This fucking thread again. Ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything

This fucking thread again. Ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything.

Other urls found in this thread:


why don'y you try street hookers?

How is life?

Where is you mom standing today?

Okay, I guess.

>>> young hispanic bro and sis full video enjoy


Why not be a man of religion then? Let's switch that "shame" to "purity"

Thats why you're a lonely faggot, you insult people when they give you help

Where is the bathroom?

you'll die virgin

Why do you care?
dedicate your life to something better for yourself, religion, money, anything

Women are stupid anyway try fasting for a month and go out and get some puss

Because I am atheist as fuck.

I'm sorry. I didn't want to make fun of your moms line of work.

2nd door to the right.


I'm 20 yr old virgin, any advice?

seriously? what the fuck is it about being a virgin thats so bad? i lost mine to an escort and to be honest i felt good for like a week and then reality set in and i actually felt worse then i did to start with. i regret that day and i wish that i just kept to myself. there is nothing wrong with keeping to yourself and not dealing with women. all they do is fuck up everything and ruin all that youve worked for. being alone my entire life has given me the ability to see things for what they truly are. and when it comes to women there are only two things you need to know. one-they are money loving whores who will do damn near anything for a chance to make a profit off of you. and two- they hate having to be adults and will try to leech off of you like a cancerous tumor. there is really nothing special about women or being with one. no matter how much you think you fucked them, they are fucking you over twice as hard. let is go and do something productive with yourself instead of being negative. take care of yourself and fuck everyone else.

Why fasting?

Become a decent and interesting human being.

I already am

Atheist, huh? Yea, it would be weird that way but religion is not entirely set on belief. It's about living a certain way and dedicating yourself to an idea or a cause. Try Buddhism. They do not have a god in the traditional sence.

Then you should have no problems getting laid.


Im not the one who you called his mom a prostitute you fat neckbeard, lmao you deserve your virginity

I lost virginity at 33 met girl who love me for who i am she 24. But finally she can't be with me :( only 5 year together now I'm alone

Boo fucking hoo.

Former 21y/o kissless virgin here.
Now 22 in relationship. Tell me your situation and I bet mine was similar. I'll tell you the small changes you need.

im 19 do u have an advice to me not to end like u

Average looking and devoid of any charme, humour or charisma. Also boring as fuck.

What's your hobbies. How fit are you?
I picked up a bass 12 months ago and joined a band. Also lost 62 lbs in the last 12 months.
Whats your job/eductation situation?
I've reenrolled at Uni in my final year now.
For the charm thing just drinking worked for me

>What's your hobbies.

Bouldering/climbing, gym, running. Reading. Cooking. Video games.

>How fit are you?

Very fit. But not visibly so in the way e.g. bodybuilders are.

>Whats your job/eductation situation?

In between jobs.

>Bouldering/climbing, gym, running. Reading.

Cooking. Video games.
Nothing wrong here just think you just need to find more social activities. Charm and charisma is something that comes with practice meeting new people. Running clubs?
Humor is subjective. Someone out there will find you a good way. You just need to keep looking. Get on tinder try and find someone. Or just go out to bars. If you're healthy looking you've got no problems.

>In between jobs.
Get a job. Seriously. I've started private Maths tutoring and dog walking before going back to Uni. Also been volunteering with junkies since i got clean. Meet new people, earn some and give something back.

What's your friend circle like?

>You just need to keep looking. Get on tinder try and find someone. Or just go out to bars. If you're healthy looking you've got no problems.

Both using Tinder and going to bars. Until now I had no successes. Been doing some yoga and cooking classes recently.

>What's your friend circle like?


>What is so bad

As a man, all of American society considers you a complete failure and a pariah. Women will be incredibly less likely to want you as they will seem that there is something wrong with you. That's what is so bad about it.

I'm a 29 yo kissless virgin, how was your year?

>Both using Tinder and going to bars. Until now I had no successes. Been doing some yoga and cooking classes recently.

That's good just get chatting with some people at the classes. With bars it definitely helps not going alone unfortunately. Find some mates


Yeah you need to find some people who like what you do. Local club for climbing trips? Like I said running club probably a good idea. Pretty much anything you like to do there will be a club nearby for it.

If you find a job, anything at all you'd probably make friends there easily too

>Local club for climbing trips?

Try to do one or two trips per year when money isn't too tight. Friendships didn't develop.

Not OP but I have had tinder for years and only have received one match and when I tried chatting with her she said she meant to swipe left. Tinder isn't some magic wand that fixes lives, it will make those of us who are not pretty boys feel worse.

Once u have a girl and have sex 'ots of times, after some years you even loose the interest in sex. So don't worry, kerp doing your businness, and never make some children cuz they would be born with your looser genes

What do you think is pretty about you?

There are a plethora of worse experiences than being a virgin I imagine. Stop acting like not having sex is worse than being nuked or growing up without proper figures in life. You wonder why society hates you? Its because most old virgins develop a complex in regards to victimization and suddenly think that they should be treated with pity because of their first world woes.

You could literally get a prostitute to fuck you, you could lose that shit FUCKING EASILY in today's society. Spend your time worrying about other shit rather than your status.

