After the Superhero genre bubble bursts, what comes after that?
After the Superhero genre bubble bursts, what comes after that?
remakes of superhero movies
Flood of young adult fiction.
the same thing but without the silly costumes and superpowers
Those avatar sequels will make a shit ton and kick off a bunch of Alien/Space movies
decade reboots
they're remake all notable movies of a specific decade and try and make it into the new big thing
people will feel smart cause they'll feel like they're learning about the history of cinema while watching them
The death of cinema. Seriously, the film industry is dying, it's an old media, it hasn't got that long left. Gen Y is keeping it afloat with its interest in capeshit, but Gen Z doesn't have the attention span or interest in anything besides social media to keep it profitable.
If you haven't already worked out it's the mining dry of anime ip then you obviously pay no attention to this industry. Look at the recent green lit projects, it's already happened.
But then it will be dangerously close to independent thinking
Disgusting manchildren shit
Probably nothing. Take a look outside of blockbusters and it's all the same shit with three or four actors talking to each other in an empty room for two hours because inflation has destroyed filmmaking.
China takes over production.
>because inflation has destroyed filmmaking
Top kek. You can't make this shit up. Where do people like you come from?
Wuxia >>> capeshit
Hong kong cinema = GOAT
medieval fantasy i hope
some kind of CGI fuck fest like Transformers
We've already seen a few attempts with Pacific Rim and other Godzilla like stuff
fuck I had to google "big much suit movie" to remember that fucking film "pacific rim"
they should rename this film pathetic rimjob
Gerard Depardieu doit chier des étrons
Mais de l'étron de compétition quoi. Pas la petite crotte de fiotte qui se noie dés la première chasse d'eau. Je parle d'une crotte colossale qu'il faut évacuer à coups de seau d'eau moi.
Regardez bien le mec:
Aux chiottes ça doit être les tranchées de Verdun après son passage. Il doit chier des trucs énormes. De la merde de bon vivant, de la merde en quantité industrielle, le truc tellement immonde que tu dois évacuer la maison quand il a posé sa pêche.
Il doit avoir un derche énorme, un derche d'acteur à la stature internationale qui chie sans retenue. Si vous voulez torturez quelqu'un emmenez le aux chiottes de chez Depardieu, il s’évanouit sur le coup. Je suis fasciné par le potentiel de défection de cet homme. Gérard si tu me lis, j'aimerais obtenir une de tes crottes.
If you want to see Gerard get fucked up like he's never been fucked up before, you MUST watch this film
Video games kino
Make more Remakes duh ez money
This, everything is moving towards shorts. Nobody wants to go watch a 2 hour movie anymore.
probably vidyashit
>film dies and there is only television, some people even go watch shows in the cinema with commercial breaks
maybe that's why we don't get a /film board/
We HAD a /film/ board. Shitposting was so bad it got deleted the same day.
you do realize that Sup Forums is worse at shit posting then the kings Sup Forums?