Hi Sup Forums

hi Sup Forums

step 1 select a fish
step 2 sign up (takes 2 seconds)
step 3 ??????
step 4 PROFIT (seriously this will be the next crypto kitties that were selling for over 10k USD ea)

link: my.fishbank.io/go/5977

Other urls found in this thread:


holy fuck i heard about cryptokitties but it was dead before I could get into it

looks cool

thanks OP I just posted my link on facebook and I have a rare fish already

i reserved the blue one

i activated my email that was easy ur welcome OP btw my ref link is my.fishbank.io/go/5977




when can we battle them?

this just came out so we are the early adopters when this gos mainstream we will be RICH there will be loads of features added soon

OMG! You got the same ID like OP!
Your fishes must be twins! !! Thars so funny, im so glad that OO didnt wrote this by him self!
Tjat whould just be as psdding you own shoulders after you masturtbaited...!!..

Or you are just the same person trying to fuck with us brothers.
F*** the f*** off!

virtual fish??

thanks for bumping my thread idiot

they are cute :3

blue fish masterrace

is there any dolphins


looks very basic but i see potential in this lolz

welcome bretherin

do u like fish sticks?

>makes thread about bull shit
>gets bumbt with the truth
>gets buthurted
>calls some idiot and boostes his selfesteam to over 8000
>should realise to bumb himself is sad af.
>i will still bumping this shit up to front
>stay honest amd golden - boy

how to make money from this? like pyramid scheme yes?

keep bumping it mr ching chong u might improve ur english





im 12 and what is this

crypto so like bitcoin right?

i have 5 fish already

my brother got rich from cryptokitties ill show him this he will probably get rich from this too and im going to make him give me half

I let you know that i....whawhawha, i thing you are just a newfag here on b.

It funny how you are so offendet xD
I'm willing to bumb this fishie thing up just becouse how angepisst you are xD
You are like an hansir on heroin.
Stop padding your self...
Eşeks dont belong here xD

>op can nearly speak one language
>writes about shitty english in his own thread about fish to a man that speaks five languages.
>still is butthurted so bad that even dumbledor cant heal his ass to let him sit again xD
>does not understands one single hint in the lines
>proofes hes a newfag xD

haha anonymis is legun xD

where my fish at

i have a level 9001 fish

I am new here guys but is this normal?

"keep bumping it mr ching chong u might improve ur english"

Calls someone mr ching chong but uses "u"

haha faggot


wtf do i do

Haha faggot

get more ppl to join.. breed ur fish.. sell them for ethereum.. sell ethereum for 800 dollars each

Save em. One day this will be the only thing you can pay with.
Shelas, Marbels, Crack and even "Kinder Überraschungseier"

is this like cryptopets


why is everyone taling about fishbank? im thinking of signing up

why does everyone keep talking about fishbank? im thinking of signing up

lagged lol

just registered is cool

how do i name my fish

once i activated my email i got my fish

use my code pls my.fishbank.io/go/6679

can i get a frog and name it pepe

epic win

holy shit this is everywhere on /biz/ thanks user


my sister was on this earlier lol kids game

plz bois lemme get that rare fisherino my.fishbank.io/go/6767

i just got my mum my dad and sister to sign up and got a fish :D

op i challenged you to a fish duel

my fish is starving where do i get the fish food?? D:

Pllss nigga


i had to check my junk mail folder i finally figured it out and now i have my fish

Gee, these look like referral links. I remember a time when people were spamming the fuck out of Sup Forums with referral links because they wanted a handful of images of some random woman naked from a site harvesting ad-views. I wonder why we don't see that anymore. Oh RIGHT! Everyone doing it got fucking banned.

Please go impale yourself on the nearest security fence.

i cant wait to purchase fish in the marketplace


I need some money to pay back my gf I hope this works OP

how does it work tho?

I read the whitepaper looks neat

I got a rare fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




leave some fish for me




i heard about this on the bitcoin forum

already made $50 WTF!!!!!

just cashed out :)

can someone help me grow my fishes?

gonna fap to all the money im making