>How to tell when user doesn't read

The problem I see is once people get past a certain age they either put pussy on a pedestal and put themselves down so much that they don't try because they know they'd never be good enough or they go the route of an user earlier in the thread and think all women are money grubbing whores who don't know a good thing when they see it and in turn hate them for it.

Both of these are fucking retarded women are just like you and want the same things you do. If you find a good one they'll be the best friend you've ever had and do anything for you

Says the non virgin. It isn't a complex, it is a real reaction people have to finding out you are a virgin passed 22, they literally start treating you different. Sure each person reacts differently but they all end up treating you differently in some way. It is because Americans think in order to be a virgin passed 22, then there HAS to be something wrong with you.

I'm asking specifically. Acne? Overweight? Short? Sloth from the Goonies? Harvey Dent?

Read what you posted again, I think you tyoped

Fuck. Don't********
RIP me

Fat and out of shape, bad face, small dick, small bank account

34 is nothing. I'm 36!

Did you know that, statistically, a man who is a virgin after 30 is likely to be a virgin for his remaining life? This stat includes vows of celibacy and suicides, but still.

It's true. People generally think there's something wrong with you in the whole relationship department if you lose your virginity past your 20s. Quick story about that: My daughter used to think I was the coolest guy in the world until she found out I lost my virginity at 22. Now I'm the guy that if I want to do stuff with her, if her mother were to ask her, she'd say, "Yeah, sure, I guess." She doesn't detest me, but man did her whole view on me change.

Here's the thing though: Is there something wrong with you? It really depends on your point of view. If you want to get laid all the time and you're having problems doing that, then yeah, maybe there is. If you want to become a rocket scientist or a millionaire, then does not getting laid all the time even matter? Short answer: No it does not.

You have to decide for yourself what's important. If getting laid, getting into a relationship is important to you, then figure out who you are, what your standards are in a relationship, figure out what you want out of the other person, and then figure out how to get about getting someone like that in your life. Pro tip: Tinder may help get you laid, but it's less likely to get you a relationship.

>Fat and out of shape
Start walking, how I lost 62 lbs in 6 months so far. I play Pokemon Go shamelessly and listen to music. Works a charm haven't changed my diet been to the gym or cut down beer intake.
>bad face
Losing weight should help but if it's acne, cut down on lactose that helped me. Getting out more will get you more sun which helps.
>small dick
always seems smaller the fatter you are. Mine seems huge in comparison now and it's just average size. And it seriously isn't a big issue, confidence is key and it comes when you make small decent changes.
>small bank account
can't really help you there. it shouldn't matter but it usually does. the girl i met is loaded and i'm not, doesn't really cause any problems yet. I'm still a student trying to make my way shes older with family money. Just think about what you want and work for it

Why do you only shave your left goose egg?

>Now I'm the guy that if I want to do stuff with her, if her mother were to ask her, she'd say, "Yeah, sure, I guess."

I guess I'm a decent enough looking guy but have MS, no job, and had to move back in with family because of said MS

If you just want to have sex the trick is to cast a wide net, be confident in yourself, and just treat women like humans

When I was bummed out trying to figure out my new life I was fucking different girls every other day of the week. If sex if the only thing you want just do that until you realize it's nothing special and move on to something else


My philosophy in life is this: You can have anything you want, just not everything you want. To explain, some things will come with the greatest of ease. Some things you will have to work your ass off for in order to achieve. YOU have to decide for yourself which things are worth going after and which ones are not, but rest assured: You can't be the solitary, lone nerdy guy who plays videogames and watches anime AND be the life of the party, hot and attractive guy that all guys want to be and all girls want to fuck at the same time. You have to choose what you want, and spend your effort and put your focus to that.

I work a very active job, eat mainly vegetables and white meat, soda intake is a few cans a week, and I haven't lost a single pound in 5 months.

No, no acne, just ugly, literally getting no likes on Tinder should be evident there

It's less than 6 inches, it's tiny, dude.

I am not a student, and can garuntee I won't meet a rich girl, so that isn't something that is gonna change.

That's nice, I am not you.


Sex with many different women, just like anything, gets old. Anything, given enough time, gets old.

I've always thought that the biggest relationship we always need to work on is with life itself rather than just the people around us. Because, just like a regular relationship, it can burn hot and fast, slow enough to burn out, or, if we do it right, smoldering like a hot coal (the ideal).

No you're not me but I guess keep doing whatever you're doing because it's clearly working out for you and I'll see you back in here in a couple years for the big ask a 40 yr old virgin anything


Short version: Decide what's important to you, and spend as much effort that you can spend on that.

>Working out for you

How does my situation work out?

34?!?!?!?!?!!? 34 and youve never even made out with a chick?! what the fuck man

Oh it got old as shit fast but it was just something to do while coming to terms with my new life. And no doubt if you love yourself and the rest will come

I am, just bought a house, new job is good, but materialistic goods are pretty meaningless. Even after achieving my goal, I am still not happy. But whatever, I am just wasting everyone's time at this point.

Just means he's not a rapist like you are. Haven't been shamed on Twitter yet? You're going to be.

