What are your thoughts on abortion, evolution, and the LGBT?

What are your thoughts on abortion, evolution, and the LGBT?

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nein ja nein

why only those three things?

Evolution is a Marxist ploy to get men to deny their exceptional origin. If you can get a man to admit that his great great grandfather was an ape you can convince him of anything.

Christian views

As a non-religious person:

Not only fucks up your people's demographics PERMANENTLY and makes them weaker against growing populations (islam), it undermines every value that we should be standing for. If people don't value the life of an (unborn) child, then what the fuck do they value?

It makes sense to me as the going theory.

Similar thoughts with abortion but not near as extreme. When taken too far, it can become a serious problem though.

1. legal killing of a person in motion. Amoral, disgusting, but not legally enforcible.

2. Makes sense.

3. Mental illness incorporated.

I don't like it. It's literally not YOUR body. If you don't want the kid then give it up for adoption. There's plenty of couples out there that want to have kids but can't.
I think the only time abortion is acceptable is if the baby would have some kind of severe deformity. Not like a missing arm or something. No, I mean like Quasimoto type shit. Or a disease that would pretty much give it a miserable life or just kill it painfully anyways like Tay-Sachs.
The evidence for evolution is overwhelming.
It really should just be LGB or something. I think transgenderism or whatever is a mental issue. If I told you I identify as a toaster you'd call me crazy or ridiculous or both. You can't change your chromosomes. You're either XX or XY. Or XXX, XXXX, XXXXX, XYY, XO but that's some other shit I'm not about to get into right there. You're either male or female.
But fr though I'm bi so while I'd love a "chick with a dick" I know that it's really just a fetish that they've lost control over.
I don't really care what you are. That's between you and whoever you're fucking. Just don't be obnoxious about it.
Actually don't be a fag. Be gay all you want. But don't be a FAG. It annoys the piss outta be. I'd still probably fuck you and make a woman outta you but it's still annoying.

>faggot detected

You clearly don't know how evolution works.

Do you?

Kill your babies.
Absolute bollocks.
Stupid freaks.

Nah I just like fucking guys too
I think you can be gay without being a fag though
Just be a normal fucking person who's not stuck on a Pride March 25/8

fine with it

fine with it

fuck off
needs to be segregated

Yes. Evolution is the theory that all life developed from a single-celled organism billions of years ago. according to this theory, Humans and apes have a common ancestor.

Don't think its cool killing unborn children like that,
but whatever they where probably going to live a bad life anyway

well, i mean it makes sense


>Humans and apes have a common ancestor.

Lost you there

Only if the mother's life is threatened, severe deformities or it's a result from rape

Makes sense

I don't care what you do in your bedroom. Just don't try to force it on my kids.

Pretty much this.

>It's literally not YOUR body.
What if you take out the entire sack(uterus?)

What's with bi?

For it, been proven, and live and let live.

Always surprised it goes further than that. Oppose abortion? Cool, you should be required to adopt then. Or stay out of people's business. Evolution can literally be watched and has been on species that have very short lifespans. Any debate about it is bunk. And LGBTs do a grand total of nothing that harms me. Their behavior is gross but I think that about people that love mayo too. Not a reason to interfere in their life.

The biggest hurdle the right has is this insistence of fucking with people for no reason. At least the nuts on the left can argue harm when you get a pronoun wrong, which is stupid but better than "fags getting married hurts me!"

It would be fine if my taxes didn't pay for it. Her body = her rules = she pays for it.

I literally don't give a fuck, I don't even know my own cousins so I could be cousin with a chimpanzee or created in god's image, it wouldn't change much.

I wouldn't befriend a faggot who takes pride in dancing buttnaked on a bus but I guess those who can control themselves are fine

>Homosexual men 44-86 times more likely to be infected with HIV: "In 2007, MSM [Men Sex with Men] were 44 to 86 times as likely to be diagnosed with HIV compared with other men, and 40 to 77 times as likely as women." (Center for Disease Control, cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/index.htm)
>61% of new HIV infections occur with gay and bisexual men: "Incidence is the number of new HIV infections that occur during a given year. CDC estimates that approximately 50,000 people are newly infected with HIV each year in the United States. In 2009 (the most recent year that data are available), there were an estimated 48,100 new HIV infections.1 Most (61%) of these new infections occurred in gay and bisexual men. Black/African American men and women were also strongly affected and were estimated to have an HIV incidence rate than was 7 times as high as the incidence rate among whites. Visit the HIV incidence page for more details." (Center for Disease Control, cdc.gov/hiv/topics/surveillance/basic.htm#exposure)
>Percentage of HIV infected
2% of U.S. population is gay yet it accounts for 61% of HIV infection: "Men who have sex with men remain the group most heavily affected by new HIV infections. While CDC estimates that MSM represent only 2 percent of the U.S. population, they accounted for the majority (61 percent; 29,300) of all new HIV infections in 2009. Young MSM (ages 13 to 29) were most severely affected, representing more than one quarter of all new HIV infections nationally (27 percent; 12,900 in 2009)."
>19% of MSM [men sex with men] are infected with HIV; 44% unaware they are infected: "A recent CDC study found that in 2008 one in five (19%) MSM in 21 major US cities were infected with HIV, and nearly half (44%) were unaware of their infection."

