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Is that you, John Wayne?



Is this me?

who said that?


ey das fukt up













>holy shit this thread




I can't believe nobody posted this


Your country reminds me of this song I used to jump on while in highschool



>mfw the government hasn't given my iwi more land

You lost, savage.


>You lost, savage.
>mfw i'm white

Ah, sorry old chap, let us bask in our collective civility and greatness.

i feel so thankful that i am white


I dunno, people always say Maori are some great warrior race. Its PC pandering if you ask me. Shit most of us Whites are descended from Scottish ancestors, why not talk about how badass they were.



Because that is racist.


And pretending that a bunch of Island cannibals were superior isn't?


white guilt is pretty much why we never get to learn about our european roots, government feels guilty about our ancestors taking land from the maori so they're just like fuck it we will teach our white kids nothing about their roots but we will teach them about manu's roots instead.





Yeah, and no lessons what so ever about the Land wars, cuz that'll hurt, Tane's feelings about his people getting BTFO.

>tfw pissed the bed after drinking heavily
>tfw it's not even my bed


The Brit/NZ government didn't even "take" their land outside of confiscations that were actually pretty rightfully won (only problem being that they often took the wrong people's land).

The actual issue was that the Musket Wars resulted in massive tribal territorial changes, which meant that the land owned from 1840 onwards did not belong to the same group that owned it in the early 1800s. This meant that they ended up selling each other's land for beads and blankets and Billy Mavericks.

The colonial government stealing all the maori land is pretty much just a myth made up to try and make the maori look even more hard done by.

The Land Wars are actually pretty interesting, it's just a shame that it gets dumbed down to "he built a Pa which the British blew to pieces the next day but jokes on them he wasn't there XD so he actually won!"


Race war now?!




Indeed, I had to do my own research on it. Bloody interesting. First VC given to a colonial soldier was a kiwi during the waikato invasion. One of many facts never told to history students. Not a single battle could your average NZer name. Its a fucking disgrace.


Here's mine





is it true that you have to join the army in finland for around a year when you're 18? How is it, do you think it does a lot of good?




It is I who operates the drone.
