What the fuck is happening to Bitcoin Sup Forums? This is NOT a begging or referral or anything thread...

What the fuck is happening to Bitcoin Sup Forums? This is NOT a begging or referral or anything thread, fuck outta here with your wallet links. Let's have an actual discussion about cryptocurrencies and which ones will rise and fall. Personally I have spent about 1k in BTC and it's depressing to see it dropping so low. Is it ever going to recover?

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Probably, drops and rises all the time.
You can either drop out now and still get a profit, or just take the risk and wait it out. It is what it is.

what else are you invested in and how much have you put into cryptos so far?


it went up like 5000% in a month. most stocks only go up about 5% a year

Not even close. It went up like 200% in a month

Bitcoin lost its meaning. Once it was a forerunner of its time, now other cryptocurrencies have taken over. Currently you pay over $15 for a single transaction. What’s the point of that? Bitcoin can handle about 8 transactions per second. Other currencies handle up to 1500 per second and process faster, with lower fees. ( blockchain.info/de/charts/transactions-per-second )
I think bitcoin only has value today due to the ‘hype’ it still has. Other than hodl-ing there is currently no reason to use bitcoin.


This. It's old tech already.

Try to invest in different Currencies.

You can invest in more stable, less profit bringing Coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Monero.

Or you could invest in more unstable but more profit bringing Coins like Ripple, Digibyte, Verge, ZCash

Or you can invest in Shitcoins that will make you a Millionaire if they moon.

Special Coin is Bitcoin Cash because it has alot of potential for the future.

By profit bringing i mean more profit if that coin rises...
I have invested over 13k in Cryptocurrencies, Mining Hardware, and Companies... Its not bad and i would reccomend it to make some profit.
Watch out for scams tho... Don't invest in ICOs that you don't really know. Be careful of MLM Coins exept Clubcoin.

I cashed out half of my earnings now.
Uncertain what direction Bitcoin will go for now.
Some say it will drop to 5 or even 1k.

bitcoin/tx fees are too damn high

The worst thing you can do is panic like a little bitch. Bitcoin isn't going anywhere any time soon. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it hits $40,000 within 3-6 months. The key with bitcoin is dumping it when it hits some absurd peak--and believe me, it hasn't even come close to peaking.

At the moment, its pure speculative gambling. As far as a legitimate investment, the main thing to watch out for is retailers accepting crypto; once (if) that happens, it's going to be unstoppable.

Bitcoin is a digital fiat that increased in "value" like rocket into space in a single year, and on top of that, no one really actually spends it on anything. Even if you have a basic understanding of currency/economics, you would have known from the beginning that Bitcoin would never last over the long haul. Gold or nothing.

Could someone explain what this Kim Dotcom bitcache thing is all about? He seems to advocate bitcoin as the currency there, but will that make a difference?

Dogecoin will beat all!

>I think bitcoin only has value today due to the ‘hype’ it still has
Hype is a huge part of what makes anything valuable. Bitcoin is still the premier brand, and I'm guessing they'll become more competitive once people start realizing the things you outlined.

spot on

i live in NYC, its illegal here

I'm sitting on 10k doge here, to the moon!

FUD over rumors of South Korea banning it (which is bullshit), and Ripple coming out of nowhere to be the #2 coin. It’ll be fine in like... a week.

retailers will never touch bitcoin, its transaction rates are to slow to keep up with the retail market......

do some research before yiu loose everything, half of what you said was retarded

BTC is not worth investing in anymore, invest in ethereum or LTC

since Dec 17th the chicago mercantile exchange started to allow the trading of bitcoin futures. This allows other speculators to bet on the future price of bitcoin, say in January 2018,. June 2018 etc. This will likely reduce volatility and stabilize the price of the bitcoin. The futures are at around 14-15k$

IMO its value is for transferring large amounts of capital. Without another software layer, it's not going to work for retail transactions.

hodling is a bet against the USD. When the pensions and social security checks come due and the USG goes full weimar republic, I'd like to have *something* that still has buying power.

To put it another way, if one bitcoin is worth 1 million dollars apiece, it may be because you can't buy a gallon of gas for a million dollars.

