Official Ket thread!

Official Ket thread!
DD's on his way.
Make me happy?
hopefully I can type back.

Other urls found in this thread:



Drugs have arrived and have hit very fast!

Phyconaught time!

I can still use my PC so we're M'kay ATM.


You have to think twice about everything your body does.
This is menatal.
Slow mo

I'm still alive!

Just had a huge rave followed by 20min of puking coz the rest of my body hadn't realised we where exausted yrt.

Next 10 rolles I can not lie?

dood u ok?


which drugs are you on?

Ket and alchol. although I think most of the alchol may have evacuated my body,

Does this mean I'm sober emough to drive?


I'm so bendy and elastic I won't die?
Same logic goes into every driver on the road?
Think about it?
Drink/drug drivers never die because we just bend around shit instead of trying to break our fall and breaking bones in the process.
If we was all drunk/drug driving would there be more deaths or less.
Yes, ther'd be more crashes.
But we'd all just jump out fine and maybe make a new friend in the process.
Then we'd go for a pint and wait for our cars to be recovered.


> Ket.

Damn nigger, you need some English classes. Die in a pile of AIDS needles.

Comming down now?
That didn't last very long?

Nice trips but I put it up my nose?
Where do I catch the aids from?
+ there is more chance of me catching tetnus than aids from the needles in my livingroom and they're all for threading cotten not DNA?

DNA was wrong. I meant erm... blood mucuss?



I think thats a ferret

Don't be silly. The bread will get soggy?

That's a catsnake.

I know right?
Why don't them niggers leave the cats alone and let them finish eating sushi with the nice lady?

I'm waiting for the re-up but I'm not sure if one is coming?
Should I wait or just blast another line?


truly evil

I'm doing line 2
I'll keep them small from here.
Wish me death in my own vomit anons?


Fuck this shit is fast.

umm... i think that is a little too much "cat", user.

Jack, is that you?

He said cat instaed of pussy....
Oh my sides... are exactly where I left them.




what is going on, guys?

it's me, guys. what are you doing here?

Ket only lasts about an hour, keep feeding yourself lines an you'll be golden.

Fuck me?
Small world pal!

The regret I feel when I realize all my childhood toys could have paid for a semester's courseload...
But alcohol is cheap. And memories are fond.

That wasn't OP.
I'm OP
Or maybe the guy below me is OP.
Tell him he's a wigglet anyway?

OMG 53's too late!
Tell this guy he's a wigglet instead?

I wondered if wigglet had been coined yet.
It has...

time is a social construct. we're all op.

Did you take ket too?

Why is it that every time I start to think Ket is shit it's like a space rocket went started going up inside my head?

The 1st blast off I wen't crazy for an hour.
Now I just feel really space cadet moon landing head keeps wobbling type of normal though?
I wounder what happens if I try my legs?

They work fine.
Time for anouther line.
1 crazy euphoria then just dazy head wobbling shit. I'm probs gonna OD on this shit tonight lol.

I just had a huge line?
I'm of my box.