Would you suck your own dick if you had the ability to?
Would you suck your own dick if you had the ability to?
yep, I'd probably do it all the time lol
Damn right I would.
most likely, yeah.
Fuck yeah. I'd suck it empty. I'd cum in my mouth and swallow it too. I'd probably do it on omegle just for the heck of it.
I would. Could it be considered gay to suck your own dick?
No but incest yes
Is it considered gay to touch your own dick???
I actually could up untill I was in my late teens. I never came tho.
its not hard if you have like 8 inches and a long back
Actually... Yeah. I'd suck it dry.
Only if you enjoy the sucking more than the feeling of being sucked
Carl Jernberg sucks his own dick
I've always heard it feels 90% like sucking and 10% like getting sucked. Which makes sense.
I don't like that ratio. And honestly, I don't even like it from girls much, she's going to want to kiss a few seconds after and nah, nah.
Hell No! to sucking my own dick.
Hell yes, to having any girl suck it for me.
Oh, and yes I would suck a (normal) girl anywhere on her body.
after you come, when it's all said and done...
you sucked off a cock...
a dude just came in your mouth...
Same logic applies to masturbation...
You just jerked a dude off and felt his throbbing cock shooting bursts of cum
sure would
I have, and I dont do it
Why the funk not
that's just giving it a thorough cleaning.
personal hygiene and all...
I could when I was a kid but now I can't. I don't even really try anyways because it doesn't feel good like you would think
like Ron Jeremy I used to until my belly got in the way
Try cleaning it with your mouth
It doesn't? I figured it would be just as good as a blowjob from a chick.
Nothing wrong with wanting to do this, but if you do, you are gay by definition
That's like asking if you'd jerk off if you had opposable thumbs
its the same thing as having somebody else beat you off. It feels better when somebody else does it
I can, but it genuinely doesn't feel as good as you'd think Anons.
Its like how pinching yourself doesn't hurt as much as when you're pinched by someone else, your body anticipates it and it just doesn't feel the same.
How does sucking my own cock make me gay, but you jerking yourself off doesn't? Explain, please.
I'd suck her dick.
It just does. Its an unwritten rule. You suck it, you're gay, plain and simple. You jerk it, you're fine because you can pretend its someone else doing it.
Who is this semen demon?
>Would you suck your own dick if you had the ability to?
is water wet?
there is literally no man on Earth that wouldn't being sucking their own dick, right now, if they knew they could
Eh Bee Family, youtube.
If giving yourself a handjob isn't gay then how is giving yourself a blowjob is?
I would kill the husband and son for a threeway with her and the mom
My domme loves it when I suck my own cock. She likes it when I swallow. I can get pretty deep for her, but often I just like sucking on the head. With the farthest I've gotten, I still need another inch to get it all the way. I start gagging pretty bad when I get that deep. I've found that really using my head to bob up and down on my cock instead of pulling my body towards my mouth really feels good. I've cum hands free several times like that.
Back in high school when I was in shape, I could get just a bit of the tip but hurt like hell for my ribs doing it. Nowadays, my sexy lady does it all for me. Pain free I might add. Also sucking your own dick is fucking metal. Just look at Metalocalypse.
Fuck that, I'd want her solo
She actually does a good impression of that Miranda bitch
its not enough to be able to, it has to be comfortable to get the full pleasure of it.
did it about 10 times when younger....but meh!
I don't care, I'm watching it on mute
Darnit family is hotter:
is he the guy who keeps posting to get people to stop posting ?
Any good videos of her on the channel. I don't feel like sifting through all their bs
No, because I'm an inconsiderate asshole. Sure, it's promised I'd pull out, but I'd probably just cum in my mouth, regardless.
I can't suck my own dick because I have a baby dick
I dunno, haven't checked lately. She does have an insta IIRC but it's curated.
But yes, I would if I could
Ok. I'm gonna try to selfsuck. If I can't, punishments? A list of like 5 would be amazing. Thanks
Select two at random:
1) You have to practice until you can do the splits.
2) Go to a gay bar and accept the next blow-job related offer you get regardless of whether it's to give or receive.
3) Navel-piercing.
4) No masturbation/orgasm for a month.
5) Lose fifteen pounds.
6) Remove all body hair.
johhna hottie tho
I imagine it's like scratching your own back. Usually not very satisfying and at an awkward angle.
insta @johnnamaze
twitter/musically @johnnamazing
would if i could, tried a few times when i was younger, almost hurt my back, never made attempt again.
This so much
No, but I'd let her
dis funneh
its really not.
> not wanting to breed the mother for more daughters...
marylin manson surgically removed his ribs to be able to suck his own dick
not actually true
I can already suck my dick and I do.
any feets?
haven't found any yet
just discovered swimsuit tho
two notes:
these shots are being taken in 480p theatre mode
you can get better images if you go up to 1080p full screen
y'all niggas gotta keep the thread bumped
tell me what you're liking
what you're inspired to do
all that jazz
just continue with that qt then please
yummy tummy
channel link?
we should really be having people webm this shit
Its not Gay If its your own
i can suck my own dick, it's overrated
it's way more like sucking a dick than getting your dick sucked
i'm enjoying her armpits myself
>sucking own cock = gay
>sucking own cock = not wrong
>gay = not wrong
not that I'm usually into that kind of thing
Not a pit fag myself, I love feet and tongues, but they look pretty smooth and soft
of course.
I actually got the head in my mouth a couple of times
> not posting the fullsize nude
No. It would actually be more gay to not do it, because gays can pretty much get a lay any night they want while heteros have to work for it and often end up having to please themselves.
yep, i'd have no teeth left