>retailers will never touch bitcoin, its transaction rates are to slow to keep up with the retail market
If it happens, it won't be for a while. But I've seen enough seeds planted on the Internet to know which ones are gonna grow and which ones will die, and I really don't think crypto is going to die.

>do some research before yiu loose everything, half of what you said was retarded
Well, then I suppose some of the most brilliant, filthy rich investors are retarded. Compelling argument, user.

quick rundown on monero?

I look at all of them as opportunities to possibly make a quick decent profit without fuckin with the stock market. But I go into to a transaction with the knowledge that it's basically like buying a 1/4oz of coke I can easily sell an 8ball and make my money back or get carried away and blow it all. But I never invest more than I'm okay with losing.

Don't you keep up with the news. South Korea is putting tight regulations on who can trade Bitcoins in their country. They happen to hold about 25% of the bitcoins globally. So when they get a little weird the entire global cryptogang get edgy and cashes out until they see where things are going.

Bitcoin will fail because it is too clunky to be used as payment for a mainstream service. It's not going to fail in the near future though - it's going to become much more popular first before the shortcomings are realized by the public. Once the idea of crypto has been accepted by the public and everyone is comfortable with it - something else much more convenient that can play nice with Amazon and big box retailers will come along and crush it.

>BTC is not fiat

>retailers will never touch bitcoin
Who is Overstock.
Who is Newegg.

Short version, over 100,000 merchants accept bitcoin as payment.

Tesla Motors will deal in Bitcoins.

I learned something today

This, and also US tax rules that just changed. Large investors are selling off this year, and will rebuy in Jan. under the new laws.

>bitcoin is dropping low
>cryptocurrencies will totally be a thing, guys

look I'm just-- just look, like
if I had virtually any context except the internet bitcoin's plan would look like a fuckin pyramid scheme. but ohhhhhhhhhh fuck no
because all you guys invested in this one it's invincible right? it can't possibly go wrong, right? god alive it's like you all just turned 20 yesterday

the moment cryptocurrencies are worth anything, they'll need to be regulated; the moment they need regulation the law will step in; the moment the law steps in, they'll take what's worth it to them and leave the rest for us to fight over

you all got fucking hoodwinked by a ponzi scheme. I don't know what you guys were expecting. I have no idea why you would expect this to go well

>finite amount of bitcoin
>"it's totally away from banks; they totally won't get vexed by this! totally guize!"
>it's worth thousands, but somehow nobody thinks that this will be a cash-out-grab
>now it's sinking, and everyone's asking why

I'm just. so shocked you people are on Sup Forums and act all edgy and shit and call people fags but you're not clever enough to catch on to a clear scam

you niggers were getting bitcoins out of minecraft, you cannot possibly have thought it was more than a fad. please
let me have more fucking faith in you idiots than this. be worth more than this, be smarter. hold yourself to a higher standard

bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies as a whole are a fucking joke hatched by people who think this isn't a material world. get your job, get your pay, and pay up man-- stop fuckin blaming the banks and shit for everything. you wanna change it, change it from within. don't just give them another target to rape and pillage. banks have fucked over entire countries, you little wiener kids think your fucking pretend money will magically stump them?

The hype has come to a stop for btc. This is the first downfall. But the second will come once ppl figure out that most cryptos were ponzi schemes. Then most of them are going to go to zero. A few will survive, but which is impossible to say now.

the flippening

The only reason I ever got bitcoin in the first place was to buy drugs had some left over due to fluctuations and rolled it into others

Everything is dipping including Ripple

Go away, Mr Central Bank

You're probably not wrong about a few points, but the fact that you're so obstinate about it tells me you're a wage-cuck or middle-class Joe who's never taken a significant risk in his life.

Of course they'll try to regulate it if it ever becomes a widely accepted method of exchange, but that doesn't mean crypto will just suddenly collapse and become worthless.

It's only depressing if, like a fucking sheep, you invested a ton during the hype when bitcoin was in the news because it had skyrocketed to $20k.

