I'm not a democrat, or a republican. I'm unaffiliated, a free-thinker

I'm not a democrat, or a republican. I'm unaffiliated, a free-thinker.

I really want this to make sense, because right now it doesn't. It is CONFIRMED that Russia meddled with our election. They released propaganda(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_in_the_United_States) on social media platforms. Facebook confirmed this. What is absolutely frightening, is that Facebook decided to scrub the Russian data while researchers were studying it(businessinsider.com/facebook-russia-data-fake-accounts-2017-10). Undoubtedly, the real reason they did this was to keep Facebook thriving. No one talked about this.

But, the point is, it is confirmed that Russia manipulated US citizens through Facebook. I don't want to make non-supported claims, but I can bet they were on Sup Forums 24/7 posting the same shit, or worse. When you say Sup Forums got Trump elected, you're really saying Russia got Trump elected.

Maybe they didn't *hack* our voting systems. But they surely hacked our minds, which IMO, is much worse. I saw a demographic chart of Sup Forums users, and a top percentage belongs to Russia.

Is Trump *really* our president when so many of his votes, electoral or not, were coming from people whose minds were heavily manipulated? Would it not be logical to abolish all sorts of advertising from our elections, and instead listen to a few set debates between candidates, and leave it at that? Our system is broken, I think we can all agree on that. How can we fix it?

Other urls found in this thread:


russia had nothin to do with you american faggots. we got too much shit goin on here anyway

You won't get a good response op, half the people in this site are fake and will never admit this. The other half are stupid and will argue all day you're wrong with lots of shit that sounds like it could be true but just isn't, or they will say it somehow has literally anything to do with Clinton's. These people don't have a better answer and they can't admit they were wrong because they have the guts of a 12yo.

Just stake woke and fuck this fake cancer, it's what killed this site originally and it shouldn't be tolerated

>Democrats had the backing off the entire mainstream media and every other government institution on Earth as control of the deep state and still lost what should have been the easiest election ever to an brash game show host with no formal experience in politics because of fucking Facebook memes
Democrats deserved it if the bullshit you're spewing is true. They fumbled when they only a few tards away from the end zone

Not his point. Dems aren't paying for it, we all are.

It is a FACT that they published propaganda on Facebook. If they published on Facebook, they paid money for that ad space(a nice chunk, too). It makes sense that they would also come to Sup Forums; it's free, and unlimited.

So your claim is false. And look, I don't dislike Russia. My great-grandparents and grandmother came from Russia.

If Americans are such sheep that a few extra posts on Facebook and Sup Forums swayed their opinions on the leader of our country, than we deserve what we got.

...wow what a fellow kids bot

>duh Russians hacked duh Facebooks and maked peoples to vote Blumpf

Enjoy brexit

america literally overthrows foreign governments that it doesn't like by force

and you cry foul when someone else places an ad on facebook?


Your common 12yo

...oooor that's only more evidence that shit was rigged against them. Seriously, do you even read the shit you type or do you just jump straight to the low-hanging fruit?

Non answer

OMG they placed some ads on Facebook. I'm not sure what is wrong with that if they paid for the ads. If you are"heavily manipulated" by ads that is no one's fault but your own. I wouldn't want a member of the Clinton/Bush crime family as president if I were Russian either so I don't blame them.