Your worse then a faggot. They have the decency to serve as a warning and die, rather then pretend and promote it as a legit lifestyle choice, then the death style it really is.

The uterus is part of your body, not the babies. But the goal of an abortion is to terminate the pregnancy. Kill the baby. And I just think that's really fucked up.
Even if the woman was raped or something it's not the babies fault. It didn't ask to be put in there. I just don't like abortion. Just as like a medical emergency type shit.
I know this argument is based on feels and shit but even on the pro-life side it's about feels. So fuck. I just don't like it.

Morally wrong and damaging to society.


Pretty neat.


Each part has their own thing to be said for them. It's a diverse group.

>lifestyle choice
Idk dude I don't really get why some people call it a choice. In the same way that you (I'm gonna assume you're straight) didn't CHOOSE to be straight I didn't CHOOSE to like guys and girls. I just do. And idgaf really. It's my business what I wanna do behind closed doors.
Much more prevalent in the black community than anything. I don't have HIV and I don't fuck people with HIV. Better safe than sorry. Actually, idek anybody with HIV. I don't think I've ever met anybody with it.

>trangenderism is a mental disease
>Btw I'm bi and would like to eat a tranny dick

obligatory for non-whites, optional for whites
death penalty


Abortion is a thing that nobody should get to. If you know you can't raise a child and still don't use contraception, you should be heavily punished.
Evolution is possible, and if it gets somehow proved, church is just gonna change its doctrine to something like "god created single cell organisms and leaded them through the process of evolution to get first people".
LGBT... well, if you have a boner on men, nobody can help you. Just don't make this weird shit like parades and sex changing, and everything will be okay. Nobody is interested in someone's intimate life.

I think LGBT was made up by jews because we need to get white birthrate under control because there is too many of us.

Human life has no inherent value.
Extremely proven fact.
>and the LGBT?
Mental disease.

Necessary cleanup of the gene pool
Fact of science. Necessary for racial red pill
Keep your lifestyles to yourselves, obnoxious attention whores

This would be true about feminism but now youre just full retard.

Has no place in civilized society.
True. Completely logical; has nothing to do with God or the others. Turning "evolution" into a religious issue is a big thing turning people away from Christ.
They exist and should be given respect. However, our society's constant gratification of them is leading too many children assume that they are gay and lump themselves into it just to feel unique.

a woman's right to choose must be protected worldwide.

marriage is a fundamental right and LGBT rights must be protected world wide.

evolution should be taught in all schools as the only explanation for man's existence

Should be legal, but regulated. Women should be limited to one abortion per 10 years or something like that.

Hard to argue with it. It has a lot backing it up. While creationism has nothing. However, it still doesn't disprove the existence of a god or gods.

I don't mind them. They're only like 5% of the population so they don't effect much. Who really cares If some slut wants to take a million dicks up the ass, get aids, then die.

"Christians" saying Abortion should be legal.

eh, depends
mankind will slowly become beings of pure consciousness, free from flesh
dont care, dont be near, dont display in public, dont push agenda
torch the trans

mental ilness

B8, the OP

Does the bible actually say abortion is a sin or something?

I wouldn't know, I'm not christian.

God punish some parents with abortion and say that the fetus is not a human being yet so murder doesn't apply. That's the interpretation that Pro-Abortion christians make anyway.

I can't speak for the rest of the countries but in Argentina our civil rights clearly state that is considered a human being since the conception. So abortion it is murder.

Basically the bible is pro or anti Abortion depending in only one thing; Is the fetus a human being or na? That's it. Usually the Church was anti-abortion because it was always considered a human being.

Fine, I don't really care, aside from any scum on tumblr.com with made up genders.

Chopping up nigger babies alive is a great thing.

Natural selection is part of life.

Faggots have an androgen hormonal disorder.

meh, not my biggest concern... keep it legal until genocide of minorities.

well evidenced fact

Demanding marriage rights is ridiculous and gays should NEVER be allowed to foster/surrogate children. Other than that I don't care about them, they should probably be viewed shamefully by society though.

Transgenders are mentally ill and their illness is reinforced by society, making it harder for them to be treated, especially since they are encouraged at a young age.

>you're worse than them for not doing the things that make them a problem in the first place and by not living that lifestyle he's promoting that lifestyle