If you invested a month ago when it was only $4k then even at the current rate you'd still make a hefty profit

As far as if it will recover, I personally believe it will -- but it'll be a year or two. Bitcoin follows a common pattern:

>Slow an steady 5% annual increase
>Some new thing happens that makes people super-excited about it (new bitcoin exchange opens, silk road, Japanese government accepting taxes in bitcoin, etc) and the price grows 20x in a month
>The price crashes to 50% of its value and then bounces up and down wildly for a few weeks
>The price steadily declines for 2-3 months
>The price resumes its 5% annual increase until the next big thing happens

This has happened 4 times now. We're in the "steadily decline" phase. Expect bitcoin to hit a low around $7,000-8,000 in the coming two months then peak around $20,000 in 2 years before skyrocketing to $150,000

You people amaze me. It's a one day change.. Look at the overall graphs for they are still trending upward. Stop panicking over a one day drop. it's the New Year and people are just being cautious of anything that might show up in 2018.

Yes it is. It's not backed by anything that has any real value. It is, by definition, fiat currency.

can i buy sasha grey with bitcoins?

Normies that just jumped into the market got spooked and pulled their money out of the market the moment it peeked over 16k. It's the perfect time to get in the market, and you can fortunately do it for absolutely free. Here's how: pastebin com / 1TKmYQ13

i think bitcoin will always rise and fall mad amounts due to people panicking and buying then dumping stupid amounts of bitcoins, best stay with it till you panic and dump when high enough you made a decent profit

Just normalizing.
Bitcoin is a shitcoin now. It's slow, it cost too much to transfer, it has no future.
Just about every other crypto coin is better than it.
Ppl know this now and are pulling out

Michael Novogratz thinks it'll hit at least $40,000 by the end of 2018.

Its done. It won't ever hit the same highs it once had, especially with the anonymity of it gone.

Newegg no longer accepts btc.

no it's not moron. By definition, it is NOT. It is not declared a currency by a central government, it is not limitless in quantity, and there IS an intrinsic value to it.

Gold is worthless other than it is pretty and people want it. Same for BTC.

I'm utterly shocked by the people I overhear talking about bitcoin. People who can't wrap their head around the concept of a joint stock corporation were starting up exchange accounts and saying "it's like internet money!!! You gotta store it on the blockchain, which is like the cloud!!"

It's nature is immutable. What backs gold bullion? And yet gold mined by the romans still holds value. Can you say the same thing about some ancient roman patrician's real estate portfolio?

Gold will crash to zero any day now. It's heavy and I can't buy a latte with it.

Those are ecommerce sites u complete retard

That idiot John mcafee still says bitcoin will be 50k by jan1. L ol

I've seen bitcoin from all sides. I worked in cryptography before it launched, I looked at bitcoin when it was going for a few cents and didn't buy in, I tried to buy an ASIC when it was around $30 (got screwed by Butterfly Labs), I've seen the documentaries, and followed the forks,...

The fact is, people can make up whatever numbers they want - it doesn't change the real place bitcoin is getting its mythical value. Bitcoin will continue to rise in price -- either at a steady rate or a ridiculous one -- until people realize it's worthless as currency and scrap it. Until that happens, there's one simple reason it'll keep going up. It HAS to in order to remain profitable, and if it isn't profitable then it stops existing.

The more people mining, the higher the difficulty rate. The higher the difficulty, the less bitcoin you get for the same amount of electricity. If the cost of electricity exceeds the profit from the bitcoin received, people stop mining. If people stop mining, bitcoin transactions come to an immediate halt.

So the price will always rise, until the day bitcoin drops instantaneously and unsurprisingly to zero.

I bought ~2k worth at around 14k. I have a bunch of chump change in some alts too. Kinda sucks but to be honest I look at it as money already lost that I'm fine to be parted with. I know its a meme and overused but I'm probably going to just hold on. Being new to investing, I have no clue when to pull out.

a lot of faggots got together and accidentally 3000 bch on coin base for 9500 during a natural correction throwing btc lower than normal shaking weak hands with msm fuckkery
bitcoin.com founder ran to bch for money
Ltc creator runs to bch for money
Banks 180 and fug fidget spinner coins shit up
Ada takes 5th place off light coin then absorbed 1/4th of ltc market cap in a night
Ada coming for bch now
Ripple will make btc a alt coin
Tokens are dumb so after a little bit of reading into block chain Pray Normies fuck ripple off and Ada is there to pick up the peices pray it scales well stays around 1-$20 each and one world government gets us finally then the rapture happens

will the proposed lightning network solve this?

