What's next for her career?
What's next for her career?
sitting on my face hopefully
this guy hopefully
ew arabs are gross they smell
suicide attack in europe
Hi quentin
Gas chamber
Burkini modelling
Suicide hopefully
DP in the ass?
Interracial anal gangbangs 3
she retired already and now is basically "twitter famous"
blows my mind that she got so fucking popular because of a single scene and did less than 10 scenes total
Do other pornstars hate her considering how she's done jack shit and she's like one of the most famous pornstars in the world?
Not Chad Kelly that's for sure
I don't get this meme about bikinis looking like boxers and having a mans name plastered all over them. That's not hot you stupid bitch.
>saw a mudslide looking girl that looks like her eating a falafel sandwich
>strike up a conversation
>she seems to like me
>4 minutes later her boyfriend walks up
>hes a chad
What scene was that?
>Being a closeted homosexual
I don't care. Seeing others have sex while I don't get any ever makes me angry.
the one where she and this mexican chick wear hijabs and fuck a guy
That abortion of a boob job when she'd be a literal 10/10 as a perky small-titted qt is a national tragedy
You should have commited Jihad right there tobequitehonest my man
>sand nigger
>literal 10/10
You sound like the faggot cuck if you enjoy imagining Calvin Klein every time you look at a girls ass.
What a fucking cunt
>a porn star who has taken 1000s of nigger dicks
>out of a soon to be professional athletes league
Women are fucking dumb.
>Seeing others have sex while I don't get any ever makes me angry
I am surprised this is not mentioned in every porn thread and it should be a Sup Forums banner
honor killing
She's not arab.
How'd she get famous again? I never understood. Is ISIS trying to infiltrate the porn world?
Uhh I don't though that seems like your problem. What does Calvin Klein even fucking look like
She's such a fucking cunt. I 100% believe the story Remy told about her.
Hopefully this
*muffeled salil al sawarim in distance*
>I 100% believe the story Remy told about her.
Do tell
That's unnecessarily cruel
Going back to r*ddit
The only thing she has going for her are her looks and you take her figure away and shes fucking ugly
The implants are improvement over the disaster zone her chest used to be.
Show what it used to be.
he's also the nephew of a famous NFL legend so it isn't like he's a random one either, he's also just asking her to follow him on snapchat and that he wants her to go to a game, I don't know his true intent but it's not like he's saying "ayy yo girl you want sum fuck" outright
what the FUCK
Thats america in the next 4 years and deroit in 6 months
>The only thing she has going for her are her looks
Her tits you mean. Take those out and she's incredibly average and borderline unfuckable.
There are pics of her pre-boob job?
that's what happens when you vote for Hillary
I'm just kidding and I can't care about politics but you know this is gonna be the standard reply for everything wrong in the next 4 years
b-boner pls surely not now
It's a win-win
>Her husband is the mod of the cuckold subreddit.
Really makes you think.
They were perfectly fine little titties that plenty of men can appreciate.
The balloon-tits done by a drunk med-school dropout with a jig saw were the travesty. Jesus girls, if you can't afford a good boob job up front, do some shoots to scrape the cash together first and then pay for something good.
Although it is hard to go from A-cups to F-cups and have it look good, even with a skilled surgeon.
>galvin kleinmn
go on..
She and her friend killed and robbed a taxi driver, she got what she deserved. it's only your white knight genes reacting when it's a chick that's in danger.
>borderline unfuckable
Maybe if you have the standards of a woman.
She and her gang robbed and killed a taxi driver. People saw them, and goes after them but she was too slowpoke and hilarity ensued
that's hot
>liking some bitch with ugly ass fake tits
baka senpai
Or your precarious self-esteem and looks.
I'll agree with the correction I meant tits and butt but hold up borderline unfuckable is extreme she just looks ugly / average we both know we still would
Yeah burning someone alive for robbery.
Totally deserved.
why are the delusional ones always the biggest cunts?
>girls outta his league
>starting QB at a power five school
People do not deserve to be burned alive for murder and robbery. Put a bullet in their head and be done with it.
They killed the taxi driver they robbed tho
you just answered your own question
What's next for her career?
the fuck is happening there?
if you're not smart enough to know how to put out a fire on yourself maybe you shouldn't be allowed to live anyway
>She and her friend killed and robbed a taxi driver
do you even TRY to read Turdward McFuckingeejit?
He only does traps
whores who give incentives to "bad boys" fucking up others should be killed. Eden's tale was right
you fucking cuck
No this is what happens if you vote for her
Probably return home to her local pond and duck family
The presence of accelerants complicates matters. Stop drop and roll is only really good if your clothing catches on fire or something. It ain't gonna do shit if you've been doused with kerosene.
still, "im a fugly brown whore, im above man x, im gonna be a total cunt"
i was never cruel to ugly girls hitting on me
>Hey mom look I'm being edgy on a Taiwanese basket weaving imageboard
>She's such a fucking cunt.
Most pornstars are delusional and entitled as fuck.
For example they not just fuck for money on film, most of them escort on the side, or fuck rich guys or even celebs for extra cash, but get extremely offended when they get called sluts or whores.
You're fucking autistic lad
Because they think they deserve everything from men
>Earlier this week, a couple days after fans of Steelers running back Le’Veon Bell turned on him for tweeting a video of Khalifa lip-syncing his song, she appeared on the Rochester radio show "Break Room" and spoke about the Kelly incident. She said she would have respected him more if he would have defended his DM or shrugged it off, rather than hitting the delete button.
>"I don't think that he is a dog, or an inappropriate guy whatsoever," she said. "He could have easily, either A.) ignored it, or B.) went on his social media and said, 'Hey, I didn't say anything that bad.'"
>She added that Kelly should have just told her she was being a "bitch" and she would have agreed. But instead, he went into hiding. Asked by the host if that made Kelly a "bitch," Khalifa answered emphatically. "Yes!" she said.
I followed her on twitter for a while and her personality makes her completely unfuckable. She's literally the definition of a cunt.
>google around
>find a whole subreddit dedicated to people getting killed
Why is this a thing
wait really?
honor killing
I disagree.
>traditional conservative values about not rewarding bad behaviour is "edgy"
how much of a faggot are you? do you live in a kids show?
Really? None of you fuckers ever spend time on /gif/???
To give you a quick summary. She aided two other guys in robbing and murdering a cab driver in her area. Long story short, the two guys got away from a pissed off society, she didn't.
Of course that shit is brutal but she had no problem taking a mans life in exchange for a quick buck. Does the punishment fit the crime? Hell if I know but that bitch had a sore anal coming.
it's like a caricature of a "shit test"
>She added that Kelly should have just told her she was being a "bitch" and she would have agreed. But instead, he went into hiding.
lol she's literally a redpill poster
If you want le serious discussion then fuck off back to redddit. This will 100% be hillarys america
looked at a couple of her scenes and she's really boring, don't see the appeal at all.
>Sup Forums have more civil and educated discussion regarding porn and executions than cinema
They looked liked pooped balloons, it was disgusting.
Dying from meth abuse.
Every board does, newshit redtourist
This girl together with some male friends killed children. What we see here is justice.
maybe if cinema stopped being so shit