Does Sup Forums want to see her penis?

Does Sup Forums want to see her penis?

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Not rn lmao it's 2k18 man chill


i vote benis

OP delivars, because this OP is not a faggot

op diliverz

OP sure knows how to save an image off the internet!

Too masculine body for me

does thou haveth any ass pic also saucerino

why tf do traps always have big dicks


i hate that too

>be over 12
>think thats a big penis

i was giving user examples of smaller 'traps', but thanks for playing

Ass pics please
Who is she

>complaining about women with big dicks
>cant realize you are looking at men
>being this retarded

>Who is she
no idea. random thread find.

I see what you did there

>complaining about women with big dicks
because they shouldn't be pretending to be 'traps'
>cant realize you are looking at men
i never claimed they weren't men


moarrrrr of this cutie

Men who like traps are probably gay.
Men who focus on the penis size are definitely gay.

shes fucking hot

Choose one


i don't recall ever claiming i wasn't gay.
but your presence in this thread is a curious thing, indeed...


You faggots are seriously messed up. The hate is deserved

Wow name?


Sasha Skye
She looks kinda sad tbh. FeelsBadMan


My dick is stochastic

Mathematical equation )( = (t2/d)-c5


because you're bi

also name

hell to the fucking no, i mean im not saying i haven put a dildo in my ass that one time or the anal t but i am Solely attracted to women i think its just the hair that turns me on im like EXTREMELY attracted to curly brunettes


very nice femine penis

Why the fuck arent you locked up?

I don't like traps with tiny dicks. It's useless. I like it floppy.

What is Sup Forums?

Her ?


She's nice.



What's the fucking dumb tattoo?

looks like a baby alien in a "womb"

doesn't have a penis any more


its a map to narnia


what a shame, why would a girl cut of her own dick?

Go on...

they much prefer having an inverted one


>dick not in chastity


Sauce me


About to start on my HRT but can't imagine ever mutilating myself like that.

i guess SRS isn't for everyone. i used to date a transsexual who said getting their dick lobbed off was the best thing they ever did. i dated her before she had the op and she used to hate getting hard and sometimes would get upset whenever she did

Perhaps my perspective will change, but my change is less about the sex stuff and more about my overall appearance matching my 'inner appearance'

i suppose it depends on how comfortable you are with having a penis and if you don't feel unfeminine with having one

Doesn't really bother me tbh. Just because it's there doesn't mean i want to use it :3

do you have plans of eventually getting a boob job or is that something which you aren't interested in?

Will wait and see how things go once on hormones for some time. It's not out of the question.

sweatshirt would be funnier if she had cum on her face.