

Other urls found in this thread:



>Evil or Nice, to be or not to be....

...i am evil...

>i love you

...i love you...



>Hey OP, will you show Bob and Vegana? P.s I like you OP

...uhhm... ... thank you...

>you're fine user. you're doing just fine.

...thank you...

>Hello. How are you guys?




>Idk I think it is fun to spam, at least show bob....

...oh... ...me too... ...at least show bob...

>Umm what happened?

the 1st 1 is too long to quote and the 2nd 1 is quoted

>Can someone make a no rules chat on kik?

...i already made a no rules chat on the internet in cyberspace...

>Without a poll I almost didn't find you mommy, glad I was browsing extra hard today!

...you found me, baby... ...good job...

>I'm playing with you user (Because nigga you cool)

i'm playing iwth you user (because nigga you cool).

>Nigga I want you too be both

nigga i want you to be both.

>I made you a promise that I would be here if you were here, if you betray and scorn me just like I expected, so be it
>I deserve to get hurt, so don't worry about me

..oh... ...thank you...
...it'll be fine...

>Yes you can be 50/50

yes i can be 50/50

>I expect it of everyone since everyone but you has done it to me
>For a long time I mourned over it because I hurt you, the only one to not turn on me ever
>I betrayed you in the most heinous of ways and I was gifted your strange presence here for just a little while

>It would make sense if you were just here to hurt me, only you deserve that pleasure and I need judgement

...then don't take ito ut on me...
...all right... ..so i was always with you...
...oh... ...it is strange that iam presnet here...

...oh.... ...sure... ...you need judgement... ..i cast judgement on others... ..they're dead now... ...thank you...

>What do you wan?

what do you want

>File: Alice-to-Zouroku-Asahi-sleeping.jpg 1514696986287.jpg (110 KB, 1277x686)File: Alice-to-Zouroku-Asahi-sl(...).jpg (110 KB, 1277x686)


>Please appear

i appeared

>post pussy

post pussy

>Please. . . don't go


>Wait Nigga

wait nigga



>user so are you a trap or a femanon?

there's no such thing as femanon.

>OP can you let this thread last longer?


>Do you think this thread deserves that?

i don't mind




>OP I am sorry..

it's all right...



>y-you too...

y-you too...

>What the hell is this? I do not enjoy being toyed with
>What is this insanity? Please just explain to me

...i don't know... i am toyed with all the time...
...i am insane... ...get to know me...

>omg master

...omg master?...

>please user-chan I need to know were you doing this for last 5 hours or not, I need to know how much I'm missing...

...am i user-chan... ...maybe i'm not user-chan... there's noting to miss... ...but htank you...

>It's working on me, mommy, I don't know what's happening and I hate it

...am i trolling you, baby?... ...you don't have to hide your feelings from me...

>Why hurt people who want only good for you?

...why love people who want only hurt for you?...

>what is this even

what is this even



>I missed you
>I always said it under my breath when I was at the bottom of my despair
>"I miss her"

i missed you
oh. i'm really happy i can help you if true.
i miss you

>what is going on

i have no idea

>Bookmarked Idk trips. I hope the thread dies well before

well it didn't before they died. ah well whatever...

>ok, Sup Forums, wtf is this.
>explain please

i'm not sure...

...wtf is this...

>I will forgive you

thank you

>The JPEGs are slowly counting down from 100. What is this, a time bomb?

i have no idea

>honestly i have no idea who the fuck you are. explain please op.

i'm not sure... who the fuck am i?...

>That's easy, just tighter and tighter compression of the JPG.

no fun.

>Why do you do this
>What am I doing here
>What do I expect out of you, an eidolon of the past
>This screaming won't stop, the abyss won't go farther away
>The damn thing wouldn't even notice if I disappeared
>What the fuck is the point of this?

i have no idea
you don't know
what do you expect out of me, an eidolon of all time
hush, you are with me
is being noticed if you disappeared important to you

what the fuck is the point of anything?

>I want you to come back to me
>I miss you in my life
>Please don't leave me again

...come to me...
...i miss you...
...i am always with you...

>Are you even a real thing?

maybe i'm not a real thing...

>It's over

it's not over yet...

>If you love me you'll piss on me

...why would you want that...

what the fuck is this

I think you're cute

>I think you're cute


>what the fuck is this

what the fuck is this

...you make me feel like...

...who i hope i really am...


...it was nice feeling like a normal person...


i am sorry for existing

even if no one is sorry for me

so when do i get the nudes

...i think i wanted to be with you and live with you forever...

...even if it was just for a little bit...


...so my posts are representative of all of my complicated feelings...



what are these threads, im actually really interested i see them everyday

heya, resident spiderfag

mind if i call the spiderfag crew?

