What can girl vaginal mucus be used for?

what can girl vaginal mucus be used for?


you can make yoghurt with it.


free lube?

the only correct awnsers

mucus schmuckus

It would be an undestroyable shoes.

i wish i knew. i've got like two bottles in my fridge that are about a month until they expire and i have no clue how i'm going to use them up.

Probably good for your hair. No lie, After I fap I rub my cum into my hair. Easy clean up, and semen is great for your hair. I used to have dry, haylike hair, but ever since I started putting cum in my hair (maybe a month?) It's been smoother and shinier.

its like a butterfly

I have heard it is good for loosening Rusty nuts and also as cleaning agent for shower curtains. Amazing

Prove it faggot

wait really?

an alternative to thousand island dressing?


I'm being 100% serious. I fap right before going to sleep, and just rub my cum in my hair before knocking out. As long as I spread it out and don't leave a clump in it, there's no sign of it when I wake up. No one will ever know, but it actually works.

you could try to use decent shampoos you disgusting faggot

Exactly. What do you think wd40 is made from.

I do. I use shampoo and conditioner, hair is still a haylike mess. They don't have the proteins and nutrients cum has.

maybe you should kill yourself and give the worms some much needed nutrients

sauce on img OP? That pussy is fucking delicious

It can be used to clean windows, can be applied directly or via a small towel

Go fuck your dead grandmother.

It can be very effective in treating chapped lips and soothes upset stomachs. Has been known to relieve bad cases of diarrhea.

can confirm this

can confirm you're the samefag

Chewing gum.

>As opposed to boy vaginal mucus?
Underage b& detected

can confirm he's not.


for the love of god OP, sauce

how many litres are we talking about?

Estrogen has high anti-viral properties. Eat pussy

It depents how many girls you collect

I made concept of special pump for collecting mucus on industial scale
Any thoughts?



home juicer for girls


Like WD-40 it can make a fantastic lubrication for moving parts, gears, and joints.

Eye wash and can also be used as crack if dried out.

A fancy dinner beverage


Thats why you can put it into a syringe and inject it into your vains. Works much better like that.
I know any medfag here can confirm

I don't know, but it is delicious.

If you put it inside your computer it will run faster.

Thats some beefjerky


Pray tell us, how will they fare?

glue, silly putty if there's uterine lining, and a bouncy ball if there's a developing fetus >5mos

>a bouncy ball if there's a developing fetus

it is the fuel for the time machine
how can you not know this?

I think it will just stick of run down the sides, if you don't get a lot from the girl

Part of the juice is sucked yet in the vagina. The rest drips to the base of the probe.

chapped lips

So it sucks too? I thought it was just a dildo relying on gravity and ease of way

Yes, it sucks and put collected mucus into blue bottle.
plug vibrates and massages pussy to stimulate mucus production
Sucking sessions lasts at least 2 hours so you need to tie girl to prevent her unpluging herself

Why, a salad user! Add some vaginal mucus and a few cucumbers and you'll have a good balanced meal!

seriously why the fuck must you post the same shitty thread every day!? Everything to be said about this subject has been said!