You being insecure, about your dick size amongst other things, is what's killing you. Fake confidence. Fake it with women long enough and it becomes real. Be a showman with women, and eventually you'll find women who'll believe that you're the show they really want to see.

However you want it to. If all you want is sex follow some of the shit said in this thread. If you want to better yourself and learn to love you first then there's also good advice in this thread. Or if you want to keep doing whatever you're doing and just wonder why nothing changes do that. This is your life no one else's you either make the changes to get what you want or don't that's completely on you

Your top 10 PS2 games

See, I can tell that's not important to you. The fact that you said it's "meaningless" shows its lack of importance. THAT is why you're not happy.

If it was truly important, you wouldn't describe that way to us or anyone. Just sayin.

Not entirely. You TED talk wannabes often forget that it's actually possible to fail.

>Small dick

Pick one

I don't really have any dreams or interests, I just produce money and idly play video games at home.


Yeah fuck anyone who trys to help some random motherfucker on the net by telling them that they can change their shit up to get another result. And boo fucking who failing is part of life either let it tear you down or make you stronger

Spouting out "feel good" messages and disregarding reality helps no one.

get a job
get ritch
get girls

girls love money, so if you have it you will get them

Changing up the shit you're doing because it's obviously not getting the results you desire isn't a "feel good" message it's fucking life man. You can't sit there and wonder why shit isn't getting better when you aren't doing shit to make it better

no but pretending it's as easy as turning on a light switch isn't life.

Failing is a part of life. Some people fail all the way up 'til they die, never succeeding. Some people fail once and give up, not knowing that had they just kept trying they would've succeeded eventually. The only way to know for sure is to keep trying, to persist.

Or you can simplify things, give up early and move on to something else. It's entirely up to you. I'm not trying to use reverse psychology here, I'm just making a nuanced point. If you can't or don't want to get used to failing, then I guess you can fuck off for all I care. You won't get any sympathy from me this way.


It is if you want it to be but if you're not built like that then you can slowly work on the things you don't like until you get what you want or you can jus sit there and not do shit and wonder why nothing ever changes

>I don't really have any dreams or interests, I just produce money and idly play video games at home.

Well, maybe you should get some. People who don't have dreams are either clinically depressed and/or have completely lost touch in who they are. Sounds like you need some LSD and a lot of weed to pry yourself open so you can remember who you are.

There's a goal for you. Do some eye-opening, soul-awakening stuff. Time to wake up.

>do illegal shit to fix your life

I do believe they call this feeling "I can't even".

Seriously, drugs to fix my problems? I may be an empty husk but you're plain stupid.

LOL. If you're not already a professional comedian you really should consider getting into comedy. And if you are, who are you? Louis CK, perhaps?

You're a fucking faggot.

There's the real Sup Forums, see the only reason these threads get attention is because people only want to seem important in some way. This response is how you actually feel about others.

It's not my fault your out-of-touch with who you are emotionally. LSD, though illegal, is a nice, quick way to do that, and plenty of people have done it, especially famous ones.

That said, I'm not saying to do drugs especially if you're adamantly against them, but you definitely need to step out of the realm of doing what's good for you and more in the realm of doing what feels good and right to you.

If all we ever did was what was logical, there'd be no art in the world, no colors to enjoy, no smell of the flowers, no warmth of the sun on a sunny beach, no girl who's company we enjoy, because we wouldn't need them.

You're "an empty husk" because at some point you decided to dispense with as much of your emotions and passion as you could, probably ruling that they did you no good and that you didn't need them. But you can't get rid of it all, and your depression and subsequent emptiness is a sign that you've neglected portions of who you are psychologically for far too long.

You can accuse me of being stupid if you like, but it won't change the fact that I'm right, and that deep down a part of you knows this is true whether you admit to it or not.

>famous people did drugs to solve their problem

I am also adamantly against celebrity worship.

I don't even remember the last time I felt passionate about something, or lasting happiness, so I don't know when I even would have lost that but drugs aren't going to magically bring it back.

You're a fucking faggot with a small circumcised dick.

why don't you just get with some aboriginal women plenty of those baes out there pic related

They can. It just depends on what you take. I won't go there though since it's not an option on the table for you. And most celebrities are cuckolds too, but there's no denying the fact that a far higher percentage of celebrities do drugs such as LSD, and a lot of them get laid too. Do they all seem happy to you?

You don't feel passionate about anything because you've been disconnected from yourself emotionally for so long it's like a bridge in your head you've long forgotten the existence of. The thing is though, it's still there. You just need to find it, or at least figure out a way to find it. If you are to find any semblance of happiness and fulfillment in your life, you must resign yourself to do this.

Unfortunately this is a road you will have to travel seemingly alone, at least for the time being. I don't think I have any more to add. You have to go through what's called the hero's journey. I won't go in depth as to what that is, there are books on the subject both in mythology and psychology, the only thing that I can tell you is that at the end of it everything around you will appear to be exactly the same... but you will change. If it doesn't kill you, you will feel and be better because of it. The catharsis from it will finally bring you something you thought you'd long forgotten...

theres a reason youre a virgin, its cause youre a massive faggot. you should kiss a gun