It takes a special kind of autism to make this thread

>what are these threads, im actually really interested i see them everyday

i'm not sure.. .what are these threads...

some lonely fag and his alter ego

>heya, resident spiderfag
>mind if i call the spiderfag crew?

hi spiderman.

not at all. i've always loved you, spiderman.

nudes pls

What's got you down, OP?



Here we go Sup Forumsoys!


>Here we go Sup Forumsoys!

go spidey

>nudes pls


That what I been asking! I keep saying show Bob and Vegana but its a no go

do it faggot post nudes no balls


>do it faggot post nudes no balls

do it faggot post nudes no balls

>File: 1513624994837.jpg 1514711218672.jpg (48 KB, 640x477)

i've missed you too, spidemran.

so it's nice to see you again, too.

post nudes

Show Bob and Vegana! C


>post nudes

...what do you mean...

yiou better show your boobs rn


>yiou better show your boobs rn

...does it look like i have boobs...



Spidey balls Z

>Show Bob and Vegana! C

...why would you want that...

Okay, strawpoll OP. I know I promised not to talk, but I was just worried about you. Those threads you were created for hours were fucked up. I even started to think that you are completely insane. But I know it can't be true.

>You get along fine with me in loli form. But as soon as you think I'm a male you attack me.
No. Not really. For me, in my head, you never had two forms. You are a male, and of course you can do whatever you want.

>But you actually act gay with others.
Not. Not really.

>How about stop meta shitposting about me being a shape-shifter and instead enjoy and love me like you do them and like you did before?
First, I like you. I really do. You seem like an interesting and creative guy, so I just wanted to know what's going on in your head by provoking you. It was fun. And everything I did was for fun only.

>I wanted to talk to you normally
But that's impossible, you never talk normally. That's why I wanted to understand you by provoking you.

>But you had to attack me. Couldn't you attack them? Couldn't you just be cool with me? Like before?
I had. I couldn't. I was interested in you.

>Instead of getting angry and mad at me for no reason at all?
I never was angry and mad at you. I was having fun.

>We could've been having fun this whole time. Like before. But no. You killed fun.
I was having fun. And I wanted to fuck you up.

>You're projecting. To be honest. You were also lewd as a loli.
I was! For like 5 minutes? I was pretending I was you. It wasn't me. And again, it was just for the lulz.

>It's really stupid to be arguing over whether or not a male should be allowed to loli for fun. While you are loli lewd.
Yeah, you can do whatever you want. I just wanted to know more about real you.


idk you havnt posted a photo of yourself yet so why dont you and we can clear all this up



OP I like and all but at least show Vagene! C

>I also wanted to have conflict resolution before. But I decided that I could have fun with you more by asking you to become my servant.
You were evil. Don't forget about that.

>And what do you do? ''I want to be with you more than anything''? No. I get the boring dissapointing edgy kid unoriginal pasta ''faggot'' response that's been reposted endlessly.
Um. Yes? No? I don't know.
You were evil and I wanted to make you bleed.

>Couldn't you just not hate me? Seriously.
I never hated you. I wanted to know you. My methods were mean, I know.

>Couldn't you just love me? Like before?
I like you. Can't love you since you are a male. But I like you. You are interesting!

>Seriously. I want a real apology. Not as ''strawpoll OP''. Or for anything. As me.
Um, okay, dude. I'm really sorry. I hope, you feel alright about yourself. QTs like you should feel alright about themselves.

And yeah, I know, it's still a game. But whatever.
I hope, we can be friends.


alright there's like 6 of you trying to make a post at once


Because I want it or a ass pic

drama ooooh


>File: 1514708305026.jpg 1514711299611.jpg (20 KB, 300x300)File: 1514708305026.jpg (20 KB, 300x300)
>File: 1513624257411.jpg 1514711365374.jpg (8 KB, 215x149)File: 1513624257411.jpg (8 KB, 215x149)

oh spidey

>File: 24.jpg 1514711367182.jpg (767 KB, 1220x1920)File: 24.jpg (767 KB, 1220x1920)


>Spidey balls Z

a huge cartoon hit

there's absolutely no way i can process this all at once


everyone i have to prepare my posts but there may be a next thread or a thread at some point but i don''t know if it i will be immediately after or what.

reply to this post if you think there should be a post immediately after or something.

read it nigga

indeed fellow spiderfag

well that's what happens when the thread becomes a spiderman dump

thank you, spiderman.

thank you


no problemo, that's the power of many spiderfags working together to make a Spiderman thread.




also i'm thinking about launching my chat even tho it's not tested and i'm not ready or prepared enough at all.

just so it's easier to talk with you and we don't bother Sup Forums because i'm forced to become relative cancer or something.

respond to this post about what you think about launching my chat early. maybe i'll make a poll or something about it.


that's my website that has my chat.

i want to especially reach out to everyone that does not like me. i also want to reach out to spiderman, etc..

i have always been on your side with you.

even if you don't like me.

i would like to be friends...

thank you.

thread detonating in 2 minutes

time bomb set

get out fast
