So what's her midichlorian count?

So what's her midichlorian count?

the amount concentrated in her vagina alone is higher than what was in Anakin's body.

Lower than the number of dicks that have been in her ass

She looks weird.

She's most likely a virgin. She doesn't have much wiggle room for buttfucking, living in the desert scavenging for food and shit.



That's Jar Jar's SpaceBook password.

She's a coked out slut user

say what you want about jj Abrams but he sure does know how to make his girls look hot n sweaty

bout tree fiddy


Dude, no

Higher than master yodas

You can spray oil on anyone you fucking moron.

there're therapies for that now. With the proper drug regimen she could live for years with a midichlorian count that high. Just like Magic Johnson.


>who is this Asian booty-invasion?


>reminder that there are prequel fags who defend this

47 chromochlorians

She's infertile which means raw nuts every fucks session

Rey - 27,700
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader = 27,700
Darth Sidious/Palpatine (with Kyber Crystal) = 20,500
Yoda = 17,700
Luke Skywalker = 14,500
Leia Organa Solo = 14,500
Aenon Jurtis (Most powerful Jedi Master prior to Yoda) = 14,200
Shintor Beerus (Ancient Jedi Master) = 13,900
Ce Ce Denowai (The Most Powerful Female Jedi) = 13,700
Ben (Jhon) Skywalker = 13,700
Anakin Solo (Son of Leia and Han Solo) = 13,700
Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus = 13,500
Obi-Wan Kenobi = 13,400
Kaja Sinis (The First Jedi) = 13,250
Kyle Katarn = 12,200
Mace Windu = 12,000
Darth Maul = 12,000
General Grievous (New Episode 3 Villain) = 11,900
Kit Fisto = 11,800
Exar Kun (Dark Lord of the Sith during the Sith War) = 11,700
Shindor = 11,500 (Dark Jedi from Episode 7)
Yaddle = 11,300
Xanatos' (Qui-Gon Jinn's former apprentice) = 11,300
Darth Seer (Founder of the modern Sith Order) = 11,200
Plo Koon = 11,100
Mara Jade = 11,000
Darth Malak (Knights of the Old Republic video game) = 10,800
Jedi Master Corran Horn (from the New Jedi Order series of Star Wars novels) = 10,700
Ki Adi Mundu = 10,600
Darth Bane = 10,500
Nebar Foxis (Jedi Knight played by SuperShadow in Episode 3) = 10,400
Joruus C'baoth = 10,350
Darth Imperius (Darth Sidious' Master) = 10,300
Shaak Ti = 10,300
Tahari Vehlia (New Jedi Order novels) = 10,300
Echuu-Shen Jon = 10,200
Darth Revan = 10,200 (Knights of the Old Republic video game)
Jedi Master Kam Solusar (New Jedi Order novels) = 10,100
Aalya Secura = 10,000
Qui-Gon Jinn = 10,000
Average Jedi = 10,000
Assajj Ventress (Sith Warrior During Clone Wars) = 9,600
Naga Sadow (Dark Lord of the Sith that fled to Yavin 4)= 9,400
Jedi Master Adeus Hust = 9,300
Jacen Solo (Son of Leia and Han Solo) = 9,000
Jaina Solo (Daughter of Leia and Han Solo) = 9,000
Farmer with a shotgun = 5

>Farmer with a shotgun = 5

I feel like Revan and Malak's numbers should be higher

Over 9000 :P

Jesus Christ

>Rey is the reincarnation of Anakin
>That's why she's so good at tinkering with stuff
>That's why the lightsaber came to her

A midichlorian count over 9000 can mean only one thing

dragon ball z pls

How high was his melaninchlorian count?

tree fiddy

That portions guy fucked her and pimped her out for years.