Amerifag here. Why are Europeans such weak pussies?

Amerifag here. Why are Europeans such weak pussies?

For over three ago, Russia shot down a passenger plane and killed the little European girl in pic related. Only deep concerns were issued.

If it was an American plane, we would have delivered freedom and democracy to Ukraine, and we would probably have liberated the shit out of Belarus as well, just to make it clear for Putin that shooting down airplanes is not okay. If he still wouldn't get it, we would have marched towards Moscow and a glorious victory

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think of europe as the little sissy tranny boy that wants to impress the big muscular russia man

>just to make it clear for Putin that shooting down airplanes is not okay.

you should make it clear to the Ukranians, you know, the ones the US installed after they ousted a true Ukranian democratically elected government

so how many times have u guys won a glorious victory? dont tell me ww2 or some shit. bc u only helped in the end. farmers beat the shit out of all your braches in vietnam. u are still fighting in iraq and afganistan, 10+ years later kek

You're right, we should have stayed the fuck out of the European theater during WW2, let the Soviets ass rape the entirety of Europe for 50 or so years.

And what about Obama shooting down the other «disappeared» Air Malaysia plane over the Indian Ocean?

WWI: Won by America, we literally saved Europe from the nazis
WWII: Won by America, we saved Europe from the nazis again
Vietnam: Won by America, the objective was to stop communism from spreading and it didn't spread
Cold War: Won by America, Reagan defeated the Soviets with his non-violent approach

hahaha, faggot

pretty sure America did more than helped tbh :/

neither was it russia that shot it down - nobody even claims that - nor were it the rebels of the People Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.
it was a bunch of drunk ass ukrainian nazis. the traces left on the plane wreckage and the positioning of AA vehicles by the Ukraine clearly prove this.

OP is a faggot.

the "russians" don't even have weapons that could've reached that planes altitude.
it was the ukraine, you gotta be retarded or a CNN newsfed ameriturd to believe otherwise.

>implying the soviets would have done fuckall without the lifeblood that was the lend lease program.

Face it. the soviets did what they did by guzzeling american spooge and we were all to happy to let them suck as much murrican cock as they wanted because every nazi they killed was one less we had too.

For fucks sake T-34 crews were using god damn signal flags because the dumbass commies could not into radios. And T-34's were having such a high fail rate the ruskies sent some over to the US for us to take a look at them and we honest to god thought they sent us some sabotaged tanks.

the US brought "freedom" by interfering into internal affairs and supporting an unconstitutional coup against the legal democratic government, if anything russia should send help and liberate the Ukraine and while they're at it the entirety of the EU

>WWI: Won by America, we literally saved Europe from the nazis
>nazis before there were nazis

simple. We have only Clintens and Sanders in the Goverments and Media. If it was not a Refugee or a Moslem they give a shit

tell it to the crew of the uss liberty, mutt

>implying the T-34 wasn't literally the best tank on the entire battlefield of WW2
>implying the lend lease was anything but a business deal that the soviets paid off with ease while moving their entire fucking war industry behind the ural mountains
>implying the lend lease didn't merely accellerate what the soviets already were about to achieve regardless
>implying the second front was anything but the US trying to safe land and profit for themself after their bets on Hitler and the help they gave to militarize and enslave europe utterly failed thanks to the soviets efforts

funny bet you won't find many Ukrainians that will agree with that.. a very large majority of them wanted access to the EU not a Russian one


Wow...was there anything correct in there?

1. WWI: No nazis in WWI, it was the Central Powers. Read a book.
2. WWII: After Germany invaded Russia, it was Russia (not the US) who recaptured their lands (at the largest cost of lives in the war) and invaded Germany (that's right...Russia invaded Germany).
Vietnam: Communism didn't spread? The country was united under a Marxist-Leninist government until reforms made in 1986. Remember that book you were supposed to read?
Cold War:'s that Cold War "defeat" coming? Seems like Putin has trumpfag wrapped around his little finger.

Wow, much wealth, so little intelligence.

oh shit that's right

Well there you go OP, America decidedly did NOT do what you claim they'd do if their shit got shot down.

Idiot airline that plots a route straight through a combat area

"a very large majority"
yeah, the bunch shoved in your face on your TV screens, funny enough that's not the election results or the results of the governments deals with the EU before they send their agents in and paid protestors, lol

>>implying the T-34 wasn't literally the best tank on the entire battlefield of WW2

If by "best" you mean the most easily mass produced then sure.

It dident matter that the germans had 10 tigers when in the same time it took to make those 10 tigers the soviets made 300 T-34's.

But the mass production was the only really good thing about the T-34.

>marched towards Moscow

OP is a faggot

It wasn’t a European Airline. It was Malaysian.

US would go to war over a Malaysian airliner being shot down anymore than it would over a Korean airliner being shot down by the Soviets.

Look up Korean Airlines 007

pretty sure you have no clue what you are talking about tbh :D

>marched towards Moscow

Now how did that turn out with Napoleon and Hitler? :D

what's the deal with the girl in the pic?

>Russia shot down a passenger plane
that old gag

Nothing like fantasy.

any more pics of this qt? would wife/10

Amerifags are butthurt that they never trumped the sovietfags in any war or revolution to this day.



To my understanding commanding tank had transceiver while other tanks only had receivers.

They just wanna be like the US
Iran flight 655

Shut up, non-Dutch faggot

>we would have delivered freedom and democracy to Ukraine

You already did, it works just like in every other country liberated by CIA.

Early war signal flags were a common thing.
Hell even up to 44 they were still in common use however by then murrica had given the russians radios.

I would post the link but the system says its spam because its a blogspot link.

Wrong... just wrong...