Tell me honestly, why did you vote for Trump?

Tell me honestly, why did you vote for Trump?

Other urls found in this thread:

hillary clinton

did not

>hillary clinton

Because Trump strong and Trump say he gonna build a wall to keep raypiss and murderers out of my countrie. Trump make people say Marry Chistmus again. Hillery is a merderer and a threif and a liar and she crooked too. Trump also said he has a big brain and best words.

as I am into cuckoldry, I voted for him because he is the ultimate cuckold. Russia completely cucked the US

Democrats are spawn of the devil.

Because after Rand and Cruz he was the best choice, Hillary and Bernie a shit.
Plus he creates lots of butthurt, which I enjoy.


Because democrats gave us Obama.

>borrowing right-wing insults instead of making your own
Man democrats really are lazy, its not surprising you wanted Bernie's gibsmedats lol

solid reasoning for choosing a leader of a country. you sound very educated.

Because Trump is a strong leader and doesn't give a fuck what the SJW brigade think. He tells it as it is.
America has long lacked a strong leader and America is now back on track

For the dank memes.

you're not wrong, they're almost as bad as Republicans.

I voted for him because it was by far the best option and ensured a great source of amusement for the next 4 years.
I've not been disappointed yet.









Bush gave us Obama...

Ask your boyfriend.

>choosing a [thing] because it is the best option that is currently available to you
Well yeah, I typically make my decisions this way

Just to piss the libtards off
and I hate niggers

to make the children cry

No monkeys did.

Yeah, 'cause republicans are really virtuous human beings who only have the best interests of the working class in mind.

Clinton gave us bush

When the fuck did 50 cent hang out with Bert?

95% of trump voters right here

>He tells it as it is
You mean lies through his teeth on a regular basis?

I didn't, voted Johnson.
But I did consider Clinton the worst choice, to be fair.

His policies. His openness. The fact he hadn't committed treason multiple times. The fact that the blatantly corrupt media attacked him relentlessly for months digging for any little scrap of dirt and had no effect because he is a good man.

because im racist and sexist

Talking to Russia isn’t treason.

but but at least we KNOW he's lying, right?

He would have won regardless. He would have took power like Lenin if he lost.


I was unsure about Trump but now I very optimistic. The economy is solid, unemployment is low, stock market is very high. The biggest item is his national diplomacy which I thought would be his biggest weakness. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem and telling the UN off is fantastic. He is taking strong standings on issues. Big tax break was HUGE.

The left movement doesnt work and is terrible. There are plenty of historical references to this and it will be Americas downfall if we take the leftist road

Hillary fucking Clinton

a. Tells it like it is
b. liar

You may choose only one

a. Tells it as it is

1. he's draining the swamp
2: he's going to put Hillary in jail
3: He's labeling China a currency manipulator
4. he's going to get the wall built
5: he's going to make Mexico pay for it
6: he's going to repeal Obamacare
7. he's going to deny ISIS access to the internet
8: he's going to deport all illegal immigrants
9 He's going to ditch NATO
10: he's going to Invest $550 billion in infrastructure


No he wouldn’t. He’s a fat fuck, and he doesn’t have the balls to pull anything like the communist revolution.

Its fun to watch Trump fuck up


WRONG! The answer is Special K with banana.

harvest libcuck tears, i don't give a shit about my internet or the tax shit or anything else it was worth it just for the keks

Cause Kek willed it you dense faggot, now get back under daddies desk and slob on his dong.

“Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”

Words of a wise man. Tell us like it is, incoherent and rambling.

Criticizing our president is unpatriotic and borderline treason.

Sick of incessant anti-white racism. Did it to see butthurt Regressives. Fuck everyone who hates Trump. Still laughing my ass off.

because i hate niggers, spics, and jews.

only normies and literal idiots vote

Even with the media attacking him, women calling him a rapist, workers calling him evil. He still won. It shows how powerful he is and how great he is.

teh lulz

coming from the person w/ the pickle rick pic?

>muh white race is under attacc

probably has pickle rick tattooed on his ass

>Muh 400 years of slavery

Honestly, pickle rick is a top 3 joke of the century. Every time i hear it, i just burst out laughing because i cannot contain myself due to the sheer comedic genius that is Dan Harmon. You have to really think to understand the joke. Do you even get it? HE'S A PICKLE!

Trump was the least likely to try something progressive and fuck it all up. Also, entertainment value

Lol that dude really is a fucking retard

>if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world
Yeah no

because he was the lesser evil

and to be honest, he's been doing a lot of good stuff... people just seem to focus on the bad stuff and liberals get extra triggered...



I didn;t. Mostly because I'm british, and therefore ineligible, but mostly because I'm not a fucking moron

Seriously, if you voted for Trump, you're mentally deficiant


Tell your gay black boyfriend his lisp is annoying.

Please go away

hey! me too lol

What is it that you are hoping to accomplish with these 30-40+ threads per day? It just seems like a lot of effort for not a lot of voters. If you subtract people who aren't American, people who are 12, and people who can't be bothered to vote you aren't left with a whole lot. Of the ones you are left with how many do you think support Trump? Of those how many do you plan to change their political beliefs based on these spam threads that are on Sup Forums because you're too scared to post them on Sup Forums? It just seems like a lot of effort for not a lot of payoff.

