I was stupid and let my boyfriend run up a bunch of debt under my name...

I was stupid and let my boyfriend run up a bunch of debt under my name. Now he refuses to pay it so that I can't break up with him without having to pay the whole thing myself. (Says he's getting around to paying it all the time)

What are some decently priced, easy to sell things I can ask him to buy me while I'm pretending we're all good. I'm going to turn around and pawn them to pay off the debt and then leave him. He's an alcoholic, a cheater, and verbally if not physically abusive. Just an all around mess.

I would say tits or gtfo, but you're obviously female.
Only a whore would let a guy pull that shit for money

jewlery probably but i think knowing his history hewill probably buy it under your name

you are very stupid for letting him use your name to charge stuff

if i were you i would just run away from him he sounds like he uses you and is crazy and will only hurt you in the long run

Well he was sweet at first. That's how I got trapped.

I stopped letting him use my name for stuff. I just need the existing debt cleared up. I did it as a favour with his word I would be payed back. Its not like I can go to court and force him to pay. I also can't really steal any of his stuff because then I'll be the one in trouble.

Lisa is that you? Lmao

>Your body
/ Thread

Except you're not trapped. You are letting him treat you as he pleases and abuse you over the hopes that you might get paid.

I take it back; you're not even a whore. A whore is smart enough to get the money up front

go to the cops or the courts get advice don't waste time doing that it will only backfire and leave him

also start using protection if that guy gets you pregos you life is going to be over also don't come here for advice most people here are trolls or pent up assholes who like fucking other peoples lives up

Tits or GTFO

what did he purchase under your name?
take these things, sell them, leave him.
it's your stuff.

never trust anyone with your own financials and don't give out money you're not willing to write off, it's really not hard

Just claim he raped you

What kind of dollar amount are we talking here?

and I know I'll be breaking the rules, so you're going to have to show tits so I can help

This. But you can take him to civil court and try to get them to force him to pay.

>He's an alcoholic, a cheater, and verbally if not physically abusive. Just an all around mess.

I'm calling bait here. You ain't a woman, and I don't need to see tits to know that.

Srsly, if you're not gaslighting him (read about all the flavors), guilting the shit out of him with lies, and stealing out of his wallet in small incremental amounts (dude, I thought I had another 20...I must be getting old), then you're obviously not a woman.

so suck my dick. pic related.

a gun

true, you do have a contract. a verbal one is still legally binding.

probably not gonna work but if it's worth a lawyer ask him to sue for duress

Was there a verbal agreement that these were not gifts but in fact loans? And that he was going to pay back? Do you have anything in writing? What is the amount of debt incurred and what are the items?

Otherwise you're going to have to nickel and dime him for a long time, and he may be smarter than you think.

You don't need a lawyer for that kind of thing, just find the right paperwork at the courthouse and petition a hearing.

If there is any merit to it, they will subpoena him for a hearing and the judge will decide terms or throw it out.

Okay what the fuck is going on in here. You cucks just went friendzone "advice" boy (aka emotional dumping ground) and all it took was one damsal in distress OP and she offers no tits, not even a little leg. Nothing.

Take a fucking look at yourselves.

welcome to b new person, that's the way we do it now.

Ya good luck with that. My ex still owes me $10k in back rent for the last few years because we had a verbal agreement she'd settle up after graduation. Stupid me for believing in love. All women are money grubbing whores. Yes I'm bitter now.

Bitch ... how dare you fucking blame it on him. "I was stupid and let my boyfriend run up a bunch of debt under my name" thats the moment you realize how stupid you are.

Doesn't apply

R E A L I T Y C H E C K always comes with a P A Y C H E C K

yes it fucking does. Shes a chick she shows tits with a timestamp or gets the fuck out.

fuck you newfag

its probably not even a chick but some fat dude in his moms basement

Nobody care, because you're a shitdigging faggot.

>dont verify if someone is a female
>just give them the attention
>this is how we do it now

No thats how stupid cucks like you do it.


Look at internet police over here


Which is the exact reason you ask them for timestamped tits....and if they dont give them they are a fat neckbeard.

Not anymore, we don't put up with your misogyny here mr man

Lurk moar newfag

No it's a girl and her mean boyfriend is taking advantage of her generosity, read the thread.

>not anymore

Yea cause tumblr is gonna take on 4chans weaponized autism.

Enjoy being misled by neckbeards pretending to women.

on an unrelated note I will trim your armor just folo me to the wildy

got any pics? where you from? i'll pay it off for you in exchange for a little ass.

I did read the thread.

why dont you read

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Sorry I'm not a gullible white knight?

clash of the retards, getting popcorn ready

Did you know you can make amazing crystals by whining into a cup of ammonia and bleach using a crazy straw?

smart man.
Fucking brilliant.

Ew... popcorns are soooo 2001

Carbs are bad for you mmmmkay?

omg I meant it metaphorically like fer sure

**No one gives a fuck friendo.


If you’re really craving for carbs, have these glutten free free range organic fair trade molestation free hydrophonic ginseng infused granola and nut bar.

You're supposedly a woman.
So, you're fucking lying.
One way or the other.