I guess using/buying heroin doesnt justify any charges being brought upon someone anymore. Stupid bitch...

I guess using/buying heroin doesnt justify any charges being brought upon someone anymore. Stupid bitch. There’s actually someone trying to convince her she wont get convicted.

everyone please stay the fuck away from heroin/opium, there is no substitute for that high and there is no coming back. The world doesn't need more junkies sleepwalking

You do realize moderate heroin users exist, right?

DPA member Dr. Carl Hart was a moderate, recreational heroin user for a long period, for example.

Maybe if she told the cops who sold it?

stop trying to justify degeneracy

Stop trying to ignore demonstrable fact.

You asserted something as true and have been proven wrong.

Lets compare the Dr. and a normal user though. Which is more likely to exist? A well educated heroin user or a junkie? Just because once in a blue moon somebody “smart” does it, doesnt mean everyone who uses can be just as successful with it. Now that thats said, its ignorant to just say things like that, giving the impression that anyone can be a “moderate heroin user.” Thats bad misinformation to spread and we all know thats true

>Stop trying to ignore demonstrable fact.
>You asserted something as true and have been proven wrong.

lmao, name dropping someone that spends their entire life around drugs and cherry picking experience doesn't prove anything

That’s possible, but its in my hopes they take the dealer and this dumb broad off the street. Theres no place for that poison in our society, things are fucked up enough as it is

Even though I never said ''anyone can be a moderate user'', if that's misinformation then it's just as much misinformation to simply generalize and say ''there's no coming back from that high''.

All it takes is one example to refute a broad blanket statement like that.

Some people can't moderate certain vices, that's obviously apparent. I was and am able to use cocaine(haven't in years) with no urge to reuse it. However, the vice I can't seem to shake is smoking.

I'm simply refuting the claim that heroin or opium use is the ''end all'' for vices.

Let the niggers lose their souls, they're not really human anyhow.

Again, you're grasping at straws to justify degeneracy by referencing a single instance of a known heroin advocate. Cocaine =/= heroin. I'll accept and admit that I overgeneralized due to personal experience bias. Heroin is not impossible to quit but it is damn near impossible to get a user to admit they have a problem with it and are more likely to continue to let it destroy their physical and mental states, even it affects or endangers the lives of the people around them

My point isnt what you said, my point is what others might take from what you said, aka that maybe they could be a “moderate” user, and if they aren’t capable of that, another addict is born

I guess put bluntly its not really a good thing to say in general bc for the most part, heroin users get addicted, and arent able to function within society

That's a straw man sir. Nowhere have I even attempted to justify using it. Merely pointing out that moderate users exist.

Saying moderate users exist is not equivalent to saying their use is justified.

Dr. Carl Hart as well, does not advocate heroine use. Maybe you should carefully read what I've actually said instead of imagining what you think I've said.

I haven't justified use.
Hart doesn't advocate use.
I didn't say cocaine is equal to heroine.

You may not be word for word advocating the use, but you are stating its possible to use heroin and be a functioning member of society. To some people that could be all the advocating they need

This person's post is mostly all I want to echo, I'll concede about the rest.

Niggers sell it and white niggers suck dick to get it. So many young white girls from rural Midwest towns will fuck anyone or anything to get a fix. I love it.

crap, I meant this post


lol she is gonna fuckin die

It's possible to go to McBurgerland and buy a Big Mac.

If someone's take from that is ''This person is advocating me to go and buy a Big Mac from McBurgerland'' then they are massively incorrect.

Stating possible actions is not equal to advocating taking those actions. Neither of us can be blamed if someone takes that view.

I work in a jail and come in contact with these people daily. Most tale absolutely no responsibility for their actions and are entitled beyond belief. I've seen body parts rotting off due to injecting and the person having no thoughts on getting it treated just getting another fix. Anyone who says all drugs should be legal has never been around the user of said drugs, they are far from victims

This is entirely the truth

you're not advocating use, but you've certainly made an attempt to justify it. Take a step back, you don't know us and this conversation doesn't mean jack shit in an hour, why are you being defensive for something capable of being so destructive?

Well said

Purely anecdotal, but I've been around users of or have personally used nearly every well known drug. Nothing has come remotely close to living with heroin users and seeing the destruction they bring to everything around them

Thats fucking awful... jesus.

What is your usage of the word justified? Because I think you and I have two different usages for that word.

Also, I'm not defending using it. All I'm doing is pointing out the falsehood of saying ''there is no coming back''.

