Can we have a "Reasons to live" thread?

Can we have a "Reasons to live" thread?
The world is going to shit, is it worth bothering?

there is always shit somewhere. make your life non-shit, because you can, if you choose to.

You only have to eat. It's not that complicated. You don't even have to eat what other people eat. You can eat plants. And you have a computer, so go fuck yourself. Go get some knowledge.

Find a sense of purpose you fucking pussy

But there is a high chance of economy collapsing, possibly ending in starvation or war.
There is also a possibility of nuclerar holocaust.
Humanity is fucked.

But you can't change the course of any of that, so just enjoy your life in the present and not in the future.

I know, but it's still demoralising.

fool you are to let something that threatens your existence as an excuse to give up the very gift you’ve been given!

you shall perish, and so shall everything you hold close and dear. everything, shall be ripped away from you as you’re cast back into the void after death as that is cosmic law.

but for you have failed not only your creator, but also yourself for taking your blessings for granted.

pity i say that nihilism and depression shall be the destruction of the human spirit

Because it's better to watch other people's lives go to shit than to worry about your own

Dude, you are a fagot.

Sheer spite towards those who hate you should be enough reason to cling to life.

But I'm a fucking virgin neckbeard neet, people don't even know I exist, how could they hate me?

The fact that you come to Sup Forums is cause enough for hatred.
You belong here with the rest of us losers, rejects, psychos and embittered scum.

We hate you and you hate us.

And that is love.

boxy and whiskey

You're hitting a bit too close to home my dude.

Sometimes I can be a clever user.

well heres mine
more cash
tighter pussy
endless stream of fun and news
can hang anywhere i want

just oysters, man

That was beautiful.

I'd like to add that we don't really hate each other, or that's at least how I see it.

And yes, we truly are scum, bottom of the barrel.

You are a poet.

holy kek, who let in doctor weird?
please, grab a beer, i want to hear more.

Your pic is the only reason to live.
Stay alive for pussy.

That is a good one, uterus too.
I want to procreate and I want to procreate a lot.
5 kids min, possibly up to 10 or more.

This is a reason to live.

Thank you kindly, good Sir.

You evil bastard.
Also listen to EPICA. Simone's voice is worth living

there's literally no reason to live. you could get hit by a bus tomorrow, or live to 100, and the end result is the same: you cease to exist while your physical remains rot in the ground. It doesn't matter how long your life is, or what you do with it, but if your life is shit you're just torturing yourself for no good reason by continuing it.


satanic trips checked

I should do acid and watch that .gif and see what happens.

You would see God himself.

there are no girls on the void of the death

so you have to rape yourself

maybe live in the now and not think so much on what "can happen"..


I'm a bottom surfer when it comes to the neckbeard lifestyle.

The only worse things I could be doing are drugs, self-harm and crime.
Other than that, I'm pretty much set.

Video games
Sex the with a girl you like
Cumming on said girls face
Binge watching tv shows
Booze and occasional drug use


This is clearly some kind of a sign.

Fight it, one evil at a time.

Fuck facials, make sloots swallow every time

I'm more of a creampie in the fertile pussy kind of guy.

I like cumming all over faces .. I also love when a girl was I want you to cum all over my face.. it creates a chain reaction and cum squirts forth in big old clumpy loads

Natas natas

A te spiritus , noster devouratur, et nostra , anima capitur