Never sell it for a loss. Wait til it goes back to where youll break even and buy eth with it.

Invest in dogecoin


You're missing something important, user. You even gloss over it in your post. Just extrapolate out a few more steps.

the only reason why it hit 20k was because it got hyped up and wall street, with their big $$$ and giant whales intervened.
if none of the hype happened, bitcoin would be headed to a steady 5k fiscal year

>dropping so low
>was under 6k 60 days ago

fuck you talking about, how do you think you can get an actual discussion about crypto when you open with some bullshit like this? Price is irrelevant, the only people concerned about price are people filled with greed.


Most likely, I sure hope so too. Bitcoin has an obvious scaling issue and l
The lighting network aims to fix that. It is said that after the lighting network the transactions should be instant, bitcoin will have some smart contract capibilities , and the fees will be much lower. I blame the recent crash on bitcoin cash and the coinbase scandal. I think we should be seeing a steady constant rise in bitcoin after the lighting network is implemented.

The superior and true king of crypto, on sale right now so you should get your hands on it now

>The fact is, people can make up whatever numbers they want - it doesn't change the real place bitcoin is getting its mythical value
It's value isn't mythical if people can use it to buy things, user. Do you think fiat money has some kind of intrinsic value?

You're right about the fact that it's just pure speculation at this point--gambling, mining, whatever. But I see a paradigm shift occurring in the way people think of banks and The Fed, and I think crypto is behind the dialogue. If there is a huge collapse while crypto is still on the rise, that could seal the deal for crypto becoming a primary method of exchange someday.
^^^A pretty frightening article

Also, electricity could become much cheaper (long-term) if we'd start investing in renewables.

bitcoins only value is as an universal currency to exchange and buy other coins with, since most altcoins or newer ones have no euro or usd exchange rates, once that universal monopoly is gone after more and more exchanges accept eth, ltc and other strong coins too it will fade out and stay in the dark.
how much it will rise before its final breath and when that one will be is still a mystery

Bit coins are controlled by mobs. For example North Korea Venezuela or other countries that are dirt poor and have embargos. But coin is uncontrolled and unregulated only by fucks like b/tards feed into it

>But coin is uncontrolled and unregulated only by fucks like b/tards feed into it
Yes, and legendary investors and hedge fund managers.

this makes me hopefully. i'm just along for the ride honestly. I saw the demo on twitter with bitrefill. Pretty awesome stuff

Buy buy buy


Stellar = benefits for people
Ripple = benefits for banks

Is it ever gonna recover? Nigga it's up 1252% this year, you fucking retard. It drops 25% in a month and you newfags (as in new to bitcoin) freak the fuck out like it's gonna plummet into nothing. Virtually every goddamn year it's up 10X what it was the year before (and sometimes up as much as 25X). Find me any goddamn stock on earth that has a track record like that. You cannot.

This isn't tulip mania either.

You know what your problem is. You disregarded the fundamental rule of investing. Buy low, sell high. You heard all the hoopla about 2 weeks ago about how bitcoin went up 3X in the last month and got in right before the most recent bubble popped. The worst time to invest, you bought high.

BUT I did too. I've doubled my money on bitcoin many many times. But like a retard, I kept cashing out. I got in before anyone in 2012 and had nearly 4000 bitcoin (worth about 68 mil last I checked), but I cashed out at 8 bucks and cashed my last bit out at 38 dollars and thought I was a genius.

You know what retards were saying when the first bubble hit driving it to 38 bucks. TULIP MANIA. IT'S GONNA CRASH HARD. OMG I'M LOSING EVERYTHIGN. Sound familiar?

Keep your money in, bitcoin rises constantly and nearly exponentially, but it also takes huge hits at time (but always quickly recovers). A loss of 25-33% in a single day is common.... but gains of that much are even more common.