However, with that being said I can take the position of defending something capable of such destruction, if you want me to take that position.

I can defend it because I care about bodily rights. I own this sack of meat and bones, no one else does. I have the right to ingest burgers and alcohol day after day, the same should apply to heroin.

But that's an entirely different topic. I was never advocating use, or justifying it and my point wasn't about the right to use it.

All I did was refute the claim that ''there is no coming back''. Simple as that.

Are they better off in jail than they are in a rehab clinic?
Are they better off injecting random substances cut with literally anything than they are taking properly measured and untainted doses?
Are they better off sharing one needle with five other people than they are being provided with a safe clean environment with medical monitoring and sterile equipment?
Is the money better off in the hands of cartels and gangs than it is with governments and pharmaceutical companies?

Sometimes you need a carrot rather than a stick to solve a problem. The war on drugs has failed. That's not even a fringe opinion anymore. What the fuck are we doing?

I don't have any answers but I can tell you there is no lack of services and treatment options available to these people. The cost that is put into the average homeless junkie when they are jailed would cause John q taxpayer to riot in the streets and kill these fucks where they lie if they found out. I've personally seen over a quarter mill go into one person alone who will never be even close to rehabilitated despite extensive efforts, and that is not a exceptional example there are many many more like that.

>All I did was refute the claim that ''there is no coming back''. Simple as that.

No you didn't, all you did was reference some cuck psychology professor that has a long known history of going around trying to justify that heroin use isn't a problem. You sound like someone who has never been around an addict or you are one yourself.

When I use the word justified, I'm saying the reason for doing something was legitimate or correct.

So, if I pull a gun on a cop and said cop shoots me in retaliation, the cop was justified in shooting me.

I don't see how saying ''moderate heroin use is possible'' is saying it's justified to moderately use heroin.

True some people might be beyond rehabilitation but the threat of prison doesn't seem to be much of a deterrant.
But more readily available medical information and better measured doses could keep people from becoming addicts.
If there was clear medical advice not to take more than X grams per session no more than Y times per year not everyone would follow it but a hell of a lot more people would be moderating than do now where they just have to feel their way to the correct dose through trial and error.

I've seen a few videos on the vice facebook channel where they very matter-of-factly go through the correct doses and frequencies for different drugs as well as possible side effects and symptoms of overdose.

There's no such thing as moderate drug use, addiction is addiction.

Once again, all it takes is one example to refute a broad, absolute assertion.

Also, even though I have never used heroin I did have a roommate who was a heroin addict who would leave dirty needles around and would steal from the local Walmart.

People he fucked over ended up carjacking and kidnapping me and bringing us in my car to a local reservation where they beat him up in my backseat. He was a degenerate and ended up getting murdered in the shower of the local jail a few years ago.

However, his degenerate existence doesn't mean it's not possible to moderately use heroin.

>until the drug is legal. then it's just a few pints with the boys.
fucking listen to yourself.

It's entirely possible to use something and not be addicted to it. That's just reality my good sir.

Alcohol is addictive

Does that mean there's no such thing as moderate alcohol use?

but there is such a thing as drinking in moderation.
not every person who drinks is an alcoholic.

key word "drug use", trying something once isn't an addiction. Anything more than that is a relative version of your reference of time since you last did something.

So trying something twice counts as addiction?

If you get a craving to do anything your body doesn't "naturally" need to survive, it's an addiction

By that definition, painting or knitting is an addiction.

Last night I had a craving to watch The Dark Crystal, so I am therefore addicted to watching The Dark Crystal.

Are you genuinely retarded?

>I'm really craving a crossword puzzle

By "to do" I meant bodily consumables, but yes those are all vices for escapism tied to chemical releases in your brain. I never said addiction is inherently bad nor am I claiming superiority, but humans definitely fall into its grasp throughout life and many suffer from falling for the more self-destructive ones

But you're trying to use addiction with it's negative connotation. You can't move the goalposts to say that anyone who's done drugs a few times is a worthless addict and then turn around and say "hey I didn't mean anything by 'addict'. it's a super broad term with no real meaning that could apply to any human activity other than seeking shelter, eating and fucking" and have us still take your argument seriously

the only negative connotation I've used in this thread is "junkie" to refer to people addicted to heroin. There is no "positive connotation" for proclivity in my vocabulary

>There is no "positive connotation" for doing something more than once in my vocabulary
Then I think you're an idiot for making this conversation about actual physical addiction into a conversation about your wrong opinion on the definition of a word.