Spoiler alert: I'm American

Non answer

to a non-question

I had a dream last night actually that there were shooters in my college(or something like that, idr)
I tried pulling out my glock with a 32 round clip, ready to defend myself and everyone around me. But it took all my effort to cock it back. It took even more effort to squeeze the trigger, and when i did there was a strange 1 - 2 second delay. When the shots were fired, no matter how accurate i was even with the delay, the bullets would not penetrate. After a few shots they stopped bouncing off the shooters and starting curving to the ground like a CO2 airsoft that was out of gas. The shooters regained confidence and started chasing me. I managed to grab my shot gun before i started running, turned a corner and checked the magazine. I tried cocking the first round and my shoulder nearly dislocated it took so much out of me. I barely managed to push it back into firing position before they turned the corner and i pointed and fired. The blast was... weak!! It only slightly knocked them.over. i tried cocking back again and realized there were no more rounds, so i ran to my ammo box behind an overturned table and tried to reload. They found me and started taking shots but i quickly ducked out and finished reloading. With all my might i readied the first shot again, took aim, and fired but this time the shell slipped out like a lazy slug and the gun jammed. They shot me dead right there.
i jumped to a dream about my funeral, looked at my own body, and could not stop thinking...
why did the guns jam?
I feel it was me as a working class American versus the politics of today, and the guns were cheap watered down knowledge that backfired in the face of tyrrany and greater numbers. Or some other deep metaphor of my mind.

That's not even what happened. Democrats just think the American people are too stupid to make their decisions.

It's not just Americans, user. Propaganda has been a thing since ancient Rome. It is the skeleton of politics.

Ah so your double stupid then. Enjoy unemployment and crippling debt cause you're a cynical prick

I think you're obsessed about guns when you should just be smarter.

Non answer

fuck off, russians/chinese/saudis/etc. have meddled in our past elections forever. Also, we meddle in their elections. The fact that you are just learning this now tells me you are a brainlet.

I was unemployed with crippling debt under Obama and Bush too. Yet I didn't blame the president or a few extra political ads. Take responsibility for yo life nigger

How exactly was the process "rigged"? I thought Obama said it was impossible to rig our elections and that any insinuation to the contrary is a an attack on our democracy.

Riddle me this - how could Sup Forums userbase affect anything in the general election if top percentage of people on the site are Russians?
I am pretty sure we still can't vote in USA, even if we brose Sup Forums a lot.
Sup Forums userbase isn't even that big. If you want to see a core or propaganda, I guess facebook will be a place to look. And facebook themselves are looking already.

to a non-question

So you'll be dead under Trump lol

Non answer

Good one Confucious.

This isn't the Manchurian Candidate. The only people who ever did any brainwashing weren't the Russians or China, it was the CIA with MKULTRA.

So the American election get meddled with by a foreign power by *perfectly legal means*. This means America got tricked by a superior power. That's not Trump's fault, or Russia, the blame lies with America and Americans. Period. We're weak, stupid and got played.

Not his point.

to a non-question

In America....people are allowed to think and vote the way they want. Propaganda from foreign interests or not.

What's so hard for you puzzle out about that?

Boy are you a faggot or what.

Trump was elected because he was the anti-establishment candidate. When Bernie lost the nomination all that energy and caustic attitude towards the establishment was harnessed by Trump's campaign. It was just enough to squeak out an electoral college victory. This would have happened with or without Russia.

We also have the ability to remove unfit presidents. What's not to get pleb

You're not very bright. Foreign governments always try to influence each other's elections through propaganda. Also, In February 1997, officials from the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced they had uncovered evidence that the government of China had sought to make illegal foreign contributions to the Democratic National Committee. So China was working hard to get Bill Clinton elected. And we try to influence their elections: Obama worked his ass off to get a libtard elected PM of Israel.
What you miss is that the kind of retards influenced by social media and facebook are mostly Democrats.

Been a year, and literally nothing about my life has changed. Here's the real kicker: I'm a Democrat who has hated Trump since the 90s living in NJ. I'm just not a political chicken little.

What makes him unfit?

You started with an ad hominum faggot who cares what you think you can't argue

You're a moron is what you are.


lol, how many republican let house comissions have investigated that? Three, four? And they came up with nothing.

Anyway, throw Clinton in jail, if that makes you happy, but Trump'll go with her.

Thank you for stating the obvious.
Good job.
My point was that his points doesn't really add up. Why do I even have to explain that...


That's just what someone not very bright would say.

His goddamn brain

Jk that's what you want is an angry reply.

In reality he should have been over the moment he broke the emaluments clause. You wouldn't know about that cause.you just made off hand shitposts.

