Tom Hardy is the perfect choice for a Wolverine reboot. Prove me wrong.
Tom Hardy is the perfect choice for a Wolverine reboot. Prove me wrong
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He's too much of a big guy.
I hope not. I don't want one of the best actors of this era wasting his prime acting years on useless capeshit.
yeah i guess he could star in small man logan
Logan will be capekino tho
Kitt has the looks and height but lacks the toughness or range.
Tom Hardy looks like he sucks miles of dick with those big faggot lips.
He's not a believable tough guy, much less a good match for fucking Wolverine.
wolverine is supposed to be 5'3
Can't do accents
I'm ok with a tall Wolverine.
Lets be real here. Who would want to watch a muscular manlet with super healing ability in a yellow suit ?
Not many, producers know that
Joaquin is the right choice, and even shorter than Tom.
We don't need more wolverine movies.
Who the fuck wants more wolverine movies?
TKDR and Mad Max are capeshit.
The Nolan trilogy is the only patrician cape stuff out there.
Theres already way too many wolverine films, and they';re all shit. In fact, they completely ruined the character
>Who would want to watch a muscular manlet with super healing ability in a yellow suit ?
Everyone. Have you seen the capeshit that makes loads of money? Just cast CIA.
sniktx sniktx sniktx witnessed
As long as Robert Rodriguez does them all stylised and noir like Sin City I'm in.
I recently went to a panel where an actor from Alladin says that when he was working with an autistic kid he'd watch the same scene from Alladin over and over because that's how autists learn. Another thing I've heard is that autistic people have a hard time coming up with original ideas and characters and instead use already existing ones to project their minds onto. The fact that a scene from a shitty four year old movie to protect onto further cements my idea that Sup Forums is filled with autistic losers.
Logan is really only like 5'3"
I've also heard they like things that spin which explains their affinity for Sonic the Hedgehog
>He's not a believable tough guy
Have you not seen Bronson?
>The fact that a scene from a shitty four year old movie to protect onto further cements my idea that Sup Forums is filled with autistic losers.
I'm sorry but I can hardly see one sentence in this small box to type in so it was hard to tell if it made sense. I meant to say "The fact that you guys are obsessed a retarded scene from a shitty four year old movie to protect onto cements my idea that Sup Forums is filled with autistic losers."
For you
>protect onto
lotta loyalty for a hired drone.
This. The reason why this felt like the best Wolverine film yet is because Stewart and Jackman are both great actors, but there hasn't really been time for them to interact in a meaningful way in any of the x-men films. Logan looks to remedy that by having them act with each other without amateurs to hold them back(kids don't count). The scene where it looks like they're just sitting around a dinner table gets me hyped because I'm excited to see two thespians honing their craft.
Yeah I'll prove you wrong.
X-Men is shit. Wolverine is shit.
Any X-Men movie is a waste of time.
Tom Hardy is a good actor and any X-Men movie would be a waste of his time.
Yeah but he's gay
Jon Bernthal would've made a good Wolverine. He makes a good Punisher too though.
As if Marvel decided to make comic wolverine a replica of the movie version. Kill yourself casual
The fire rises
Yeah bro I cant wait for GoTg2!!!!
>if you hate one company you must like the other
Stop with that retardation.
He's too much of a Middle Class poof.
foooking hell, that manly voice, that aesthetic face, that big guy body, that facial haris, that everything
This. Wolverine should be a manlet actor. Maybe this way he can be a secondary concern and some of the other mutants can get some screen time. Wolverine is over done at this point. Give me some Cyclops or Gambit.
>get another old balls actor for a reboot
That's just retarded user.
Any feet shots?
channing tatums gambit will be so based
Wolverine is 5'3" in the comics bruh.
>cements my idea
Based off something an actor from Alladin(?) said and something you've heard. I hope that cement mixture is weak, because your basing your conclusion off shit sources.
>channing tatums
him being small is what made it cool. It's a big part of his character IMO. Pretty much the reason he is called Wolverine. They are small, but can take down a fucking moose.
you think Hugh Jackman is straight?
Hugh? yeah he is tall, gay, AND a posh broadway actor/dancer. His wife is a beard.
where do you get a manly turbomanlet from, though?
>Tom hardy will never smash a cake in your face
Just kill me
That was a single film and his character died, Fox would rope the next Wolverine actor into a 6 picture deal.
Tom Hardy is the only one that comes to mind. Jason Statham is short too, but I doubt he could do an american accent. (yes I know Logan is Canadian)
>Hugh Jackman
>Typical occa bloke
Pick one poofter
>can carry a scruff
>big guy
you might be on to something here OP
but tom's just 5'9, that's manlet. 5'3 is a whole new level of manlet.
Tom hardy as wolverine would mean a baneposting deadpool.
Do you really want that?
shoulda been danzig from the beginning
Danzig was a pretty hot manlet.
too old
that's a picture of shia leboeuf tho
he's a terrible actor who can only do bane at this point. I wish you homos would stop saying he belongs in every movie
why would you want a young logan?
That scene looks so comfy in the trailer
>post apocalyptic feeling
>comfy family dinner feeling
>Johnny Cash
>Patrick Stewart smiling
Gambit from Wolverine: Origins was actually good, so sad they didnt go with it.
>Tom Hardy
You've fallen for the big guy meme, he's a manlet
for you :)
he's bi. jackman is gay
Really hoping they don't fuck this movie up, the trailer was great.
Your mum's gay
>Does great varying American accents in The Revenant, Lawless, Warrior...despite not being American
>Does mostly Cockney accent in British-based films but still spot on
Look how big he got for Bane I'm sure they can maybe digitally make him 5'3" that would work.
Make him Cable.
i'm still pissed he didn't play lex luthor
will smith should be cable
Tom Hardy is an ex homo. He could never be wolverine, not with those dick sucking lips
Jason Statham
>mfw this is great
why the hell would you want a reboot right after movies with hugh jackman end? i'm so tired of all these capeshit movies coming out every month or so. let wolverine die in piece for a few decades.
At first I was going to laugh at you, but the more I think about it, the better it could be.
I still think its a horrid choice though. He can't play a good enough jackass.
God, I can't wait till it dies.
The obvious choice
this guy's even named Logan
tom hardy btfo
Scott Eastwood if he learns to act.
>Tom Hardy will never fuck you roughly against a wall
Just imagine how much bigger his claws would be
Tom Hardy can't do an Austrialian accent.
He'd be bloody awful as Wolverine.
>one of the best actors of this era
>great varying American accents
Settle down, britcuck.