Waifu Thread

Waifu Thread
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I got that but now to actually get it uphill

theres a couple spots where you should be able to hit it up there with stasis




I found this some days ago on /w/ I thought you might like it since you like games and that stuff maybe you have it already
I posted it for you a couple days ago but I think you didn't see it
Also this is just a reduced version I found the original one is too big for Sup Forums I can upload it to imgur if you want to

god niggers are fucking disgusting and i hate all shit colored people and dylan roof is my waifu because he killed a fucking dozen shit skins fuck you god fuck shit i want to murder dozens of brown people god fucking

I got it, thanks



go back to bed

eh i dont care much for figures, will save anyways

you finish the shrine?


Not yet, trying to get the orange ball up the same way I did with red


Claiming best girl.

Trying to find something to do atm
Morning mouse-chan

Welcome back old posters, welcome new posters

good morning lesbian aberration
how are you feeling?


Thank you.

Just an hour and some change left, then I'm on my days off

yea its kinda tricky if you dont have a non-metal weapon to charge stasis with

play a game

how many days off?

Must be a relief


Noooo you sleeps!
What's up Susan?
Hello friend, have a holo pic

Oh I have metal weapons, just didnt wanna use up durability, I've manage to get the red ball with the bombs but I said screw it and used one of my clubs to send the orange ball flying

I'm doing well, still don't have any plans for new years but I'll hopefully find something. I'll probably just go out to a bar and relax with some friends. Any plans yourself?
Eh, I don't have anything but a shitty computer to play on. Any suggestions though?

hello shizuru

hello hello
i just woke up, so i'm just getting comfy right now
tried a different type of cheese this morning but i don't think my stomach likes it

hey, that sounds pretty good
my plan's still the same: stay inside, get comfy, watch fireworks

i dont wanna

i meant metal weapons are hard to use there cause of the constant storm

well if you really enjoy being an elitest min-maxer, i think you should play diablo 3, why such a shit pc?


Hello Susan. How're you?

Oh, I just kept it unequiped
Damn the storm is gone

Hello. I do need more Holo pics.

Damn, you're still not doing anything? I have a feeling if I don't do anything it'll be a bad foreshadowing for next year
I got robbed a bit ago and had most of my good stuff stolen

What kind of cheese was it?
Anytime friendo

pretty good, just hoping i don't get an upset stomach from this new cheese i tried
how are you today?

i don't believe in superstition to that level luckily
i'm more than content with just remaining comfy

processed goat cheese
never had processed cheese before, and it's not very pleasant

rip storm, did you get the chest in the shrine?

niggers take your shit?


Took me a while to figure out how to get it which was painfully obvious. i swear this game is making me feel dumb as Arin Handson

There are some real good cheeses out there.


yeah, the ones that aren't processed
mozzarella is really nice

but did you get BOTH chests?

Yep, came home to all my shit gone after work one day

Tired, it's nearly bed time for me.


Tekkon Kinkreet is the best animated movie I have ever watched, hands down. Maybe the THC affects my perception but, whatever.

Anyway, happy New Year, I won't be here anymore because preparing for party,so yeah.

This is agent Chen, planet Earth.
Peace out.

Excuse me?

I do like a lot of the blue cheeses. WHich ones do you prefer?

also comp. kyboard is being shit so I'll probably be lurking till it stops

did you leave your door unlocked, or did they break in?

go back nigga, the hidden chest is far more valuable


ah, of course
well good night then in that case

happy new year, chen!

i'm not really a cheese connoisseur unfortunately
i only really know about Gouda, Edam, Mozzarella, and Emmental

Quick question
Can Sup Forumstards be trained to stop replying to b8 like you waifufags?

>Rubber armor


broke in through a window and took evrything. neighbors didnt notice anyoncarrying allmyshitaway(includingmy60in.Tv) also see (whichiswhymypostisuglyAF)

kek, now you just gotta find the other pieces and upgrade them to level 2.....

We still reply though.
Give bocconcini a try. Its more refreshing than tasteful.

Bloody hell I'm watching a video on the locations for the rest of the sets. They're in places I haven't discovered yet. That will have to wait

i think i've had that
it's basically just mozzarella balls, no?

Yep. Nice and clean, but just small.


Well, shit

Just claimin' my Sono.

shitty neighbors, you live in a city, or in like a suburb?

cheater, the other 2 pieces of the rubber armor are like right next to eachother tho


Nigga I ain't finna spend hours trying to look for it

Please tell me what mango is that!

suburb, it was kinda hood though but I couldn't afford any better


Is that a snek?

well you coulda just asked me for a hint instead of watching a video


oh, i thought you meant like you were goin on vacation or something

Maybe but I'm impatience when I'm teased like this

Do you live in a place you can't get fresh cheese? That sounds like a terrible time.
Bap, can I have some of those donuts now?

did you activate hateno tower?

nope, all mine


i live in the netherlands, fresh cheese is all around me
i just noticed something called "smeltkaas" when i went for groceries and took it with me
what i didn't know was that "smeltkaas" was just the dutch term used for processed cheese (it literally translates to "melt-able cheese")

That's fucking gross go die you pedophile (;

Oh nah, just my weekend

head southwest from there across the mountains

thats much less exciting

WTF I see a big red chinese dragon floating around

thats dinraal, you dont need to worry about him for now, funny tho im actually hunting him right now

Wtf you hunt that thing? The hell is this, shadow of the colossus?


heh, i need his claws to upgrade some armor, dragons dont fight back tho, just shoot them with an arrow to knock off the item you need and they fly away after it drops


Lame, I thought I was gonna have to whip out the ol climbing song youtube.com/watch?v=dVNcmGjNW6c

catching dinraal is a bitch tho, he flies a relatively straight path so you can just barely keep up with him even on the fastest of horses, and then you've gotta glide up to him to get a good shot and make sure you get the right material from him

Btw what should I prioritize with these tokens, hearts or stamina?

Hello ?

doesnt really matter, you can put in the effort to farm materials for stamina elixers and then you dont need any stamina increases, or you could just make a shitload of food to heal alot, if you wanna be lazy just put points in both

Having max everything would be nice

having 3 full stamina wheels does enable you to climb basically whatever the fuck you want, even without needing food, and you can sprint for a long time

Would that sacrifice getting all hearts? That's what I wanna know

I dont think so. Theres too many shrines.

you can max out both stamina and hearts with the available shrines

Considering you said there's 800 fucking kokoris, I believe it

Ight thanks for confirming

well i still have 27 hearts, so does it really matter?

The current conversations ITT are so boring.

Good lord, I need to get on with the shrines

Anywho it's 6:27am, need to head to bed for work night

why don't you start an interesting conversation then?

i should sleep too, nite

Me..? I'm not sure if I can.

Meanie, whatcha up to?
I've never heard of them doing that to goat though... Sounds gross.