>Accuses poster of an ad hominem attack (learn to spell)
>Calls him a faggot

that's not an ad hominem. He addressed your argument, he just also pointed out that you're not very bright.

An ad hominem would be to point out that you're not very bright in lieu of an argument.

What doesn't add up

found the retard


Lol waste that time baby.

>it's true because wikipedia and a jewish billionaire told me so

This. The only people upset are people plugged into the internet hate machine going on partisan sites to get whipped up. Walk down a street, go to a restaurant, buy groceries, fill up your gas tank, see a movie, etc., and the world is the same. No armbanded stormtroopers, not even the Handmaid's Tale breeding farms I was hoping for.

>broke the emaluments clause

Wow their really desperate if they're using an obscure, toothless law to go after Trump. If that's the worst they can come up with they have no chance.

hurr durr trump haz bad brain. impeach nao

Every major country meddles with every other major country's elections.

We allow foreigners to own our media!

Lol the only upset people are people who have a basic grasp of economics and we're also shitheads who can't work in the lowest unemployment rate in history is all that means child.


It's not obsure if you're the goddamn president you moron. And it's the foundation of the executive branch. Jimmy Carter sold his shitty peanut farm for Christmas sake. Don't ask me for a reason and then pretend it's not a reason.

My face when you're a perfect version of yourself


My old barber had her salon TV tuned to RT news because she likes "unbiased news" and not Russian propaganda. KEK. She refused to believe it when I told her what RT stood for.


obama interfered directly in Israel's election. With taxpayer dollars, no less.

Not a peep about THAT in the left stream media.

>Is Trump *really* our president when so many of his votes, electoral or not, were coming from people whose minds were heavily manipulated? Would it not be logical to abolish all sorts of advertising from our elections, and instead listen to a few set debates between candidates, and leave it at that?

You'd need to abolish any coverage from any news organizations as well then as they could influence peoples minds too. I think it's safe to say that the vast majority of all media was very anti Trump during the election and their bias was extremely clear in their reporting. Whatever little influence Russia had on fucking facebook posts was countered by the thousands and thousands of hours of anti-Trump talk on the media networks and newspapers.

lrn2spell nigger

Business profits are not the same as bribes. The clause was written because people like Benjamin Franklin were being given jewelry by foreign countries.

It's a weak case and definitely does not meet the criteria for removal of a sitting president.

Again, the globalists are running scared and reaching for anything to get their puppets back in power.

>No. U.

stop using the word free thinker because all it says about you is that youre a circle jerk

They probably didn't want to end up like Shawn Lucas, Victor Thorn, Joe Montano, Seth Rich, John Ashe, Gareth Williams, Charles Ruff, Carlos Ghigliotti Charles Miller, Daniel Dutko, David McCloud, Johnny Lawhorn, James McDougal, Eric Butera, Ron Miller, Mary Caitrin Mahoney, John Hillyer, Barbara Wise, Ron Brown, Charles Meissner, Stanley Huggins, Bill Shelton, Kathy Ferguson, James Bunch, Gandy Baugh, Ed Willey, Jerry Luther Parks, Stanley Heard, Jon Parnell Walker, Vince Foster, Jim Wilhite or Susan Coleman.

Th fact that Trump won the election in spite of an overwhelming bias against him in the news and entertainment media proves that he deserves to be President.

Every argument made against Trump so far has backfired miserably against those making it. If the man had a scrap of dirt in his past, don’t you think they would have brought charges or attempted impeachment yet?

Trump Drangement Syndrome is in full effect and it will bring down the progressives, SJWs, socialists, fascist anarchists and the Democratic Party alike.

50 years of Moderate Republican rule.

When is the last time you or someone you knew changed how they planed to vote based on a campaign ad? Can you site one person who was gonna vote for Hillary and then changed their vote over something the read on Facebook.

Also what excuse will you use when this prick gets re elected because democrats have learned nothing about why they lost?


It's some how the end of the world that some pig fuckers from Russia posted some shit on face book. But somehow 80 percent of the news media actively working against a candidate is A OK.