Speaks solid truths no one opposes because none of these points can be argued.

Typical sjws pick the low hanging fruit and attack. But ignore facts

Oh fuck right off with that lesser evil bullshit. By whose standard?

The shit that Cunt is putting you through right now pales in comparison with anything Hilary or Bernie would have done

America is an embarassment to the planet right now, made all the worse by the fact you delibertaly put him in office

'Been doing a lot of good stuff' - if you're a white supremacist, money-loving nazi sympathisizer

Tell your faggot preacher father his drawl is intolerable.


Trump was a bad choice, but so was Brexit

Fuck off back to your trap thread, grown-ups are talking.

Hello new fag.

He was certainly the less qualified of two evils.

But there's nothing worse than him making a quick buck drilling the alaska strategic reserve in non-wartime. That's just irresponsible and greedy.

>muh naziisssss!
Fuck off
If your primary go-to argument is
>"He's like totally a nazi maaaaan!"
then you don't know enough to actually contribute to a discussion


Don't I fucking know it

More jobs, tax cuts, strong leadership, not a mentally ill leftist.

Why wouldn't anyone who isn't retarded or a failure vote for him?

Cherry picking trumptard.

Trump was the best choice.
America done goofed by making themselves a two-party state.
It's fucking hilarious.


All still works in progress. Can't do everything at once in the blink of an eye.

The main reasons will be:
> Willing to believe his lies in the hope that maybe he's not actually lying and he will fix their problems
> Demmycats/Shillary is devil libtard cucks
> For teh lolz
> Deluded and honestly believe he is a strong, flawless person who will do everything right, any criticism is treason, 'Bama is the antichrist and Shillary is hellspawn.
> Anyone but Shillary.
It was a much fucked election and I don't see it changing soon.

America's business confidence is the highest percentage it has ever been. And your unemployment rate is very low. Sure not saying due to trump but things look pretty good there. Except for the LGBTCL and niggers who should all be put into concentration camps

>The economy is solid, unemployment is low, stock market is very high
1. The job numbers have been going up for years
2. The stock market has been on the rise for years
3. Are you honestly that fucking stupid to think that Donald Trump, in one year, has created the relatively healthy economy that we see today?

Let me know when wages are even close to being adjusted for inflation.

>moving the embassy to Jerusalem and telling the UN off is fantastic
Yeah, it's fantastic that he's kowtowing to the kikes and jeopardizing our relations with much more important countries than the bloodsucking kikes who've been leeching off of us for years.

>big tax break was HUGE
Something tells me you won't benefit from the HUGE one. For much of the middle class, taxes could actually go up because they'll no longer be able to deduct certain things anymore--or, they'll have to pay it back in their medical bills due to the cuts to obamacare.

>The left movement doesnt work and is terrible
Please, provide these "historical references" you're referring to. While you're at it, you might wanna take a look at the historical record for Trickle Down economics.

If you honestly think the post I'm responding to is a compelling argument that's difficult to challenge, you're a fucking idiot.

I dont think you know what cherry-picking means

>Because Trump strong and Trump say he gonna build a wall to keep raypiss and murderers out of my countrie. Trump make people say Marry Chistmus again. Hillery is a merderer and a threif and a liar and she crooked too. Trump also said he has a big brain and best words.

>fuckwad cuckboi businessmen that have been fucking people over for years getting indicted
>republicans are becoming even more of a worldwide laughing stock
>most conservative state in the country goes blue for first time in a quarter century
>millions of left-leaning voters realizing they need to vote or stuff falls to shit
>Fox and Cuckbart are showing more and more that they are literal right wing propaganda outlets with no sense of journalistic integrity
>trump will be in prison within a few years

I didn't vote for him, but I should've. The country is going to be progressive as fuuuuuuck after this shit blows over

God dammit... I left Sup Forums because I was tired of the electionfags in October of 2016. It has been well over a year since the election; it is just pathetic at this point. When do you people plan to fuck off?

It is time for you electionfags to go back to where you came from.

>unemployment was low and dropping lower before he was elected. He hasn't passed any legislation or changed any policy that would lower unemployment.
>Stock market is high because they're getting a tax cut. Solid marks for Trump, but does that mean its his fault if the market tanks too?
>Tax break was HUGE for big business and rich people. It's like just giving away a trillion dollars. It's not going to significantly improve life for middle income people because how much cash a business has doesn't influence their hiring practices. Businesses only hire people if it will make them money, they don't hire people just because they have money. Corporations have access to lines of credit for that.
>Jerusalem thing was kinda stupid, its just stirring up what was previously a stable situation. For no reason other than politics.

STFU, Trump is the gift that keeps on giving!

Dubs speak the truth

>just barely beat and alleged child molester
>"Its going blue for sure guys!"
>actually believing the rest of that shit
Fucking lmao
Keep on dreaming about that impeachment and arrest fuckboy, because they're never coming.
But what do I know, maybe if you say it enough it'll actually become true, just like "Trumps campaign is over" and "Caitlyn Jenner is a woman" totally did

1. You're not a mod
2. Fuck off.