Nothing has an upward trend quite like bitcoin and as currencies are deflating around the world people are realizing it's a more valid option for savings than fractional reserve banking. Yes, cryptocurrencies will be more valuable than most world currencies or conventional stocks.

I made the same mistake this last time I put money in. I bought 2000 bucks worth at 15k a pop. Obviously I'm down, but I know bitcoin, I've been at it longer than you faggots. It will recover and then some

tl;dr Don't be a faggot.

I have no idea what I'm don'g son?
I used to have good credit so I got 500 on the DD and 6000K on the CC.
Starting to need a job though?

Wrong bread? Oops

Bitcoin is the most secure by hash, anything claiming better throughput does so by compromising decentralization, openess, neutrality, censorship resistance . 99% are adaptations . Fees are an indication of utilization, alternatives have low or no fees due to lack of usage in addition to spam attacks

It's dropping because of the Bitcoin Cash fork.

This is normal. Whenever stocks split, it is normal for the price to fall. (even by as much as half)

Wait it out. It will go back up.

If you don't believe me, do some googlefu on stock splits.

Retards now think it's worth money?
End of the wave.
More investment = more income for the people already invested in the long term.
Newcomers be warned.

No joke!
You newfags are gonna give it a low spike.
Investors are planning on profiting off you.
All who read this, don't say you wasn't warned.

It's easy, dump a thousand into it and pull out once it hits 19,000 again.

I'll tell you a little trick on bitcoin. Poorfags love investing in bitcoin cause you can make a quick buck at it.... rather than conventional stocks where you have to have a big lump sum to make any respectable amount.

Poorfags buy in the middle of the month, this is when most paycheck-to-paychecks have the most disposable income. Then they sell at the end/beginning of the month right around rent time.

This does something to the price of bitcoin. It always peaks in the middle of the month when poorfags are buying and is low in beginning/end of the month when poorfags are selling.

So to make a quick regular profit, here's what you do. You buy in the beginning of the month (I know this is when it's hard for a paycheck to paycheck, put money back) when the price is driven low by all the sellers. and then you sell in the middle when all the paychecks-to-paychecks are buying.

I make about 50% more than I put in every damn month by doing this.

Did it already dump?
I got nothing to put in, just asking?

It's back down but it will most likely go back up again. But I don't think it will go over 19000 because other better coins are coming into the market.

ETH seems pretty stable

Better lol? Like What? Ethereum also has scaling issues, and we know the founders ... knob

In that case I'll wait until after I push my mother down the stairs...

Most deepweb drug/assasination/trafficking markets only accept bitcoin. This is what fundamentally insures bitcoin's value. When other cryptos are accepted as common scumbag currency, they will gain value, but until then, bitcoin is king.

Also most nations with rapidly inflating currency have citizens investing in bitcoin. There's may be hundreds or cryptos but for now bitcoin is all that's really used. Keep that in mind.

I'm aware you're just investing, but it truly is TULIP MANIA to put money into a crypto that really has no conventional use outside of just an investment.

Poorfags aren't buying bitcoin anymore, they're buying other cryptos. Litecoin or Etherium are much better get-rich-quick options. EOS maybe?

nigger the fuck are you on about?

Monero and zcash

Agreed, bitcoin is king

Shit. Guess I'm selling my Bitcoin now. Everything Elon Musk touches turns to complete shit. If it weren't for the huge grants he's gotten to shoot pie at the sky, he would be bankrupt a thousand times over.

>Shit. Guess I'm selling my Bitcoin now.
wait goddamnit

Take the schlongs out of your mouth and listen for one second OP. If bitcoin didn't drop around this time I would be shitting my pants. Stocks also drop around this time, you know why? People are selling for tax purposes, people are selling to afford Christmas gifts, and investors are selling both to show profits and distribute dividends, and to re balance their investment percentage. But please sell to me if you want out.

Oh do tell us more about your contributions to revolutionizing 3 industries

My Grand Opening!
We push them, you fluff them,
70% Gatanteed.

That'll be the day

Volatile currency is Volatile. I wonder what will happen when the US Gov figures out China has a huge stake in the BTC market.

Also, Ill beg. get me some coins so i can go back to live stream from work. (get a new cam, etc)