oddity. If only his skills translated into anything of value instead of irreparable damage to his body.

what size bottle?

Heavy alcohol consumption over a period of years can lead to "reverse tolerance". A liver can be damaged by chronic alcohol use, leading to a buildup of fat and scar tissue. The reduced ability of such a liver to metabolize or break down alcohol means that small amounts can lead to a high blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and more rapid intoxication.

Straight from the wikipedia.

Obviously 750ml.

could be a liter desu imo

>Straight from the wikipedia.

you think you can drink more than some alcoholic who has been drinking every waking moment for years?

You're right. It seemed a little bigger than a 750ml. I didn't even know they sold liters.

By vomiting most of it up immediately after. Seriously I even don't think I can chug that much water in a minute without my stomach rejecting it let alone literal poison.

He has chrones disease (or whatever it's called).

Shits out anything her eats in minutes.. including alcohol and also harsh chemicals like super glue


I once blew a .27, and was relatively coherent. I'm surprised that it's that low.

>0.40 BAC and up: Onset of coma, and possible death due to respiratory arrest.

>that video where he drinks an entire bottle of 2 stroke engine oil
>it was so brutal it got removed from youtube

>0.25 BAC: All mental, physical and sensory functions are severely impaired. Increased risk of asphyxiation from choking on vomit and of seriously injuring yourself by falls or other accidents.

All I'm saying is that at .27 I wasn't blacked out, walking, and functioning. I'm sure effects depend on tolerance.

Yeah if they have cirrohsis of the liver, they have end stage fatty liver disease, their liver can't filter the alcohol from their blood, even though they might not seem that drunk because their GABA receptors have down regulated heavily over the years they will get drunk much easier as their liver is too diseased to effectively metabolize ethanol and so the blood concentration increases. That's also why they have that huge excess of intraperitoneal fluid

it should be noted i put him at 220 pounds. i don't know how big he is. if hes ~175 his bac would be roughly .55

I thought 220 was fair. No way he's under 200 unless he's very short.

he has a manlet life desu

Has he made anything worth watching in the last couple of years?

>people only talking about the alcohol videos in shoenice threads

>no one mentions the videos where he eats Silicon Caulking, drinks motor oil, or eats an entire roll of toilet paper from a public bathroom

this one?

Sure you don't mean 0.027? Unless you're an extreme chronic alcoholic and you go into deadly withdrawls when you stop drinking you should not be that neurally resistant to ethanol. It wouldn't be a genetic fast metabolizer enzyme either because your BAC would be low if that were the case.

>5 shots of vodka
>I'm drunk as skunk
>6-7 shots
>I literally can't focus on anything and just need to lay down and sleep

That's a different video. The one I saw he clearly takes the seal off the lid before he chugs it. I have no idea why it was removed and his other videos stayed.

He's a reckless suicidal dumbass, maybe throw a bit of autism in there as well

Jesus Christ
>A A E

Of course I mean a .27. You probably blow a .027 after drinking a beer. I don't go into withdrawals, and I drink once every two weeks or so, but I drink very heavily. When I blew the .27 I probably drank heavier than that. I do get awful hangovers though.

The constant extremely high volume alcoholism is more dangerous than shit the body can't process at all and just passes through

>never was a drinker during highschool
>I'm 23 now and can get drunk off 3 beers


Im done with the liquor slams guys
>creates a channel dedicated to specifically slamming liquor a week later

I'm convinced Shoenice is the result of some kind of military experiment gone wrong, like that episode in King of the Hill where Bill finds out he was part of a military program to make Walrus super soldiers.

>people actually believe this shit
>hur dur just fill motor oil bottle with vegetable oil and chug it for the youtoob views
>its just water

Its all fake you fucks.

You clearly need to watch more of his videos.

>Its all fake you fucks.
This. You just gotta assume it's a combination of real and fake. He can do harmless stuff like eating toilet paper with spectators while he does scary faces for the nastier stuff at home.

Please, explain how this is fake:

>tfw big muscular guy and more of a ligthweight than most girls, never have to spend much on drinks

jesus fuck he got fat

>research cacti
>find a species with the softest, relatively digestable needles, hey maybe even some animals eat it there's evidence out there all you have to do is look
>eat on youtube as "proof"
>do more videos with actually dangerous but fake stuff

A lot of times he will do a close up and clearly break the seal on a new bottle of liquer / Motor oil / Glue / etc. before he drinks it. He is a legitimate freak of nature.

>faggot Sup Forumsirgin using a deviant art pic of some shitty kids game thinking he's so smart


he has great eyes

That can all be easily modified off camera. Most seals on bottles and packages can be peeled off and resealed with heat from a hairdryer.

What, you don't believe me?

one of the guys he used to do videos with (weasel or something) said he pukes it all out. this was after they split because a fight, so if shoenice was actually chugging water i think the guy would have said so

>drank all the time since I was 14-15

>stop drinking for a year

>get drunk easy as he*k now

>never a big drinker
>have two beers
>get really damn hot and lightheaded
>hardly ever drink now

I'm a lightweight...

They should do a scene together

Watch the videos and shut the fuck up.
He is an honest retard through and through, and believes he's saving children by doing this shit or some other delusion.


found it

it's at 3:25

The Vice documentary is really sad.

and people said circus freaks was from a bygone era.