nobody will ever want to touch me nobody will ever want to see me nobody will ever want to feel me nobody will ever want to embrace me nobody will ever want to hold me nobody will ever want to laugh with me nobody wil ever want to enjoy life with me nobody will ever want to be with me
Nobody will ever want to touch me nobody will ever want to see me nobody will ever want to feel me nobody will ever...
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not with that attitude
Not if you keep doing that crazy shit.
>Incoming fags falling for b8
hispanic brother forces elder sis full video enjoy
I want you :)
You'd be surprised. People are more accepting than you think.
my attitude doesnt change the fact that everybody knows im garbage
bro don't do that shit and ill be there in 10 minutes as long as your cute and know the difference between marvel and DC
yeah , not with this legs.
I would like to be your lover :)
and cant judge without full body pic
Might just as well kys
OP are you a guy or a girl?
I'm sure you could find someone to love you for who you are. But you should stop harming yourself. It's not good for your body, your self-esteem, or your self-image.
For example, if you were a girl, I would be with you if you promised to stop cutting yourself. But if you're a guy, I'm not into that, but I know for a fact that someone would love you and accept you.
Give yourself a chance.
Or just eat the pain away like a real American
if you think about it rationally, if you cut yourself no one will want to touch you. If you stop cutting then people will want to touch you, its common sense.
whomever does this needs to be reminded: your body needs to be taken good care of. You can always pet yourself the area you want to hit or cut. When you are desperate, eat a small sweet treat, play a small game or anything and preferably many of these at once quickly. Or rest and get wise and be good. - - - And know you are wanted to be well. - - -
I know this image may not be OP, yet still people may consider it an option. do better
you look like a cutting board
LoL, you have upped your cutting game Lexii
nobody would want me either way, im just doing this because i deserve it
ylyl omg
Dude, remember, not everyone thinks you're garbage. No matter what you did, do, or will do. Just because you think you're worthless doesn't mean you are.
I don't care if you are a boy, a girl, else, you're a human. And humans love and deserve to be loved. Maybe you think there's no one for you right, now. And maybe it's true. But you're gonna miss every shot you don't take. Just because no one is there to hold you means there won't ever be someone.
You have to atleast try. Get out of Sup Forums. Find people to talk to on Reddit, Discord, to talk about things you love. Please OP, you have to try. Self harming may make you feel good on the moment but you can't tell me it has a positive impact on your life. See someone if you can and want, and mostly, please remember there will always be someone. Including me. I believe in you
We know