2018 predictions GO

2018 predictions GO

Trump might die

Naughty dog comes to their senses and make a jak4

I will fuck at least 2 women.

Mein fuhrer returns

we all die because of nukes

I will get a gf

Brazil wins world cup 2018


if dubs i will die

death of Stan Lee

Blizzard dumps Diablo 3 on some breakaway faction of former replacements for replaced replacements.

The game is good probably idk i can't future that much.


Hollywood is going to make a bunch of lousy movies this year.

Sup Forums die of asia

trump dies
media mumbo jumbo
liberals rejoice
russia fucks turkey
americunts civil war
americunts coup

shit happens
people complain
"2018 is shit"
wash, rinse, repeat for the foreseeable future years

OP will be a faggot.


Liberals will make a campaign to pretend trump never existed, under the belief that if everyone pretends hard enough, it becomes true.

Better luck next year


they are capable I mean stupidity is an unbelievable levels

ill still be alone

first of two years of peace
>and then 3 years of war

Gay acceptance will increase during this year even more.
More whites will cease to reproduce.
More normies will be red pilled at this phase.
Blacked fetishes will rise on ranks.
Sup Forums will also gain more exposure to the mainstream media.
Misconceptions in the digestion of new red pills by normies.(But that may be in 1 years time or 2)
We are going to die eventually and there will be no white people left to blame things on, but this will take a long time.
Humanity will keep on it's vicious cycle of self deception.
Internet will get worse for sure.

OP's faggotry contonues unabated.

The queen of England dies of old age, just as they're about to be BTFO with brexit. The rest of Europe feels sorry for them and gives them a good deal.

I will still have no gf and take too much drugs

NK will get bombed and whites will lower in population due to faggotry


The Queen of England dies, WW3 commences, Aliens visit us!!

Oh also US, the Europe Union and England. Step up your war game ASAP your countries will get more bombed than ever this year.US specially, Keep it cool with the ching-chang boys and take care of the sand people you fucking idiots.

A goddamn world war will finally reset this shitty economy and political class, distributing richness again through the middle class

The queen of england will die on April

the queen looks healthy as fuck also the elites hate charles I dunno man maybe

canada becomes the next islamic state. should be good for some keks, hell it's not far off now.

Elle Alexandra will do boy girl porn

there will be a lot of sex tapes

there will be some famous actress/ukown actress will do films with real sex scenes in them, all done to avoid being sued for rape

people will be more woke to the jewish tricks

Dont you mean continue to be

We see mileys butthole

>Queen dies
>another set of Jennifer Larence's nudes leaked
>another Star Wars faggot movie
>Fall of cryptocurrency
>some jihadi bois blow themselves up in Europe and North America
>I'm still gonna be a fat lonely retard by the end of 2018

this is no prohphecy, it's tautology ...