This girl wants me to bang her while her uncle watches and jerks off...

This girl wants me to bang her while her uncle watches and jerks off, did I get lucky or am I nuts for thinking about doing this?

Do it


How old is she and uncle?



knock her out cold and fuck the shit out of that uncle

She is 28, not sure about him. I'm 22.

If you're a man you'll do it

Oh shit you'll finally wet your weewee without a diaper or steamy log coming out?

Have you met her IRL and confirmed she's into it?

99.999% of the time, if it's some random "cuck my husband" or "fuck me while X DUDE watches" from craigslist or whatever there's not actually a girl, you'll show up and the dude will be there and tell you she's running late but you can go ahead and get ready. And then eventually he'll either try to get you to do gay stuff, or just start jerking off "to edge" and cum on/at you.

DO NOT ask me how I know this.

Tell her you never been with a girl, you need a test run without the uncle to make sure you perform well when he's watching

Just fuck her.

Kek. Sage.

As for OP, obviously you already know the answer to your "question"
And you thought polling Sup Forums would bring a legitamite source of wisdom and rational level headed advice?
You're looking for validation from degenerate fucks to self-validate your degeneracy.
Be a man and own it, or avoid it.


He molested her when she was five.

Also we are going to be doing it while his wife is asleep Lol. So it's like a weird reverse cuck.

If you have to ask Sup Forums then you're not into it enough to go through with it. Even if you did turn up, her uncle watching would make you totally limp, and you'd have to leave out of embarrassment.

Duuuude do it that's awesome but bring me so I can Fuck the wife XD

Why the hesitation? Do it.

Remember the saying "Don't stick your dick in crazy?"

This is sticking your dick in crazy while crazy watches. High likelihood you get stabbed/assraped/etc.

dude...thats just a guy baiting u so he can rape u...dont be retarded...the uncle will join in, there is no "watching"

Hope your butthole is prepared for a surprise 3-way my dude

this shit ain't normal

They're going to show OP cp of the girl. I'm calling it.

Nigga WHAT

Sounds insane, I know.

I'd do it, but get a buddy of urs know where u gonna be, ideally have him wait for u outside or something.
Also, take a knife/gun with u.
